8月17日,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准Zelboraf(vemurafenib)用于治疗晚期转移性或不能切除的黑色素瘤。此药是今年获准的第二个治疗黑色素瘤的药物,它能改善患者的总体生存期。 Zelboraf特别适用于治疗有基因BRAF V600E突变的黑色素瘤。该药尚未在该突变阴性的黑色素瘤病人中进行过研究。 Zelboraf获准的同时,FDA还批准了首个用于检测cobas 4800 BRAF V600突变的试验方法,这一诊断方法将有助于确定病人的黑色素瘤细胞是否存在BRAF V600E突变。 BRAF蛋白通常涉及调节细胞生长,但它在约半数晚期黑色素瘤病人中发生突变。Zelboraf是BRAF抑制剂,能阻断V600E发生突变的BRAF蛋白的功能。 “Zelboraf是FDA批准的第二个治疗黑色素瘤的新药,该药被证明能改善病人的总生存。” FDA药物评价与研究中心肿瘤药物产品办公室主任理查(Richard Pazdur)说:“FDA在3月批准的Yervoy (伊匹木单抗,ipilimumab),是另一种治疗晚期黑色素瘤的新药,也显示能延长病人的生存期。” Zelboraf通过了FDA的优先评审项目审查。一项国际化研究确定了Zelboraf的安全性和有效性,该研究纳入675例有晚期黑色素瘤伴BRAF V600E突变病人,这些病人以前未经治疗。病人分别接受Zelboraf或达卡巴嗪治疗,试验设计的测定指标是总生存期。 Zelboraf组病人未达到中位生存期(77%病人仍生存),达卡巴嗪组病人的中位生存期为8个月(64%仍生存)。 FDA体外诊断设备评价与安全办公室主任Alberto Gutierrez说:“今日批准的Zelboraf和cobas检测,是一个很好的范例,表明可同时研发伴随诊断,确保病人在一种安全的方式下接受高效、更个体化的治疗。” FDA批准cobas 4800 BRAF V600突变检测法,是基于临床研究的数据,该研究也评估了Zelboraf的安全性和有效性。黑色素瘤病人的组织标本被采集来检测该突变。 Zelboraf组病人最常报告的副作用包括关节痛、皮疹、脱发、疲乏、恶心以及皮肤对日光敏感。大约26%的病人发生了可手术治疗的皮肤鳞状细胞癌。所以,接受Zelboraf治疗的病人应避免日晒。Zelboraf的用药指引告知医务人员和病人有关Zelboraf的潜在风险。 ZELBORAF Manufacturer:Genentech, Inc. Pharmacological Class:Kinase inhibitor. Active Ingredient(s):Vemurafenib 240mg; tabs. Indication(s):Treatment of unresectable or metastatic melanoma with BRAFV600E mutation as detected by an FDA-approved test. Pharmacology:Vemurafenib is a low molecular weight inhibitor of some mutated forms of BRAF serine-threonine kinase, including BRAFV600E. Vemurafenib also inhibits other kinases in vitro such as CRAF, ARAF, wild-type BRAF, SRMS, ACK1, MAP4K5 and FGR at similar concentrations. Some mutations in the BRAF gene including V600E result in constitutively activated BRAF proteins, which can cause cell proliferation in the absence of growth factors that would normally be required for proliferation. Vemurafenib has anti-tumor effects in cellular and animal models of melanomas with mutated BRAFV600E. Clinical Trials:The efficacy and safety of vemurafenib in patients with treatment naive, BRAFV600E mutation-positive unresectable or metastatic melanoma as detected by the cobas 4800 BRAF V600 Mutation Test were assessed in an international, randomized trial. This trial involved 675 patients who were given either vemurafenib 960mg by mouth twice daily or dacarbazine 1000mg/m2 IV on Day 1 every 3 weeks. The major efficacy outcome measures were overall survival (OS) and investigator-assessed progression-free survival (PFS). Other outcome measures included confirmed investigator-assessed best overall response rate. The median survival of patients who received vemurafenib has not been reached (77% still living) while the median survival for those who received dacarbazine was 7.9 months (64% still living). The median PFS for vemurafenib was 5.3 months compared to 1.6 months for dacarbazine. The overall response rate in the vemurafenib arm was 48.4% (95% CI: 41.6%, 55.2%) compared to 5.5% (95% CI: 2.8%, 9.3%) in the dacarbazine arm. Legal Classification:Rx Adults:Swallow whole with water. Take in the AM and PM (approx. 12 hours apart). ≥18 years: 960mg twice daily; until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity occurs. Dose modifications for adverse reactions or QTc prolongation: see literature. Dose reductions <480mg twice daily: not recommended. Children:<18 years: not recommended. Warnings/Precautions:Not for use in wild-type BRAF melanoma. Confirm BRAFV600E mutation-positive melanoma with FDA-approved test before treating. Risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cuSCC): ≥65 years, prior skin cancer, chronic sun exposure; if occurs, do excision and continue without dose adjustment. Do dermatologic evaluation before therapy, every 2 months during, and consider monitoring 6 months after. Long QT syndrome or QTc >500ms, uncorrectable electrolyte abnormalities, or concomitant drugs that prolong the QT interval: not recommended. Monitor electrolytes before therapy and after dose adjustments. Monitor ECG at Day 15 of treatment, monthly during the 1st 3 months, then every 3 months thereafter, or more as needed. If QTc >500ms, interrupt therapy, correct electrolytes, and control cardiac risk factors. Severe hepatic or renal impairment. Monitor liver enzymes, bilirubin before therapy and monthly, or as needed. Monitor for ophthalmologic reactions routinely. Avoid sun exposure. Pregnancy (Cat. D); avoid. Use adequate contraception during therapy and for at least 2 months after. Nursing mothers: not recommended. Interaction(s):Concomitant CYP3A4, CYP1A2 or CYP2D6 substrates with narrow therapeutic indices: not recommended; if CYP1A2 or CYP2D6 substrates unavoidable, consider dose reduction of substrates. Caution with concomitant strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg, azole antifungals, clarithromycin) or inducers (eg, phenytoin, rifampin). May potentiate warfarin; monitor INR. Adverse Reaction(s):Arthralgia, rash, alopecia, fatigue, photosensitivity, nausea, pruritus, skin papilloma; cuSCC, severe hypersensitivity or dermatologic reactions (discontinue if occurs), prolonged QTc, uveitis. How Supplied:Tabs—120 Last Updated:11/11/2011 FDA批准Zelboraf (vemurafenib)用于晚期皮肤癌治疗及其伴随诊断测试 |
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