英文药名: Zebeta(Bisoprolol tablets)
中文药名: 比索洛尔片
生产厂家: Merck & Co. Inc.
通用名称:比索洛尔 英文名:Bisoprolol 其它英文名:Bisoprolol Fumarate、Emcor、Euradal、Zebeta 规格
片剂:5mg/片,10mg/片。 药理作用
本品为β1肾上腺素受体阻滞药,无内源性拟交感活性和膜稳定作用。对β1肾上腺素受体的阻滞作用强于阿替洛尔或美托洛尔,但比普萘洛尔和倍他洛尔弱。因此具有降压、减慢运动性心动过速和减少心肌需氧量作用。 药动学
本品兼有脂溶和水溶特性,口服吸收迅速而完全(> 90%),生物利用度> 90%,健康受试者单次口服10mg后,血达峰时间为3h,最高血药浓度为36~78mg/L。体内分布迅速,广泛,但胎盘和血脑屏障的含量甚微。血浆蛋白结合率为30%。约占50%的剂量经肝脏代谢,转化为三种无活性的代谢产物,其余以原形药从肾脏排泄。首过效应较弱(< 10%),原形药消除半减期正常人为9~12h,肾功能减退者延长至18h,肝硬化患者为13h。 适应症
本品适用于轻、中型原发性高血压病,每日口服5~20mg,可使收缩压和舒张压降低15%~20%。也适用于稳定型心绞痛,会增加运动耐力,最大运动量时会减轻心肌缺血和减少心绞痛发作的频率和硝酸甘油消耗量。抗心绞痛作用类似于阿替洛尔。对室性早搏、房性早搏和窦性心动过速均有一定疗效,特别适用于甲亢患者的症状治疗。 用法用量
常用量为每次10mg,每日1次,最大剂量为20mg。有些患者仅适用于每日5mg。肝、肾功能不全者每日剂量不应超过10mg。 建议在早晨空腹或用早餐时服用,用水整片送服。对有轻微或中度肝,肾功能不全者,剂量不需调整。晚期肾功能不全(肌酐廓清率<20毫升/分)及严重肝功能不全者,每日剂量不宜超过10mg。剂量应根据每一病人的情况,主要是其脉率及疗效确定。 任何疑问,请遵医嘱! 禁用/慎用
禁用于心机能不全(失偿性心力衰竭)、新发心肌梗塞、心源性休克、房室传导障碍(二度和三度房室传导阻滞)、病窦综合症、窦房阻滞、心动过缓(50次/秒以下),血压过低,支气管哮喘及外因循环障碍晚期。 肾上腺瘤(嗜铬细胞瘤),仅在使用α-受体阻断剂后方能服用本品。 血糖值波动很大的糖尿病患者及禁盐时间较长和代谢性酸中毒患者慎用。 孕妇、儿童或哺乳期妇女不宜服用本品。动物试验对生育能力和下代均无损害,但缺乏使用经验。 怀孕期服用本品时,为防止新生儿心动过缓,低血压、低血糖、应在预产期72小时前停用本品。若需继续服用,新生儿在娩出后48-72小时内应密切监护。 给药说明
本品可降低哮喘患者肺活量和第1s用力呼气量,但比阿替洛尔弱。 据本品(每日10~20mg)为期3个月治疗表明,可增高血甘油三酯和降低血高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇。 不影响糖尿病Ⅱ型伴高血压患者的血糖和尿糖变化,也未发生过低血糖。 本品的降血压作用可影响机敏的反应能力。在开始服用本品、更换药物及同时饮酒时加重,应特别注意。 请将药物存放于儿童取不到之处。 不良反应
用药初期暂时性疲乏、头晕、轻微头痛、出汗、失眠、胃肠功能障碍、皮肤有蚁行感、肢端发凉感、肌肉痉挛、眼睛干涩;偶见血压剧烈下降、心动过缓和房室传导阻滞。可能使间歇性跛行及雷诺氏病加重、呼吸阻力增加、心功能不全加剧。常发生于用药最初数周,但一般不严重,停药后可恢复。约2.7%患者因副作用需停药。 对伴有糖尿病的年老患者,其糖耐量可能降低,并掩盖低血糖表现(如心跳加快)。 药物相互作用
本品与利血平、甲基多巴、可乐定和胍法新合用可使心率减慢。但与硝酸酯类药物合用可提高抗心绞痛的疗效。与其他抗高血压药、胰岛素和口服降糖药合用也会增强本品的作用。 本品与其他抗高血压药物并用时降压作用增强。本品与利血平、甲基多巴、氯压定或氯苯醋胺咪联用可减慢心率。与利血平联用时,需在本药停用几天之后才能停用利血平。 与心痛定联用能增强本品的抗高血压效果。与异搏停或硫氮卓酮类钙离子拮抗剂或其他抗心律失常药共同使用时,需对病人监护,因可致低血压,心动过缓及其他心律不齐。故在用本药期间不宜静注钙离子拮抗剂及抗心律失常剂。 本品与利福平并用可使本药半衰期略为缩短,但亦无需增加剂量。 本品与胰岛素或抗高血糖口服药共用,可使后者作用增强,并掩盖或减轻低血糖症状(尤其是心动过速)。宜定期观察血糖量。 由于麻醉可使心输出量降低,因此接受本药治疗的病人术前要将服药情况告知麻醉师。
Zebeta , Monocor , Bisoprolol ( bisoprolol fumarate ) is a beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure. It may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.
Zebeta blocks the action of the sympathetic nervous system on the heart by blocking the heart 's beta-adrenergic receptors. Beta-adrenergic blocking agents such as zebeta reduce the heart rate and are useful in treating abnormally rapid heart rhythms. Zebeta also reduces the force of contraction of the heart and lowers blood pressure. By reducing the heart rate and the force of muscle contraction, beta-adrenergic blocking agents reduce the heart's need for oxygen. Since angina (heart pain) occurs when oxygen need exceeds supply, beta-adrenergic blocking agents are useful in treating angina. Zebeta is indicated for treatment of high blood pressure. It may be used alone or with other medicines. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.
How to take The usual dose of zebeta is 5 mg or 10 mg once daily although doses up to 20 mg daily have been prescribed. Some patients, for example, those with marked kidney, liver or lung diseases, may be given 2.5 mg daily. Zebeta can be taken with or without food.
Missed dose If you miss a dose of this medicine, take it if you remember the same day. If you do not remember until the next day, skip the missed dose. Do not take 2 doses at once.
Warnings and precautions Before taking Zebeta, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have any medical conditions, especially if you have allergies to medicines, if you are allergic to any ingredient in Zebeta, if you have or have ever had an adrenal gland tumor, severe allergic reaction, asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, or other lung disease, congestive heart failure, narrowing of blood vessels of the legs, arms, stomach, or kidneys, or an unusually slow heartbeat, diabetes, kidney problems, or overactive thyroid, if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are breast–feeding. It is not known if Zebeta can cause harm to the fetus. If you become pregnant, contact your doctor. You will need to discuss the benefits and risks of using Zebeta while you are pregnant. It is not known if Zebeta is found in breast milk. If you are or will be breast–feeding while you use Zebeta, check with your doctor. Discuss any possible risks to your baby. Some medicines may interact with Zebeta. Therefore tell your doctor of all prescription or nonprescription medicine, herbal preparation, or dietary supplement that you are taking. Do not take Zebeta if you are currently taking mibefradil or cocaine, or if you have a very slow heartbeat, heart block, very low blood pressure, or uncontrolled heart failure. Zebeta may hide signs of low blood sugar, such as a rapid heartbeat. Be sure to watch for other signs of low blood sugar. Low blood sugar may make you anxious, sweaty, weak, dizzy, drowsy, or faint. It may also make your vision change, give you a headache, chills, or tremors, or make you hungrier. Check blood sugar levels closely. If you are a diabetic ask your doctor before you change the dose of your diabetes medicine. Tell your doctor or dentist that you take Zebeta before you receive any medical or dental care, emergency care, or surgery. Do not stop taking Zebeta without talking to your doctor first. If you stop taking Zebeta suddenly, you may have withdrawal symptoms. These may include chest pain, heart attack, and fast or irregular heartbeat. Elderly patients may be more sensitive to the effects of Zebeta. Zebeta should not be used in children. Safety and effectiveness in children have not been confirmed.
Side effects Zebeta is generally well-tolerated, and side effects are mild and transient. Rare side effects include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, nausea, impotence, slow heart rate, low blood pressure, numbness, tingling, cold extremities, sore throat, and shortness of breath or wheezing. Zebeta can aggravate breathing difficulties in patients with asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema. In patients with existing slow heart rates (bradycardias) and heart blocks (defects in electrical conduction within the heart), zebeta can cause dangerously slow heart rates and even shock. Zebeta reduces the force of contraction of heart muscle and can aggravate symptoms of heart failure. In patients with coronary artery disease, abruptly stopping zebeta can suddenly worsen angina, and occasionally precipitate heart attacks. If it is necessary to discontinue zebeta, its dosage can be reduced gradually over one to two weeks. Zebeta can mask the early warning symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and should be used with caution in patients receiving treatment for diabetes.
Storage Store Zebeta at 59 – 86 °F (15 – 30 °C). Store away from heat, moisture, and light. Do not store in the bathroom. Keep Zebeta out of the reach of children.
比索洛尔片: 1.25mg*84片
比索洛尔片: 10mg*90片 比索洛尔片: 2.5mg*84片 比索洛尔片: 3.75mg*84片 比索洛尔片: 5mg*90片 比索洛尔片: 7.5mg*84片 比索洛尔片: 10mg*84片 比索洛尔片:5mg 100 片 |