英文药名: MabCampath (Alemtuzumab)
中文药名: 阿来组单抗
生产厂家: Berlex Laboratories
2001年5月,FDA批准了Berlex Laboratories的新药Campath。
MabCampath® (在美国及欧洲上市)
人源化单克隆抗体MabCampath® (欧洲商品名) /Campath® (美国商品名)是第一个对于标准化疗无效并且对福达华®耐药的病人仍具有较好疗效的药物,是世界上第一个CD52单克隆抗体,2001年在美国上市。该抗体引发一系列生化过程,使得肿瘤细胞溶解,即摧毁疾病细胞。因此,恶性淋巴细胞从血液、骨髓和其他受累器官中被清除,从而使得病人的生存期得到延长。
MabCampath® 為第一及現時唯一一種被美國藥物及食物管理局准許使用在B細胞型 CLL 的新的藥物。
MabCampath® 的原理是針對CD52抗原,這種抗原主要分佈在B及T細胞的表面,MabCampath® 由於是一種抗體,會在淋巴細胞表面與CD 52抗原結合,並會引導身體的免疫系統破壞及吞噬在血液及骨髓結合後的細胞。
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【一】其他名: Campath、Mabcampath 【二】来源: 利用基因重组及单克隆抗体技术生产的人源性抗CD52单克隆抗体。 【三】药物机制: 本品是CD52单抗,与表达CD52的细胞结合后,可以通过抗体领带的溶解作用破坏白血病细胞。CD52表达于所有B细胞、T细胞、NK细胞、多数单核巨噬细胞、部分粒细胞表面,而红细胞和造血干细胞不表达。皮肤细胞和男性生殖器(附睾、精子、精襄)细胞也表达CD52。成熟精子表达CD52,但是精原细胞和不成熟精子不表达。 【四】药代动力学: 慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)患者每周静脉输液3次,每次30mg,治疗6周后,达到稳态血药浓度。最大血药浓度(Cmax)和曲线下面积(AUC)与用药剂量有关。平均半衰期(T1/2)为12天。本品存在较大的个体差异。随着治疗中恶性淋巴细胞数降低,本品血药浓度会有调高。 【五】药物相互作用: 尚无正式有关本品与其他药物间相互作用的研究报道。 【六】适应证: 本品为抗细胞表面CD52抗原的单克隆抗体,FDA批准此药用于治疗对烷化剂和氟达拉滨耐药的进展期CLL。此外,已进行的临床研究还包括非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)、多发性硬化症及其他自身免疫性疾病、实体器官移植及骨髓移植后移植抗宿主病(GVHD)等。 【七】单药有效率: 治疗烷化剂和氟达拉滨耐药的进展期CLL单药有效率为21%-33%。 【八】剂型: 每支(3ml)Campath含有30mg Alemtuzumab,24.0mg氯化钠,3.5mg磷酸氢二钠,0.6mg氯化钾,0.6mg磷酸二氢钾,0.3mg polysorbate 80,0.056mg依地酸二钠。不含防腐剂。 【九】剂量: 起始剂量:3mg/d,静脉输液持续2小时。如患者可以耐受,剂量可增加至10mg/d,如还可以耐受,加量至30mg,隔日用药,每周3次,持续12周。(建议每次剂量不超过30mg,或者每周累积剂量不超过90mg). 【十】给药途径: 本品只能静脉点滴,不能静脉注射或者静脉冲击给药。 【十一】配伍: 尚无相关资料。 【十二】禁忌证: 全身活动性感染、免疫缺陷症(如HIV血清学检查阳性)、已知对本品中Campath和其他添加成分有I型超每反应和过敏史的患者。 【十三】不良反应: 1.输液相关副作用:寒战、发热、恶心、呕吐、低血压、皮疹、乏力、荨麻疹、呼吸困难、瘙痒、头痛、腹泻。 2.全身副作用:发热、乏力、疼痛、衰弱、水肿、脓血症、单纯疱疹、念珠菌病、病毒感染和其他病原菌感染。 3.血液系统:全血减少、骨髓增生低下、贫血、中性粒细胞减少、血小板减少、淋巴细胞减少、紫癜。 4.循环系统:低血压、高血压、心律失常(心动过速)。 5.中枢和外周神经系统痢疾:头痛眩晕、颤抖。
6.消化系统:食欲不振、呕吐、腹泻、胃炎、溃疡性口炎、粘膜炎、腹痛、消化不良、便秘。 7.肌肉骨骼:肌痛、骨痛、背痛、胸痛。 8.精神病变:失眠、抑郁、嗜睡。 9.呼吸系统:呼吸困难、咳嗽、支气管炎、肺炎、咽炎、鼻炎、支气管痉挛。 10.皮肤病变:皮疹、斑丘疹、红斑疹、多汗。 【十四】临床应用规程: 1.用药前检测血常规、肝肾功能、血压、心电图、免疫功能。 2.静脉输液30分钟前予以苯海拉明50mg和对乙酰氨基酚650mg预防和减轻输液反应。如果出现严重输液反应,予以氢化可的松200mg. 3.用药前予以磺胺类药物和法昔洛韦及类似药物预防感染,直至停药后2个月或者CD4+细胞达到200000000/l以上。 4.每周检查外周血全血细胞计数,如果出现中性粒细胞减少、血小板减少则需增加检查频次。定基检测CD4+细胞直至达到200000000/l以上。 5.首次出现ANC<250000000/l以上,和/或血小板≤25000000000/L.则需要停药,直至ANC≥500000000/L.和血小板≥50000000000/L。重新用药时,停药时间在7天之内者,剂量同停药前;如停药时间超过7天,则从3mg起用,渐渐加量至10mg,30mg。 6.如果第二次出现ANC<250000000/L,和/或血小板≤25000000000/L,则需要停药,直至ANC≥500000000/L.和血小板≥50000000000/L。重新用药时,停药时间在7天之内者,剂量为10mg/d;如停药时间超过7天,则从3mg/d起用,并只能加量至10mg/d. 7.如果第三次出现ANC<250000000/L,和/或血小板≤25000000000/L,则永久停药。 8.如果患者用药前ANC<500000000/L,和/或血小板≤25000000000/L,则于ANC和/或血小板减少至用药前50%以下时停药。在ANC和/或血小板调高至用药前水平时,重新开始用药。如果停药时间超过7天,则从3mg起用,渐渐加量至10mg/30mg. 9.使用时100ml0.9%无菌生理盐水或者5%葡萄糖稀释,轻轻颠倒混匀。丢掉用过的注射器和剩余药品。每次输液持续时间2小时以上。 【十五】贮存:原药2-8℃(36-46℃)避光保存,严禁冻存。稀释后室温(15-30℃)避光保存,8小时内使用。 卡帕什-30毫克/3毫升/支, 3支/盒
【药物应用】 阿来组单抗(Alemtuzumab,Campath) 是一种 单克隆 抗体,以CD52蛋白为靶向。CD52 蛋白是 蛋白质,存在于正常的和肿瘤的B细胞、T细胞和其他免疫细胞上。当抗体与细胞表面相结合之后,抗体的结合可以激活抗体依赖的细胞溶解作用,使细胞破坏。
被用于治疗B细胞慢性 淋巴细胞 白血病(B-CLL),有一些化疗药物早已用于治疗该病。 静脉输注给药。
【不良反应】 阿来组单抗可以影响血液中的正常细胞,会导致贫血、增加出血和感染的危险性。因此用药期间应监测细胞计数。

MabCampath® (alemtuzumab)
MabCampath® is an eligible benefit through some private insurance plans, and also through some provincial and federal drug programs. Additionally MabCampath® is also under review for funding in some provinces. The sidebar menu allows you to access specific information on coverage of MabCampath® by private insurance plans, the individual provincial drug benefit/ provincial cancer agency programs and through the federal drug plans. Information includes coverage/ reimbursement criteria and guidelines, special authorization forms, instructions and other resources. Click on the plan or program name to access.
Indication MabCampath® (alemtuzumab) is indicated for the treatment of patients with previously untreated progressive B-CLL. The effectiveness of MabCampath® as a single agent for the treatment of patients with previously untreated B-CLL is based on progression-free survival (PFS), complete response (CR) and overall response (OR) rates. Currently no data are available that demonstrate an increased overall survival with MabCampath®. MabCampath® (alemtuzumab) is also indicated for the treatment of B-CLL patients who have been treated with alkylating agents and who have failed fludarabine therapy. Physicians should carefully weigh the benefits and risks of treatment with MabCampath®, taking into consideration the prognostic characteristics of B-CLL patients such as Rai Stage before initiating treatment.
Geriatrics: Comparisons of AUC in previously treated B-CLL patients 65 years or older (n=6) versus previously treated B-CLL patients less than 65 years (n=15) suggested that no dose adjustments are necessary for age.
Treatment with MabCampath® is contraindicated in patients who have active infections, patients with underlying immunodeficiency (e.g., seropositive for HIV), patients who have or have had progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), patients who have known Type I hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reactions to MabCampath® (alemtuzumab) or to any one of its components and patients with active secondary malignancies.
Serious Warnings and Precautions MabCampath® should be administered under the supervision of a physician experienced in the use of antineoplastic therapy. Hematologic: Serious and, in rare instances fatal, pancytopenia/ marrow hypoplasia, autoimmune idiopathic thrombocytopenia, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia have occurred in patients receiving MabCampath® therapy. Single doses of MabCampath® greater than 30 mg or cumulative doses greater than 90 mg per week should not be administered because these doses are associated with a higher incidence of pancytopenia. Infusion Reactions: MabCampath® can result in serious, and in some instances fatal, infusion reactions. Patients should be carefully monitored during infusions and MabCampath® withheld for Grade 3 or 4 infusion reactions if indicated. Gradual escalation to the recommended maintenance dose is required at the initiation of therapy and after interruption of therapy for seven or more days. Infections, Opportunistic Infections: Serious, sometimes fatal, bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoan infections have been reported in patients receiving MabCampath® therapy. Patients should be monitored for signs or symptoms of any infection. Prophylaxis directed against Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) and herpes virus infections has been shown to decrease, but not eliminate, the occurrence of these infections. Anti-viral prophylaxis is strongly recommended. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has been reported in patients with B-CLL with or without treatment with MabCampath®. The frequency of PML in B-CLL patients treated with MabCampath® is no greater than the background frequency. Patients should be monitored for any new sign or symptom that may be suggestive of PML. MabCampath® dosing should be withheld immediately at the first sign or symptom suggestive of PML | Because of the potential of transfusion associated Graft versus Host Disease (TAGVHD), it is recommended that patients who have been treated with MabCampath® should receive irradiated blood products.
Routinely monitor patients for CMV infection during MabCampath® treatment and for at least 2 months following completion of treatment. Withhold MabCampath® for serious infections and during antiviral treatment for CMV infection or confirmed CMV viremia. Initiate therapeutic ganciclovir (or equivalent) for CMV infection or confirmed CMV viremia.
Patients who have recently received MabCampath®, should not be immunized with live viral vaccines, due to their immunosuppression.
The most common adverse reactions with MabCampath® are: infusion reactions (pyrexia, chills, hypotension, urticaria, nausea, rash, tachycardia, dyspnea), cytopenias (neutropenia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia), infections (CMV viremia, CMV infection, other infections), gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, emesis, abdominal pain), and neurological symptoms (insomnia, anxiety, headache), fatigue and hypertension. The most common serious adverse reactions are cytopenias, infusion reactions, and immunosuppression/ infections.
Please refer to Product Monograph for complete Warnings and Precautions and Adverse Reactions.
Resources for Healthcare Professionals and Your Patients
MabCampath® Product Monograph.
Cancer Care Ontario, Program in Evidence-Based Care Alemtuzumab in the Treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Clinical Practice Guideline. This link will take you to the document on the Cancer Care Ontario web site. Click here
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Protocol, ULYALEM: Treatment of Fludarabine-Refractory B-Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (B-CLL) and T-Prolymphocytic Leukemia (T-PLL) with Alemtuzumab Chemotherapy Protocols, Lymphoma & Myeloma (BCCA Web Site) |