部分中文拉韦处方资料(仅供参考) [英文名称]Laevolac 果糖口服溶液(拉韦) [适应症]便秘、预防和治疗肝性脑病 [规格]100ml:67g [用法和用量] 口服 推荐剂量和治疗疗程,应根据疾病的严重程度及进展情况而定。 便秘:成人和14岁以上的儿童: 起始量:每日15-30ml(相当于10-20g乳果糖) 维持量:每日10-15ml(相当于6.7-10g乳果糖) 6-14岁的儿童: 起始量:每日15ml(相当于10g乳果糖) 维持量:每日5-10ml(相当于3.3-6.7g乳果糖) 婴幼儿和6岁以下的儿童: 维持量:每日5-10ml(相当于3.3-6.7g乳果糖) 维持量:每日5ml(相当于3.3g乳果糖) 预防和治疗肝性脑病,用于治疗和预防肝昏迷或昏迷前状态。 成人:起始量:每日15ml(相当于10g乳果糖),每日3-4次,然后逐渐增加至每次30-45ml(相当于20-30g的乳果糖),每日3-4次。 实际采用的剂量,应以达到每日2-3次软大便为准。 儿童: 尚无相应资料。 老年患者、肾功能或肝功能不全的患者,没有特殊的推荐剂量。 [孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药] 妊娠和哺乳期妇女可使用本品。 [禁忌] 已知对乳果糖过敏者 肠梗阻 果糖酶不耐受、乳糖酶缺乏、半乳糖血症或葡萄糖/半乳糖吸收不良综合症。 [产品特点]乳果糖含量最高、是维持机体生存的基本保障、参与维持和巩固肠道内微生物生态环境的平衡。 Laevolac Product Information Laevolac is an oral liquid that contains lactulose, an osmotic laxative and is used to treat constipation; also to treat and prevent hepatic encephalopathy. What is Laevolac used for? Laevolac solution is an oral liquid used to treat chronic constipation. It acts as a laxative, making the stools softer and easy to pass. It usually takes two to three days to be effective and relieve the blockage caused by constipation. Laevolac solution is also used to treat hepatic encephalopathy(portalsystemicencephalopathy), which is a condition caused by failure of the liver to remove toxins from the blood and results in serious symptoms including, confusion and coma. Toxic substances that are normally removed by the liver accumulate in the blood, cross the blood/brain barrier and can cause impaired brain function, which can be fatal. Laevolac solution uses the same mechanism of action to relieve constipation and to remove toxic substances from the blood to prevent and treat hepatic encephalopathy. How does Laevolac work? Laevolac solution is an oral liquid that contains lactulose, which is a synthetic disaccharide (complex sugar molecule) and is used as an osmotic laxative to treat constipation. Lactulose in Laevolac solution passes through the intestines unchanged until it reaches the colon (large intestine), where it is broken down by a particular bacteria that metabolises sugars (sacchrolytic bacteria). The products of this bacterial metabolism are smaller molecules like organic acids, mainly lactic acid, which makes the contents of the colon more acidic and changes the osmotic pressure in the colon, so that water is drawn into the colon by osmosis. The increase in water content of the stools makes them softer and this increases the peristaltic activity of the colon, making the stools easier to pass. Hepatic encephalopathy a complication of liver disease is usually caused by a build up of substances like ammonia to levels that are toxic to the brain. Ammonia is a by-product of protein metabolism by bacteria in the intestines and is usually eliminated by the liver. As Lactulose in Laevolac solution is metabolised, the increased acidity of the colon causes ammonia to be retained, and the trapped excess ammonia is excreted in the stools, which is helped by the laxative effect of lactulose. This results in a synergistic mechanism to remove ammonia, since the stools are not so readily available to the ammonia producing bacteria. This action helps to prevent the build-up of ammonia, thereby reducing the amount of ammonia that enters the blood, which relieves symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy. What does Laevolac contain? Laevolac solution contains the active ingredient lactulose (3.35mg/5ml), an osmotic laxative, in a clear syrup that is used to treat constipation and also treat and prevent hepatic encephalopathy. It also contains lactose and galactose. Treating constipation with Laevolac Laevolac solution is an oral liquid that contains lactulose, an osmotic laxative used to treat chronic constipation. Lactulose in Laevolac solution passes through the intestines unchanged until it reaches the colon (large intestine), where it is broken down by a particular bacteria that metabolises sugars (sacchrolytic bacteria) and this produces smaller molecules like organic acids, mainly lactic acid. Metabolism of lactulose makes the contents of the colon more acidic and changes the osmotic pressure in the colon, so that water is drawn into the colon by osmosis. This increases the water content of the stools and makes them softer, which increases the peristaltic activity of the colon, making the stools easier to pass. It usually takes two to three days to be effective and relieve the blockage caused by constipation. Laevolac for hepatic encephalopathy Laevolac solution is an oral liquid containing lactulose, an osmotic laxative that is also used to treat hepatic (portal-systemic) encephalopathy, a complication of liver disease that is usually caused by a build up of substances like ammonia to levels that are toxic to the brain. Ammonia is a by-product of protein metabolism by bacteria in the intestines and is usually eliminated by the liver. As a result of liver failure ammonia is not eliminated and serious symptoms of ammonia toxicity include, confusion and coma, which can be fatal. Lactulose in Laevolac solution passes through the intestines unchanged until it reaches the colon (large intestine), where it is broken down by a particular bacteria that metabolises sugars (sacchrolytic bacteria) and this produces smaller molecules like organic acids, mainly lactic acid, which makes the contents of the colon more acidic. Ammonia is retained in the colon and the trapped excess ammonia is excreted in the stools. This action helps to prevent the build-up of ammonia, thereby reducing the amount of ammonia that enters the blood, which relieves symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy. What are the side effects of Laevolac? The most commonly reported side effects when taking Laevolac include: abdominal discomfort or pain, flatulence (build up of wind), abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea. When should Laevolac not be used? You should not use Laevolac if you: are allergic to lactulose or any ingredients in Laevolac have galactosaemia a metabolic disorder caused by to inability to metabolise galactose in the diet have disaccharide deficiency are on a low galactose diets or a galactose and/or lactose free diet have any form of bowel obstruction other than constipation have kidney or liver disease are taking medicines that interact with Laevolac, including the antibiotic neomycin How should Laevolac be taken? You should take your Laevolac solution as a single dose for relief of constipation, usually after breakfast. The amount you take depends on your condition and should be as recommended by your doctor. Once your constipation has been relieved your dose may be reduced. For treatment of hepatic encephalopathy you should take your Laevolac solution with or without food, 3-4 times daily, or as recommended by your doctor, and your dose may be reduced. If you require a rapid laxative effect for treatment of hepatic encephalopathy your doctor may suggest hourly dosing initially, then reduced to 3-4 times daily. You should continue to take your Laevolac solution for as long as recommended by your doctor, which may be for long-term treatment. How long should you take Laevolac? You should continue to take your Laevolac solution for as long as recommended by your doctor, which may be for long-term treatment. Missed dose of Laevolac If you miss a dose of Laevolac take it as soon as you remember, unless it is time to take the next dose, then skip the missed dose. Do not take a double dose. How should Laevolac be stored? You should store your Laevolac above 25°C do not refrigerate or freeze. Product Name:LAEVOLAC ORAL SOLUTION Registration No.:HK-46080 Certificate Holder:LISION HONG LTD Certificate Holder Address:FLAT F-G, 7/F, VALIANT IND. CTR, 2-12 AU PUI WAN ST,FO TAN,NT Ingredients:LACTULOSE 附件: 201252420001024.PDF 201252420000614.PDF 201252420000034.PDF --------------------------------------------------------------- 产地国家: 香港 原产地英文商品名: LAEVOLAC ORAL SOLUTION 250ML/BOTTLE 原产地英文药品名: LACTULOSE 中文参考商品译名: 拉韦口服溶液剂 250毫升/瓶 中文参考药品译名: 乳果糖 生产厂家中文参考译名: LISION HONG LTD 生产厂家英文名: LISION HONG LTD |
LAEVOLAC ORAL(拉韦口服溶液剂)简介:
部分中文拉韦处方资料(仅供参考)[英文名称]Laevolac 果糖口服溶液(拉韦)[适应症]便秘、预防和治疗肝性脑病[规格]100ml:67g[用法和用量]口服推荐剂量和治疗疗程,应根据疾病的严重程度及进展情况而定 ... 责任编辑:admin |
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