兰索拉(兰索拉唑)是用于治疗十二指肠溃疡和胃溃疡,胃食道反流病(GERD),糜烂性食管炎,hypersectory条件包括佐林格 - Ellision综合征。 通用名称:兰索拉唑 兰索拉唑15毫克,30毫克,EC缓释颗粒/胶囊。 用法 兰索拉用于治疗十二指肠溃疡和胃溃疡,GERD,腐蚀性食管炎,hypersectory条件包括佐林格 - Ellision综合征。 剂量和给药方法 兰索拉唑缓释胶囊应在进食前服用。 对于谁拥有吞咽困难胶囊的患者,兰索拉唑缓释胶囊可以打开,并包含在intacy颗粒可以撒在苹果酱一汤匙,立即吞食。 十二指肠球部溃疡 兰索拉的推荐成人口服剂量为15mg每日4周一次。 胃溃疡 推荐的成人口服剂量为30毫克,每天一次,最多至8周 糜烂性食管炎 推荐的成人口服剂量为30毫克,每天一次,长达8周。对于病人谁不与兰索拉唑愈合8周,它可能是有帮助的,得到另外8周的治疗。 病理Hypersectory条件,包括卓 - Ellision综合征 剂量随患者个体。推荐的口服起始剂量为60毫克,每天一次。 公司名称:武田制药北美公司
 Prevacid® is used to treat various acid-related stomach and/or throat (esophagus) problems (e.g., acid reflux or GERD, ulcers, erosive esophagitis, or Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome). It may also be used to treat ulcers due to long-term use of certain pain/anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
PREVACID Generic Name and Formulations: Lansoprazole 15mg, 30mg; e-c delayed-release granules in caps.
Company: Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.
Indications for PREVACID: Triple therapy (w. amoxicillin + clarithromycin) or dual therapy (w. amoxicillin; use only if allergic, intolerant, or resistant to clarithromycin) for H. pylori eradication in duodenal ulcer disease. Short-term treatment of active duodenal ulcer, active benign gastric ulcer, erosive esophagitis (EE), symptomatic GERD, and NSAID-associated gastric ulcers when NSAID use is continued. To reduce risk of NSAID-associated gastric ulcer in patients with history of gastric ulcer who need an NSAID. Maintenance of healing of duodenal ulcer, EE. Long-term treatment of pathological hypersecretory conditions (eg, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome).
Adult Dose for PREVACID: Take before eating. Do not crush or chew granules. Caps: swallow whole, or sprinkle granules and mix contents with food or juice (see literature) and take immediately. May open caps and mix granules in 40mL apple juice and give via NG tube; flush tube with more juice. SoluTabs: dissolve on tongue; swallow with or without water. May give via oral syringe or NG tube (see literature). ≥18yrs: Triple therapy: lansoprazole 30mg + amoxicillin 1g + clarithromycin 500mg, all every 12 hours for 10 or 14 days. Dual therapy: lansoprazole 30mg + amoxicillin 1g, both every 8 hours for 14 days. Duodenal ulcer: 15mg once daily for 4 weeks. Gastric ulcer treatment: 30mg once daily for up to 8 weeks. EE treatment: 30mg once daily for up to 8 weeks; may repeat for 8 more weeks. If relapse occurs, may repeat 8-week course. GERD: 15mg once daily for up to 8 weeks. Maintenance of healing of duodenal ulcer or EE: 15mg once daily. Healing of NSAID-associated gastric ulcer: 30mg once daily for 8 weeks; NSAID ulcer risk reduction: 15mg once daily for up to 12 weeks. Hypersecretory conditions: Initially 60mg once daily, adjust as needed; give daily doses >120mg in divided doses.
Children's Dose for PREVACID: Take before eating. Do not crush or chew granules. Caps: swallow whole, or sprinkle granules and mix contents with food or juice (see literature) and take immediately. May open caps and mix granules in 40mL apple juice and give via NG tube; flush tube with more juice. SoluTabs: dissolve on tongue; swallow with or without water. May give via oral syringe or NG tube (see literature). GERD or EE: ≤1 year: not recommended. 1–11 years: ≤30 kg: 15mg once daily; >30 kg: 30mg once daily. For both: give for up to 12 weeks; doses up to 30mg twice daily have been used.
Pharmacological Class: Proton pump inhibitor.
Warnings/Precautions: Symptomatic response does not preclude gastric malignancy. Increased risk of osteoporosis-related fractures of the hip, wrist or spine with long-term and multiple daily dose PPI therapy. Monitor magnesium levels with long-term therapy. Severe hepatic impairment (consider dose reduction). Pregnancy (Cat.B). Nursing mothers: not recommended.
Interactions: May antagonize atazanavir: not recommended. May alter absorption of pH-dependent drugs (eg, ketoconazole, digoxin, iron, ampicillin). Concomitant digoxin, diuretics may predispose patients to hypomagnesemia. Monitor theophylline, warfarin. May potentiate tacrolimus, methotrexate. Give at least 30 minutes before sucralfate. May give antacids concomitantly.
Adverse Reactions: Diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, headache, bone fracture; hypomagnesemia (w. prolonged PPI therapy).
Note: See Amoxil entry for more information on amoxicillin. See Biaxin entry for more information on clarithromycin. Metabolism: Hepatic. 97% protein bound. Elimination: Biliary, renal, fecal. Generic Availability: YES
How Supplied: Caps 15mg—30, 100, 1000; 30mg—100, 1000; SoluTabs—100 兰索拉唑在临床上的应用进展 兰索拉唑(Lansoprazole)为第二代质子泵抑制剂,于1995年在日本上市.该品种在抑酸、细胞保护和促进溃疡愈合方面的效果优于奥美拉唑.兰索拉唑因在吡啶环4位侧链导入氟而且有三氟乙氧基取代基,使其生物利用度较奥美拉唑提高30%以上,亲脂性也强于奥美拉唑,因此本品在酸性条件下可迅速地透过壁细胞膜转变为次磺酸和次磺酰衍生物而发挥药效,对幽门螺旋杆菌(HP)的抑菌活性为奥美拉唑的4倍.兰索拉唑的剂型有:片剂、胶囊剂、肠溶胶囊、注射剂(冻干);尤其以日本武田制药上市了规格为30 mg的兰索拉唑注射剂(Takepron IV),作为现在已上市的口服剂型的补充剂型使用,可用于治疗胃溃疡出血症状、十二指肠溃疡、急性应急性溃疡、急性胃黏膜病变,对于那些不能服用口服药物的患者尤为适用,武田公司还开发了兰索拉唑速效口崩片,(商品名:普托平,Prevacid)、2010年10月美国FDA批准兰索拉唑口服缓释分散片 |