英文药名:Funguard(Micafungin Sodium for Infusion)
生产厂家:安斯泰来 药品介绍 米卡芬净(Micafungin)由日本藤泽公司开发,于2002年12月在日本上市,商品名为Fungusrd,2005年3月通过美国FDA认证,目前仅被批准用于治疗食道念珠菌感染、骨髓移植及ADS患者中性粒细胞减少症的预防治疗。 药品英文名 Micafungin 药品别名 Fungard、Mycamine、FK-463 药物剂型 注射剂:25mg 50mg 75mg 药理作用 本品为棘白菌素类广谱抗真菌药,对念珠菌属、曲菌属具有广泛抗真菌作用,对耐氟康唑与依曲康唑的念珠菌亦有作用。通过抑制真菌细胞壁的β-D-葡聚糖的合成发挥抗真菌作用。对临床分离的多种假丝酵母及曲霉有较强的杀灭作用,但对新型隐球菌无效。本品对念球菌属和曲霉菌属的抗菌谱较宽,各种真菌对本品的敏感性顺序为:白色假丝酵母>平滑假丝酵母>热带假丝酵母>葡萄牙假丝酵母>克鲁丝化假丝酵母>近平滑假丝酵母。本品与两性霉素B联合给药,可以显著增加药物对新型隐球酵母菌的抗菌活性,还可以使两性霉素B的抗菌谱增宽。 药动学 本品口服吸收差(约3%),仅能静脉给药。单剂量及多剂量连续8天给正常兔静注0.5mg/kg、1mg/kg、2mg/kg后的药动学结果表明,本品的体内过程符合线性动力学,在上述剂量下,其血药峰浓度超过体外最低抑菌浓度(MIC)和最低杀菌浓度(MBC)值。FK-463的体内半衰期(t1/2)为3h,上述三个剂量的药时曲线下面积(AIJC0~24h)分别为(5.66±0.42)μg·h/ml、(13.43±12.53)μg·h/ml、(22.94±2.28)μg·h/ml。 本品的组织分布有其特点:在血浆峰浓度(Cmax)为(10.29±2.20)μg/ml时,在肺中的分布最多;而当Cmax为(17.20±0.15)μg/ml和(19.67±2.74)μg/ml时,则分别在肝和脾、肾等器官中分布最多。 适应证 本品用于对其他抗真菌药不能耐受或已产生耐药菌的真菌感染患者,以及预防造血干细胞移植患者的真菌感染,治疗消化道念珠菌病。 禁忌证 对本品过敏者禁用。 注意事项 1.慎用:尚不知本品是否经乳汁分泌,哺乳期妇女慎用。本品生殖毒性分级为C。孕妇慎用。 2.儿童用药安全性尚未评价。 3.进行性肾功能异常患者在使用本品期间应监测肾功能。 4.本品可溶于5%葡萄糖注射液或生理盐水。 5.本品不能静注。6.15~30℃贮藏。 不良反应 本品耐受性良好,常见的不良反应是肝脏和肾功能改变。有报道在接受本品50~150mg/d治疗后,可能出现与组胺相关的不良反应症状:皮疹、瘙痒、面部肿胀、血管扩张和注射部位反应(包括静脉炎和血栓性静脉炎)。个别病例表现为过敏和超敏反应(包括休克)、严重溶血和溶血性贫血。 用法用量 静滴。治疗消化道念珠菌病:每日150mg,疗程10~30天。预防造血干细胞移植患者的真菌感染:每日50mg,平均疗程19天。 药物相应作用 本品可使西罗莫司的AUC增加21%,Cmax没有明显变化;可使硝苯地平的AUC、Cmax分别增加18%和42%。以上药物合用时应监测西罗莫司、硝苯地平的血药浓度,使用剂量应降低。 完整处方资料附件:http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/6179400D1020_3_10/ For the first time in Japan , micafungin sodium as an anti -fungal agents : additional dosage to children has been approved (trade name fan guard infusion ) . Opportunistic infections is likely to develop in patients being administered immunosuppressive drugs and cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy , deep-seated fungal infection by pathogenic fungi Candida , Aspergillus , Cryptococcus , and Mucor is greater the prognosis of these patients This is one of the determining factors . For the treatment of systemic fungal disease , antifungal agents and oral injection of (intravenous ) is used . Specifically , in addition to micafungin , amphotericin B ( trade name: Fungizone , etc.) , flucytosine (trade name: Ankochiru etc.) , fluconazole (brand name: Diflucan , etc.) , miconazole (trade name: Furorido etc.) , itraconazole (trade name : Itrizole etc.) , fosfluconazole ( trade name : Purojifu ) , voriconazole ( trade name : antifungals eight types of Vfend ) is used . Among them , from the viewpoint spectrum and antifungal activity , such as tissue penetration property , it 's been evaluated as drug safety and usefulness is superior to antifungals other , fluconazole , itraconazole , fosfluconazole , voriconazole it is an azole antifungal agents such as . Azole antifungal agents , acting bacteriostatic manner by specifically acting on the cytochrome P450 fungal inhibiting the biosynthesis of ergosterol , which is the main constituent of fungal cell membrane . However, in recent years , due to an increase in resistance to Candida and aspergillosis azole antifungal drugs not be fully effective , systemic fungal disease that struggling to treatment has increased . Has appeared in December 2002 as an effective drug to these fungi , it is of micafungin Candin antifungal drugs with a mechanism of action and new molecular structure . " Fungemia caused by Candida and Aspergillus , respiratory fungal diseases , gastrointestinal mycosis " in , adaptation , 1,3-β- glucan synthesis involved in the production of ( glucan polymer) major component of the cell wall of fungi by using specifically inhibiting the activity of the enzyme to exert antifungal activity . In addition to antifungal effect against resistant Candida and aspergillosis is high , fewer side effects for 1,3-β- glucan synthase is a point of action does not exist in the human host , micafungin is , evaluation of safety it is higher . However, until now , adaptation is limited to adults profound antifungals any agents with adaptive children were not present . It was status quo for this , in children area , pharmacokinetics also not been well understood , leave evidence of the efficacy and safety is also poor , it has been used in the groping an anti -fungal agent for adults . So micafungin is conducted clinical trials in pediatric ( infant - school children ) in the country , there is no difference between adults pharmacokinetics , since the efficacy and safety were also obtained results to be the same as adult , it is not was the addition of dosage and administration to the children of this time . To use in children and micafungin , the upper limit of the amount of daily doses 6mg / kg , and care should be taken not to exceed the daily dose 300mg as the upper limit of the adult patients of 50 kg or body weight. The fan guard , two formulation " infusion 50mg " and " infusion 75mg " is available from conventional , together that this time , adaptation to children has become added , nearly " infusion 25mg " formulation it is expected to be released .
棘白菌素类抗真菌药米卡芬净(商标名:Funguard) 米卡芬净(Micafungin)是一种水溶性脂肽类棘白菌素类抗真菌药,由鞘茎点霉Coleophoma empedrit酵产物经化学修饰衍生而得。与其他正在开发中的棘白菌素一样,本品目前只有注射制剂。 2002年12月已日本上市,商品名为Funguard。2005年3月获美国FDA批准,商品名为Mycamine 本品经肝代谢,可能由O-甲基转移酶代谢,少数经肾排泄。 Ⅰ期研究显示对于严重肾衰竭者无须进行剂量调整。 (1)临床疗效 2项针对本品剂量-疗效的开放研究,纳入来自南非和南美经内窥镜证实有食管念珠菌感染的HIV患者,本品剂量范围为一日12.5~100mg。结果提示,本品疗效呈现剂量依赖性,本品剂量为一日50mg以上者,治疗成功率达92%以上(内窥镜证实剂量为一日75或100mg 时真菌清除,一日100mg剂量可安全使用21天)。另一项国际性双盲研究,在有食管念珠菌感染的HIV患者中比较了本品不同剂量(一日50、100、150mg)与氟康唑一日200mg的疗效,结果发现,在内窥镜检治愈率及安全性方面,本品一日100和150mg与氟康唑相似。 在日本进行的一项对深部真菌感染(念珠菌或曲霉菌)患者进行的开放性研究中,本品各剂量组平均治疗约22天后成功率达92%。一项在美国进行的单中心研究,使用本品50~150mg与或不与其他抗真菌药物联用,针对14例伴有念珠菌血症的肿瘤患者,结果12例中的11例(92%)有效。 一项大规模国际协作研究,在接受造血干细胞移植术者中比较了本品一日50mg与氟康唑一日400mg预防侵袭性真菌感染的作用。该研究以治疗4周未发生真菌感染为成功。结果显示,本品组成功率为80%,氟康唑组为73.5%,本品疗效明显优于氟康唑,且使用本品者需要经验治疗的更少。更重要的是,在患者发生中性粒细胞减少期间本品组曲霉菌感染者更少(分别为1例和7例, P=0.07),两组中位治疗时间均为18天,总体安全性也相当,两组中最常见的可能与药物有关的3种不良反应为胆红素升高、恶心和腹泻。 本品用于2~17岁持续发热儿童患者的经验治疗研究显示,本品剂量为一日3.0mg/kg时耐受性好,血浆药动学模式与成人相似。 多种剂量-疗效研究显示,本品预防用药剂量为一日50mg,用于食管念珠菌感染治疗为一日100~150mg。很显然,用药剂量与食管腔膜的渗入量有关。最佳剂量还需要进一步研究确定。 (2)临床安全性 本品安全性与卡泊芬净相似。最常见的不良反应为恶心、呕吐、胆红素水平升高和肝功能异常。与组胺相关的反应,在本品的初始研究中并不常见。另外,未见本品与环抱素之间发生相互作用.

-------------------------------------------------- 产地国家: 日本 原产地英文商品名: Funguard for Infusion(ファンガード点滴用)25mg/vial 10vials/box 原产地英文药品名: Micafungin Sodium 中文参考商品译名: Funguard注射剂(ファンガード点滴用)25毫克/瓶 10瓶/盒 中文参考药品译名: 米卡芬净 生产厂家中文参考译名: 安斯泰来 生产厂家英文名: ASTELLAS
 ---------------------------------------------------- 产地国家: 日本 原产地英文商品名: Funguard for Infusion(ファンガード点滴用) 50mg/vial 10vials/box 原产地英文药品名: Micafungin Sodium 中文参考商品译名: Funguard注射剂(ファンガード点滴用) 50毫克/瓶 10瓶/盒 中文参考药品译名: 米卡芬净 生产厂家中文参考译名: 安斯泰来 生产厂家英文名: ASTELLAS
 ---------------------------------------------------- 产地国家: 日本 原产地英文商品名: Funguard for Infusion(ファンガード点滴用) 75mg/vial 10vials/box 原产地英文药品名: Micafungin Sodium 中文参考商品译名: Funguard注射剂(ファンガード点滴用) 75毫克/瓶 10瓶/盒 中文参考药品译名: 米卡芬净 生产厂家中文参考译名: 安斯泰来 生产厂家英文名: ASTELLAS
