英文药名:JAKAVI(Ruxolitinib Phosphate Tablets)
药物分类名称 抗肿瘤药物 Janus激酶(JAK)抑制剂 批准日期:2014年9月 商標名 JAKAVI Tablets 構造式

一般名 ルキソリチニブリン酸塩(Ruxolitinib Phosphate) 化学名 (3R)-3-Cyclopentyl-3-[4-(7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]propanenitrile monophosphate 分子式 C17H18N6・H3PO4 分子量 404.36 性状 这是一个白色的粉末。 它微溶于水,微溶于乙醇,非常不溶于乙腈。 熔点 194-198℃ 分配系数 (1-辛醇/ 审批条件 制定药品风险管理计划并适当执行。 2.由于在日本的临床试验数量非常有限,所以通过对所有病例进行使用情况调查,直到一定数量病例的数据在制造和销售之后积累, 除掌握使用该药的患者的背景资料外,还应尽快收集有关该药的安全性和有效性的数据,并采取必要措施正确使用该药。 药效药理 作用机序 在患有骨髓纤维化和真性红细胞增多症的患者中,在许多情况下,通过JAK2基因突变等来识别JAK2激酶的组成性活化。 Luxoritinib体外抑制野生型和突变型(V617F)的JAK2活性并抑制其信号转导。 它也抑制参与细胞内IL-6信号转导的JAK1活性,这被认为是骨髓纤维化中临床症状的原因之一。 在用表达突变JAK2(V617F)的小鼠肿瘤细胞系移植的小鼠中,luxoxolitinib降低了脾脏重量并抑制了炎性细胞因子IL-6和TNF-α的升高的血液水平。 在移植表达突变型JAK2(V617F)的小鼠来源的骨髓细胞的小鼠中,Lucizolitinib降低了红细胞计数,白细胞计数和脾脏重量,并表现出红细胞增多样症状,如红细胞计数增加。 适应症 1.骨髓纤维化 2.风湿性红血球增多症(只有当现有治疗不足或不适当时) 用法与用量 *骨髓纤维化 成人;每12小时口服一次,每日两次,以此作为适应症。luxolitinib的用量一般在5mg到25mg之间,根据患者的情况应该增加或减少。 *真性红细胞增多症 成人;每天一次以luxolitinib一次10 mg,每12小时一次口服一次,作为适应症。 应该根据病人的情况增加或减少,但一天两次,不应超过25毫克。 临床结果 1.骨髓纤维化患者国际联合II期临床试验(开放标签,非对照试验) 根据基线血小板的数量,将该药口服给予患有骨髓纤维化*1的患者。 当基线血小板计数为100,000至200,000/mm 3时,该药物的起始剂量设定为每日两次,15mg,对于200,000/mm 3或更高的情况,每日一次20mg。 该产品共给予120名患者(包括30名日本患者)。 对于脾肿大是骨髓纤维化并发症的主要因素,第24周脾脏体积缩小超过35%的受试者比例为31.7%。 2.海外骨髓纤维化患者III期试验(双盲随机对照试验) 根据基线血小板的数量,将该药口服给予患有骨髓纤维化*1的患者。 当基线血小板计数为100,000至200,000/mm 3时,该药物的起始剂量设定为每日两次,15mg,对于200,000/mm 3或更高的情况,每日一次20mg。 共有309例患者被随机分配到luxolitinib组(155例)或安慰剂组(154例)。 在第24周时,主要终点的脾脏体积缩小35%以上的受试者的百分比为luxolitinib组为41.9%,安慰剂组为0.7%,其中luxolitinib组显着高于安慰剂组 (Fisher精确检验p <0.0001)。 3.骨髓纤维化患者的海外III期临床试验(开放性随机对照试验) 根据基线血小板的数量,将该药口服给予患有骨髓纤维化*1的患者。当基线血小板计数为100,000至200,000 /mm 3时,该药物的起始剂量设定为每日两次,15mg,对于200,000/mm 3或更高的情况,每日一次20mg。 共有219例患者被随机分配到luxolitinib组(146例)或最佳可用治疗组(73例)。 在第48周,主要终点的脾脏体积缩小超过35%的受试者的百分比在luxolitinib组为28.5%,最佳可用治疗组为0%,与luxolitinib组的最佳可用治疗组相比 (P <0.0001,Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel的精确测试)。 ※1:被测患者 ·基于骨髓纤维化患者的诊断(WHO分类15)和IWG-MRT标准16)从原发性骨髓纤维化,真性红细胞增多症或原发性血小板增多症转移) ·具有IWG-MRT风险分类的高危或中危2型患者。 ·适应不良的造血干细胞移植患者 ·在季节性肋骨下有5厘米以上的脾大的患者 4.真性红细胞增多症患者的国际III期临床试验(开放性,随机对照试验) 对于真性红细胞增多症*2患者,给药起始剂量为10mg,每天两次,根据受试者的状态,该药物以5mg每日一次至25mg每日的范围口服给药。 共有222名患者(包括18名日本患者)被随机分配到luxolitinib组(110例)或最佳可用治疗组(112例)。 以第32周为主要终点的有效率* 3率为luxolitinib组为22.7%,最佳治疗组为0.9%,luxolitinib组明显高于最佳治疗组(P <0.0001, 分层Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel测试)。 ※2:被测患者 ·真性红细胞增多症患者(WHO分类15)) ·羟基碳酰胺耐药或不能耐受和静脉放血依赖性19)患者 脾脾体积> 450 cm 3的患者 ※3:响应符合以下两个标准 ·血细胞比容控制:采血实践标准应定义为“红细胞压积值超过45%,比基线值高3%以上,或连续两次检查超过48%”,随机抽样 静脉切开术在8周或更短的时间内不进行,8到32周的放血是不必要的。 ·脾脏体积缩小35%以上:基于MRI或CT的32周脾脏体积比基线缩小35%以上。 包装规格 片剂 5毫克:20片(PTP)120片(PTP) 10毫克20片(PTP)
 制造业销售 诺华制药公司 注:以上中文资料不够完整,使用原资料为准。 原处方资料附件:http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/4291034F1029_1_07/ Jakavi Tablets(RUXOLITINIB PHOSPHATE) Active Substance: ruxolitinib (as phosphate) Common Name: ruxolitinib ATC Code: L01XE18 Marketing Authorisation Holder: Novartis Europharm Ltd. Active Substance: ruxolitinib (as phosphate) Status: Authorised Authorisation Date: 2012-08-23 Therapeutic Area: Myeloproliferative Disorders Pharmacotherapeutic Group: Antineplastic agents ------------------------------------------------------- Luxolitinib (racolitinib, Jakabi®): a JAK inhibitor with indication for myelofibrosis On July 4, 2014, the manufacture and sale of anticancer drug RUKKISORITANABLINATE (trade name JAVABI Tablets 5 mg) was approved. Adaptation is "myelofibrosis". It is administered orally in the range of 5 to 25 mg once a day twice a day every 12 hours as an indication. Myelofibrosis (MF) is a progressive blood cancer in which normal blood production is hindered by fibrosis of the bone marrow. The incidence rate in Japan is about 0.2 per 100,000 people, and it is estimated that the number of people suffering now is about 1,500 people. Abdominal discomfort and pain accompanying splenomegaly, splenomegaly, exhaustive systemic symptoms such as fatigue, night sweats, weight loss and itching, fatigue and fatigue feeling due to anemia, etc. are observed. Generally the prognosis is poor. Domestic 5-year survival rate is estimated at 38%, median survival time is estimated at 3.4 years. As a treatment at the present time, countermeasure therapy for major complications is performed, but the effect is limited. Although there is a possibility of healing with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, patients who are transplanted are limited because there are many elderly patients. In patients with MF, inflammatory cytokine production such as TNF-α and IL-6 is elevated, and these are thought to cause wasting systemic symptoms. From these facts, it is speculated that constant activation of the JAK pathway plays a major role in the onset of MF. Luxoritinib is expected to reduce the splenomegaly by inhibiting the JAK pathway, suppress the production of cytokines, and prevent QOL decline in MF patients. As a JAK inhibitor, tofacitinib (trade name Zellants) as a therapeutic agent for rheumatoid arthritis has been clinically used from July 2013. Luxolitinib has been confirmed to be efficacious and safe in two phase III clinical trials abroad (COMFORT-1, COMFORT-2 test). As approved in the United States in November 2011, as of February 2014, it has been approved in 59 countries around the world as a medicine for MF. Luxolitinib (ruxolitinib, Jakabi®) is an approved JAK inhibitor following tofacitinib (tofacitinib, ZERYZZ®) as in the article. However, the indication diseases are different, tofacitinib is rheumatoid arthritis, and lkoxoritinib is myelofibrosis. According to the latest review of JAK inhibitors, luxolitinib inhibits JAK 1 and JAK 2, and tofacitinib is to inhibit JAK 3 (see review). It seems that the difference in these specificities reflects the difference in adaptive diseases. Both luxolitinib and tofacitinib are drugs that act on the ATP binding site of JAK. Similar JAK ATP binding inhibitor seems to be developing one after another, aiming at adaptation to various diseases. Perhaps there will be something more specific for each of JAK 1/2/3, and, on the contrary, dirty things. It seems that drugs that allosterically inhibit JAK phosphorylating enzyme activity can be expected, and I am very excited about the future development of the JAK inhibitor industry.