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2009-05-15 17:30:04  作者:佚名  来源:新特药房药讯  浏览次数:38  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 神经生长因子促再生周围神经血管生成的实验研究 张玉波 伍亚民 杨恒文 侯天勇 摘 要: [目的] 证实神经生长因子(NGF) 具有促进大鼠再生坐骨神经中的血管生成作用。 [方 ...
                         张玉波 伍亚民 杨恒文 侯天勇
摘 要:
[目的] 证实神经生长因子(NGF) 具有促进大鼠再生坐骨神经中的血管生成作用。
[方法] 用单通道的砷胶管桥接75只Wistar大鼠1cm的坐骨神经缺损, 在桥接管内给药, 并将它们随机分为三组: 生理盐水组、医用几丁糖组、NGF +医用几丁糖组, 每组25 只, 在5个不同时相点(0, 2, 7, 14, 30 d) , 用免疫组化的方法检测大鼠再生坐骨神经新生血管内皮细胞中CD34的表达。
[结果] 随着时间的增加(30 d以内) , CD34的表达呈逐渐增长的趋势, 其中在0, 2 d时, 坐骨神经中没有CD34表达: 7、14、30 d时, NGF +医用几丁糖组的CD34阳性染色显著多于医用几丁糖和生理盐水对照组( P < 0. 01) , 医用几丁糖组和生理盐水组间并无显著差异(P > 0. 05) 。
[结论] NGF能促进再生周围神经的血管生成; NGF能促进毛细血管的生成。
Effect of nerve growth factor on ang iogenesis of regenerative perpheral nerve
Abstract: [Objective] To evaluate the effects of Nerve growth factor (NGF) on angiogenesis in rat’ s regenerative sciaticnerves.
[Method] Seventy2five rats were divided randomly into three group s, which were named NGF2chitosan group, chitosangroup, physiological saline group respectively. The sciatic nerve with 10 mm defect in the left hind limb was bridged with silicagel conduit. After the bridging, the NGF2chitosan, chitosan or physiological saline was injected into the conduit respectively,
then the exp ressions of CD34 immunohistochemical stain ( brown stain) in the regenerative peripheral nerve blood cap illarieswereobserved over a period of 0, 2, 7, 14 and 30 days. The results from each group were compared.
 [ Result] The exp ression level ofCD34 in the NGF2chitosan group was significantly higher than that in the chitosan group or physiological saline group.
 Conclusion sNGF can p romote angiogenesis of the regenerative peripheral nerve and benefit the growth of blood cap illary.





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