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2009-12-08 00:00:45  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网  浏览次数:195  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 多发性硬化病(MS)影响全球250万余人。与许多疾病不同,对于再发-缓解型MS(RRMS)目前还没有可明确区分的一线治疗黄金标准。历史上,出现过4个主要减慢RRMS进展的病情改善药物(DMD)。其中3个配方都包括干 ...











     以美国西北大学R  Burt博士为首的国际团队称,他们已经发现对MS有逆转作用的治疗方法。这种治疗方法是收集MS患者的骨髓干细胞并将其冷冻,与此同时给予常规药物除去引起损伤的免疫或淋巴细胞,然后将骨髓细胞置入以使患者免疫系统得以补充。值得注意的是,研究发现,接受干细胞移植的21例成人患者在3年研究期间没有1例的症状出现任何恶化。   


Natalizumab review

Natalizumab is a prescribed drug that belongs to the category of medicines called immune modulators. It is used to treat and prevent symptoms of multiple sclerosis and Chrohn’s disease. Nazalizumab only prevents the symptoms but cannot be used to cure MS and Chrohn’s disease. This drug prevents the spreading of a cell to the immune system which causes damage to the brain and spinal cord.

Natalizumab is a drug injected to patients suffering from multiple sclerosis or MS. Natalizumab is being distributed under the brand name Tysabri. This drug prevents or slows down the effect associated with having an MS. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that causes disability to a person such as loss of bladder control, loss of muscle coordination, weakness of the body, and also affects normal vision.

This drug is in a form of concentrated solution which is diluted and being inject to the veins. Natalizumab is usually given once in every four weeks in an infusion center or hospital. It usually takes an hour to complete the infusion. In most cases, you need to stay at the hospital or clinic for an hour after infusion so that the doctor can monitor any signs of side effects.

If you have missed a scheduled infusion, you must immediately inform your doctor.

Using Natalizumab may cause several side effects. Some of the side effects are less serious like heartburn, stomach pain, headache, diarrhea, constipation, depression, night sweats, tiredness, white vaginal discharge, sudden pain in the arms or legs, weight loss or weight gain, cold sores, difficulty in urinating, and irregular menstruation.

There are also serious side effects that may occur. Some of these include chest pain, sore throat, dizziness, flushing, chills, vomiting, nausea, yellowing of the skin or eyes, difficulty in breathing, and darkening of the urine.

There might be other side effects that may occur that is not included in this article. If you experience any of these side effects, contact or visit your doctor the soonest time possible.

Certain precautions should be observed before undergoing medication with Natalizumab. Inform your doctor if you are allergic to the drug and other medicines. This includes vitamins, herbal products and nutritional products. This will help your doctor to decide on the proper dosage and also to monitor any unusual reactions or side effects it may cause.

It is also important to inform your doctor if you are pregnant or are breast feeding prior to medication. In case you become pregnant while under medication with Natalizumab, inform your doctor immediately.

Do not take any kind of vaccinations without consulting your doctor. You must always visit your doctor as scheduled and undergo any medical tests required for your treatment. This is to get the best benefit from your medication.

If you need to undergo surgery, inform your surgeon that you are using Natalizumab. This drug may affect your alertness so it is best to avoid driving or doing other extreme activities that needs normal alertness.

Brand name(s): Tysabri

Review published on: 19 September 2009






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