当前位置:药品说明书与价格首页 >> 精神心理 >> 新药动态 >> 盐酸托莫西汀-获FDA批准治疗多动症最新药物


2010-04-29 02:10:54  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:142  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 盐酸托莫西汀(tomoxetine hydrochloride,)是由美国 礼来制药公司研制开发治疗多动症的最新药物,适应病例 范围广,疗效好,不良反应发生率与安慰药组差异无显著性,已 于2002年7月获美国食品药品监督管 ...

盐酸托莫西汀(tomoxetine hydrochloride,)是由美国 礼来制药公司研制开发治疗多动症的最新药物,适应病例 范围广,疗效好,不良反应发生率与安慰药组差异无显著性,已 于2002年7月获美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)批准,2003年1月进入美国市场。

盐酸托莫西汀(tomoxetine hydrochloride,)是由美国 礼来制药公司研制开发治疗多动的最新症药物,适应病例 范围广,疗效好,不良反应发生率与安慰药组差异无显著性,已 于2002年7月获美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)批准,2003年1月进入美国市场。
Kratochvil等在一项前瞻性、随机的临床试验中,将228例 注意缺陷障碍儿童患者随机分为两组,即盐酸托莫西汀组184 例和哌甲酯组44例,l0周为1个疗程,采用注意缺陷障碍4度 评分法评价2种药物的疗效。结果盐酸托莫西汀组用药前评 分为(39.4±8.5)分,用药后为(20.0±13.9)分,而哌甲酯组用 药前评分(37.6±9.7)分,用药后为(19.8±16.6)分,两组的疗 效差异无显著性(P>0.05);但因不良反应而中断用药的患者 盐酸托莫西汀组为5.4% ,而哌甲酯组为11.4%。提示本品对 小儿多动症的疗效与哌甲酯相当,但具有较高的安全性和耐受 性。 Miehelson在另一项随机、安慰药对照、量效关系的研究 中,选择297例注意缺陷障碍患者(年龄8~I8岁的儿童和青少 年,其症状符合精神疾病的诊断和计量手册),随机分为安慰药 组和3个治疗组(计量分别为0.5,1.2,1.8 nag·kg ·d ),持续治 疗8周;结果显示,与安慰药组相比,本品1.2和1.8 nag·kg‘。·d 治疗组可明显改善患者多动、冲动、情绪不稳等兴奋性行为 (P<0.05),且1.8 nag。kg-‘·d。组的疗效与1.2 nag·kg- ·d- 组相 当,表明1.2 nag·kg/d为适宜的治疗剂量,增加剂量并不能增 强其疗效。


Strattera Information

Strattera is a popular medicine that is regularly prescribed to patients who are suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity. This medicine’s ingredients allow it to effectively interact with some of the brain’s nerves and chemicals that are known to contribute to impulse and hyperactivity control.

Strattera Indications

Strattera is a drug that is generally prescribed in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity. However, this medicine could also serve some other purposes that have not been mentioned in this guide. Ask your personal physician for more information.

Strattera Warnings

You should not start a treatment with this medicine if you are suffering from glaucoma or if you have known allergic reactions to any of the medicine’s components. Patients who are suffering from heart disorders are not recommended to start taking Strattera, as some adolescents and children who were suffering from various heart medical conditions have died because of their treatment with this medicine.

During your treatment with Strattera you might experience suicidal behavior or thoughts. If you develop unusual behavior or depression you should alert your personal physician as soon as possible. A treatment with this medicine is known to trigger several side effects that affect your reactions and your thinking. Therefore, while you are taking Strattera you should avoid performing any activity that requires physical or mental alertness and awareness (such as driving).

Before you start taking Strattera you should inform your personal health care provider if you have:

  • congenital heart disease / defect;
  • heart rhythm disease, or if you have recently had a heart attack;
  • a history of blood clots, stroke;
  • coronary artery disorder;
  • abnormally low or high blood pressure;
  • liver disorder;
  • urinating problems;
  • history of psychotic disorder, mental illness, depression, bipolar illness, or suicidal attempt.

If any of these apply to you, you might not be allowed to start taking this medicine or you should be prescribed a lower dose of Strattera. Your personal health care provider should carefully monitor your treatment with this product, and you should undergo special tests on a regular basis.  

Strattera is a category C FDA pregnancy medicine. Therefore, a treatment with this drug during pregnancy could harm a growing fetus. If you are pregnant, or if you think that you might become pregnant during your treatment with this medicine you should ask your personal health care provider if you may start using this product. It has not been determined if this drug’s main components are able to pass into the patient’s breast milk or not. Nursing mothers should consult with their doctor before starting a treatment with this medicine.

A long-term treatment with Strattera is known to sometimes slow a child's normal growth. If your child is following a treatment with this product and he or she is not gaining weight or growing as normally, you should consult a pediatrician as soon as possible. This medicine is not recommended in the case of children under the age of 6.

Strattera Intake Guidelines

Ask your personal health care provider to tell you exactly how you should use this medicine. Do not deviate from any of your physician’s instructions. If you did not understand some of them, you should ask a pharmacist or a nurse to explain them to you. If you want to know more about Strattera, you should simply read the medicine’s label. Each dose of this medicine should be accompanied by a full glass of liquid.

You must not take in a capsule that has been broken or opened. If the content of a capsule gets into direct contact with your eyes you should wash them with plenty of clean water. Strattera should be stored at the average room temperature, away from heat and moisture. Do not keep this medicine at the reach of pets and / or children.  

Strattera Dosage

Ask your personal physician to tell you the proper dose of Strattera that you should take in. The average dosage of this medicine consists of one dose of Strattera that should be taken in either in the late afternoon or in the morning.

Strattera Overdose

If you suspect that you might experience an overdose with this drug you should seek immediate medical attention. An overdose with Strattera could trigger any of the following symptoms agitation, drowsiness, unusual behavior, hyperactivity, blurred vision, stomach problems, fast heartbeat and dry mouth.

Strattera Missed Dose

If you miss one of you doses of Strattera, you should take it as soon as you can. However, if it is time for another, dose, you should skip the one that you have missed and continue your regular treatment. Do not double dose without your physician’s consent.

Strattera Side Effects

Stop your treatment with Strattera and alert your doctor if you develop:

  • shortness of breath, chest pain, uneven or fast heartbeats;
  • fainting, light-headedness;
  • unusual behavior or thoughts, hallucinations, aggression.

You may continue taking Strattera but you should alert your physician if you develop:

  • feeling drowsy or dizzy;
  • feeling irritable;
  • dry mouth, cough;
  • nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach pain, constipation;
  • increased menstrual cramps;
  • skin itching or rash;
  • sleep problems;
  • impotence, loss of sex drive.

Strattera Drug Reactions

Ask your personal physician if it is safe to take other medicines during your treatment with Strattera.

Buy Strattera

Buy Strattera through our Online Pharmacy Escrow Service or at any Canada Pharmacy where it is sold. In some countries STRATTERA may also be known as: Recit, Deaten





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