当前位置:药品说明书与价格首页 >> 呼吸系统病 >> 气管炎与哮喘药品目录 >> Qvar(倍氯美松双丙酸酯)


2010-11-15 21:50:59  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:6848  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: QVAR® is a pressurized metered-dose inhaler that is indicated for the maintenance treatment of asthma.1QVAR® contains HFA beclomethasone dipropionate in a solution rather than sus ...

QVAR® is a pressurized metered-dose inhaler that is indicated for the maintenance treatment of asthma.1
QVAR® contains HFA beclomethasone dipropionate in a solution rather than suspension, which in combination with improved inhaler technology, produces an extrafine aerosol with a mass median aerodynamic diameter of 1.1 μm.2QVAR® penetrates more effectively into the small airways of the lungs than traditional suspension formulations.3,4

QVAR® provides unique benefits in asthma control


* Please see efficacy page for more information.
† beclomethasone-17-monopropionate.


哮喘是一种非常严肃的疾病,并且虽然它是非可医治的,有某些医学和这样能被采取为了帮助解除它和试图免除频率攻击。 是可利用的今天的哮喘医学和疗程是难以置信的,和与适当的哮喘医学是在事实保证的一气喘罐头感觉的人他们不会必须经常担心他们的哮喘和哮喘病发作可能的起始。


关于抗发炎药物,被吸入的类皮质激素是这些药物的最共同和多数最有效的类型,并且这些这些类疗程导致那: 更好的哮喘控制、少量症状和突然起燃,并且对住院治疗的减少的需要。某些类皮质激素的常使用的类型是:Advair、Aerobid、Azmacort、Flovent、Pulmicort 和 Qvar。

一般,所有被吸入的类皮质激素有少数到没有副作用,并且他们是安全给成人和孩子。 这是因为类固醇的这些类型不是相同象您一直听见,称促蛋白合成甾类的类固醇。 这些类皮质激素导致的某些好处是: 哮喘病发作、被改进的肺脏功能和对beta苦闷者支气管扩张剂的一个减少的用途一个减少的频率。

特别是在实际哮喘病发作期间,医学的次要个共同的类型为哮喘是那支气管扩张剂,用于帮助免除症状哮喘肌肉带拉紧在空中航线附近。 这些也帮助对清楚黏液从肺,并且帮助人更加容易地呼吸。有支气管扩张剂疗程的三个主要类型,是:beta 2苦闷者、anticholinergics和茶硷。

beta 2苦闷者被考虑作为是最佳在快解除哮喘症状,因为他们能解除症状难以置信地快速,因为他们能迅速打开空中航线。 这些也最佳关于能对待突然和严厉甚至新的哮喘症状。
转载自 http://www.ezguide2.com


3M制药公司于周二宣布美国食品与药品管理局(FDA)已经批准该公司的气雾剂吸入器QVAR用于12岁及12岁以上哮喘患者的长期治疗。QVAR是FDA批准的第一个无氟氯化碳(CFCs)型皮质类固醇二丙酸倍氯米松 (BDP)计量吸入器 (MDI)。该产品使用推进燃料氢氟烷(HFA)替代CFCs,FDA批准QVAR显示了该组织与世界健康组织在这一方面所做的努力。由于以CFC为基础的MDI与臭氧损害有关,目前正逐渐将之取代。


在临床研究中发现,与以CFC为基础的BDP吸入器相比,QVAR释放入肺内的药量较多(每次用药大约有50%进入肺部),很少滞留在喉部。进一步研究表明,在低剂量的情况下,QVAR 和以CFC为基础的BDP吸入器一样有效。

为了获得哮喘急性发作的短期缓解,以前FDA批准过一种无CFC型吸入器——先灵公司的舒喘宁,内含沙丁胺醇。3M公司的药剂师James Roemer告诉记者,在临床研究中,QVAR减少了受试患者的哮喘发作次数,在一些病例中甚至完全消除了哮喘,他认为QVAR治疗了引起哮喘发作的肺部炎症。




美国FDA批准艾瓦克斯(IVAX)公司使用QVAR治疗5-11岁儿童哮喘。QVAR系一采用不破坏臭氧层的氢氟烷(HFA)抛射剂小儿用二丙酸倍氯米松Beclomethasone Dipropionate)气雾剂。本品用于治疗成人和年长儿童哮喘早已在市场销售。QVAR这次获准用于年幼儿童,为儿科医生和其他内科医生有效治疗儿童哮喘提供了方便。  






◆ FDA批准小儿用二丙酸倍氯米松无氯氟烷气雾剂

美国FDA批准艾瓦克斯(IVAX)公司使用QVAR治疗5-11岁儿童哮喘。QVAR系一采用不破坏臭氧层的氢氟烷(HFA)抛射剂小儿用二丙酸倍氯米松Beclomethasone Dipropionate)气雾剂。本品用于治疗成人和年长儿童哮喘早已在市场销售。




◆ FDA批准盐酸左沙丁胺醇吸入溶液用于儿童

美国FDA批准塞普拉柯(Sepracor)公司的盐酸左沙丁胺醇(Leval buterol HCl)吸入溶液获准用于治疗和预防6-12岁儿童可逆性呼吸道梗阻性疾病(如哮喘),商品名:Xopenex。本品用于供儿童用药剂量为0.31mg-0.63mg的喷雾器。 Xopenex是消旋沙丁胺醇的治疗活性(R)异构体。消旋沙丁胺醇含等量(R)和(S) 异构体,是治疗哮喘世界领先的支气管舒张药,去除了不必要的(S)异构体,获得更纯和作用更强药物。盐酸左沙丁胺醇吸入液作用机理是药物结合于呼吸道平滑肌的β受体,拮抗支气管收缩松弛呼吸道。




◆ 硫酸奥西那林吸入液获FDA批准上市

美国FDA批准莫顿格罗夫制药公司(Mor-ton Grove Pharmarceuticals, Inc.)的0.4%(10mg/2.5ml)和0.6%(15mg/2.5ml)硫酸奥西那林(Orciprenalne sulfate)吸入液获准上市,以2.5ml单剂瓶装,用于哮喘、支气管炎、气肿和其他可逆性支气管痉挛的支气管扩张。治疗6岁以上儿童的哮喘急性发作。

本品作用机理是明显的刺激β2受体,造成支气管树的平滑肌松弛以及周围血管舒张。对β1受体作用小。疗效与异丙肾上腺素相近,但作用持续时间长、不良反应小。气雾剂起效时间5-30分钟;持续时间1-6小时或多次用药后更长。本品由肝脏代谢,经肾排泄。不良反应:腹泻、味觉改变、哮喘加重、鼻充血、嘶哑、过敏反应、潮红、乏力、背痛、皮肤反应等。用于成人支气管扩张,每 3-4小时吸入2-3次(1.30-2.25mg),全日剂量不多于吸入12次(9mg)。

◆ 噻托溴铵吸入剂在荷兰和菲律宾首次上市

勃林格殷格翰公司和辉瑞公司在荷兰和菲律宾首次上市了噻托溴铵(Tiotropium  bromide)吸入剂,商品名:Spiriva。此新产品首次获准1日1次吸入治疗慢性梗阻性肺病(COPD),还将在德国、瑞典、丹麦和芬兰上市。

勃林格段格翰公司计划今年花费10亿欧元在Spiriva的销售上。因该公司近几年可能无新产品上市,此产品对该公司的发展至关重要。据预测,至2005年Spiriva 销售峰值可达20亿欧元。

噻托溴铵系一长效M3-受体拮抗剂新颖化合物。在临床试验中,根据肺量计输出测定噻托溴铵维持治疗COPD优于异丙托溴铵。批准的欧盟标签也反映了使用 Spiriva改善气喘或呼吸困难。据世界卫生组织统计,约有6亿人患COPD(尽管许多人未被诊断出)。COPD在全世界主要致死疾病中排名第四位,由吸烟引起的呼吸道疾病每年约有300万死亡。

QVAR: Adult Dosing 成人剂量
Dosage forms: 40,80 mcg/spray MDI
asthma maintenance
40-160 mcg INH bid
Start: 40-80 mcg INH bid if prior bronchodilator alone; 40-160 mcg INH bid if prior inhaled steroids; Max: 640 mcg/day; Info: titrate to lowest effective dose; rinse mouth after use; taper oral steroids gradually after >1wk
QVAR: Peds Dosing 儿童剂量
Dosage forms: 40,80 mcg/spray MDI
asthma maintenance
5-11 yo  5-11岁
Dose: 40-80 mcg INH bid; Start: 40 mcg INH bid; Max: 160 mcg/day; Info: titrate to lowest effective dose; rinse mouth after use; taper oral steroids gradually after 1wk
>12 yo  >12岁 
Dose: 40-160 mcg INH bid; Start: 40-80 mcg INH bid if prior bronchodilator alone; 40-160 mcg INH bid if prior inhaled steroids; Max: 640 mcg/day; Info: titrate to lowest effective dose; rinse mouth after use; taper oral steroids gradually after 1wk

Information on Qvar
Learn more about usage, cautions, and possible side effects .

7.3gm Inhaler
Chemical Name: BECLOMETHASONE (be-kloe-METH-a-sone)

Common uses
This medicine is a corticosteroid used to treat asthma. This medicine is also used to prevent asthma attacks. IT WILL NOT STOP an asthma attack once one has started. It may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Before using
If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Deaths have occurred during such stresses, due to low steroid levels. Consult your doctor or pharmacist now for specific advice regarding stress situations; you may need to carry a supply of corticosteroid tablets as a precaution. Routine blood tests may be performed (e.g., morning cortisol levels). Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting or severe dizziness. Carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your need for oral corticosteroids during times of stress as noted. INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all prescription and over-the-counter medicine that you are taking. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions such as: glaucoma, cataracts, and any illnesses or infections. Inform your doctor of any recent exposure to contagious diseases such as chickenpox or measles. Also, tell your doctor about any allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding.

Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. THIS MEDICINE MAY COME with an instruction leaflet. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist any questions that you may have before using this medicine. BEFORE USING THIS MEDICINE, be sure that the canister is properly inserted into the inhaler unit. Your doctor may have told you to position the mouthpiece between your lips or to hold the inhaler 1 or 2 inches (2 or 3 centimeters) away from your open mouth. EXHALE SLOWLY. AS YOU START TO TAKE A SLOW, DEEP BREATH, PRESS THE CANISTER AND MOUTHPIECE TOGETHER at exactly the same time to administer a dose of this medicine. Continue inhaling slowly and deeply and hold your breath for as long as comfortable, then exhale slowly through pursed lips or through your nose. If more than 1 inhalation is to be used, wait a few minutes and repeat the above process. If your doctor has instructed you to use a special spacing device, read the instruction leaflet. Ask your pharmacist if you have any questions. RINSE YOUR MOUTH OR GARGLE with water after using this medicine to prevent mouth sores or bad taste. KEEP THE SPRAY AWAY from your eyes. KEEP TRACK OF THE NUMBER OF SPRAYS YOU USE and subtract this number from the number of doses in the container. This will help you know when the container is becoming empty. STORE THIS MEDICINE at room temperature, away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Do not puncture, break, or burn container even if it appears empty. IF YOU MISS A DOSE OF THIS MEDICINE, use it as soon as possible, then go back to your regular dosing schedule.

once one has started. IF YOU ARE ALSO USING A BRONCHODILATOR INHALER, be sure to always carry the bronchodilator inhaler with you to use during asthma attacks. AFTER YOU BEGIN USING THIS MEDICINE, a few weeks may pass before the full benefit is obtained. Continue to use it as directed during this time. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE without checking with your doctor. DO NOT STOP USING THIS MEDICINE without first checking with your doctor. IMPORTANT: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for specific advice regarding stress situations. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting, or severe dizziness.

BEFORE YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL OR DENTAL TREATMENTS, EMERGENCY CARE, OR SURGERY, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using this medicine. Avoid exposure to chickenpox and measles. IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY USING THIS MEDICINE or are having side effects like mouth sores or bad taste, ask your doctor or pharmacist about using a spacing device. KEEP ALL DOCTOR AND LABORATORY APPOINTMENTS while you are using this medicine. BEFORE YOU BEGIN TAKING ANY NEW MEDICINE, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist.

THIS MEDICINE MAY AFFECT GROWTH RATE in children. Your child's growth should be checked regularly while using this medicine. FOR WOMEN: IF YOU PLAN ON BECOMING PREGNANT, discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medicine during pregnancy. IT IS UNKNOWN IF THIS MEDICINE IS EXCRETED in breast milk. IF YOU ARE OR WILL BE BREAST-FEEDING while you are using this medicine, check with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the risks to your baby.

Possible side effects
SIDE EFFECTS that may go away during treatment include headache, dry mouth, hoarseness, or irritated throat. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience white curd-like patches in mouth, or rash. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.

Drug interactions
Drug interactions can result in unwanted side effects or prevent a medicine from doing its job. Use our drug interaction checker to find out if your medicines interact with each other.

If you take too much
If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately.

Additional information
If your symptoms do not improve after regular use of this medicine or if your asthma becomes worse, contact your doctor. If you switched from oral corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the last 12 months, carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your possible need of supplemental steroids during periods of stress or a severe asthma attack. DO NOT SHARE THIS MEDICINE with others for whom it was not prescribed. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS MEDICINE out of the reach of children. IF USING THIS MEDICINE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, obtain refills before your supply runs out.
: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Deaths have occurred during such stresses, due to low steroid levels. Consult your doctor or pharmacist now for specific advice regarding stress situations; you may need to carry a supply of corticosteroid tablets as a precaution. Routine blood tests may be performed (e.g., morning cortisol levels). Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting or severe dizziness. Carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your need for oral corticosteroids during times of stress as noted. INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all prescription and over-the-counter medicine that you are taking. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions such as: glaucoma, cataracts, and any illnesses or infections. Inform your doctor of any recent exposure to contagious diseases such as chickenpox or measles. Also, tell your doctor about any allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding. Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. THIS MEDICINE MAY COME with an instruction leaflet. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist any questions that you may have before using this medicine. BEFORE USING THIS MEDICINE, be sure that the canister is properly inserted into the inhaler unit. Your doctor may have told you to position the mouthpiece between your lips or to hold the inhaler 1 or 2 inches (2 or 3 centimeters) away from your open mouth. EXHALE SLOWLY. AS YOU START TO TAKE A SLOW, DEEP BREATH, PRESS THE CANISTER AND MOUTHPIECE TOGETHER at exactly the same time to administer a dose of this medicine. Continue inhaling slowly and deeply and hold your breath for as long as comfortable, then exhale slowly through pursed lips or through your nose. If more than 1 inhalation is to be used, wait a few minutes and repeat the above process. If your doctor has instructed you to use a special spacing device, read the instruction leaflet. Ask your pharmacist if you have any questions. RINSE YOUR MOUTH OR GARGLE with water after using this medicine to prevent mouth sores or bad taste. KEEP THE SPRAY AWAY from your eyes. KEEP TRACK OF THE NUMBER OF SPRAYS YOU USE and subtract this number from the number of doses in the container. This will help you know when the container is becoming empty. STORE THIS MEDICINE at room temperature, away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Do not puncture, break, or burn container even if it appears empty. IF YOU MISS A DOSE OF THIS MEDICINE, use it as soon as possible, then go back to your regular dosing schedule.THIS MEDICINE WILL NOT STOP AN ASTHMA ATTACK once one has started. IF YOU ARE ALSO USING A BRONCHODILATOR INHALER, be sure to always carry the bronchodilator inhaler with you to use during asthma attacks. AFTER YOU BEGIN USING THIS MEDICINE, a few weeks may pass before the full benefit is obtained. Continue to use it as directed during this time. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE without checking with your doctor. DO NOT STOP USING THIS MEDICINE without first checking with your doctor. IMPORTANT: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for specific advice regarding stress situations. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting, or severe dizziness. BEFORE YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL OR DENTAL TREATMENTS, EMERGENCY CARE, OR SURGERY, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using this medicine. Avoid exposure to chickenpox and measles. IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY USING THIS MEDICINE or are having side effects like mouth sores or bad taste, ask your doctor or pharmacist about using a spacing device. KEEP ALL DOCTOR AND LABORATORY APPOINTMENTS while you are using this medicine. BEFORE YOU BEGIN TAKING ANY NEW MEDICINE, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist. THIS MEDICINE MAY AFFECT GROWTH RATE in children. Your child's growth should be checked regularly while using this medicine. FOR WOMEN: IF YOU PLAN ON BECOMING PREGNANT, discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medicine during pregnancy. IT IS UNKNOWN IF THIS MEDICINE IS EXCRETED in breast milk. IF YOU ARE OR WILL BE BREAST-FEEDING while you are using this medicine, check with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the risks to your baby. SIDE EFFECTS that may go away during treatment include headache, dry mouth, hoarseness, or irritated throat. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience white curd-like patches in mouth, or rash. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. Drug interactions can result in unwanted side effects or prevent a medicine from doing its job. Use our drug interaction checker to find out if your medicines interact with each other. If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. If your symptoms do not improve after regular use of this medicine or if your asthma becomes worse, contact your doctor. If you switched from oral corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the last 12 months, carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your possible need of supplemental steroids during periods of stress or a severe asthma attack. DO NOT SHARE THIS MEDICINE with others for whom it was not prescribed. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS MEDICINE out of the reach of children. IF USING THIS MEDICINE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, obtain refills before your supply runs out.
: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Deaths have occurred during such stresses, due to low steroid levels. Consult your doctor or pharmacist now for specific advice regarding stress situations; you may need to carry a supply of corticosteroid tablets as a precaution. Routine blood tests may be performed (e.g., morning cortisol levels). Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting or severe dizziness. Carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your need for oral corticosteroids during times of stress as noted. INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all prescription and over-the-counter medicine that you are taking. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions such as: glaucoma, cataracts, and any illnesses or infections. Inform your doctor of any recent exposure to contagious diseases such as chickenpox or measles. Also, tell your doctor about any allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding. Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. THIS MEDICINE MAY COME with an instruction leaflet. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist any questions that you may have before using this medicine. BEFORE USING THIS MEDICINE, be sure that the canister is properly inserted into the inhaler unit. Your doctor may have told you to position the mouthpiece between your lips or to hold the inhaler 1 or 2 inches (2 or 3 centimeters) away from your open mouth. EXHALE SLOWLY. AS YOU START TO TAKE A SLOW, DEEP BREATH, PRESS THE CANISTER AND MOUTHPIECE TOGETHER at exactly the same time to administer a dose of this medicine. Continue inhaling slowly and deeply and hold your breath for as long as comfortable, then exhale slowly through pursed lips or through your nose. If more than 1 inhalation is to be used, wait a few minutes and repeat the above process. If your doctor has instructed you to use a special spacing device, read the instruction leaflet. Ask your pharmacist if you have any questions. RINSE YOUR MOUTH OR GARGLE with water after using this medicine to prevent mouth sores or bad taste. KEEP THE SPRAY AWAY from your eyes. KEEP TRACK OF THE NUMBER OF SPRAYS YOU USE and subtract this number from the number of doses in the container. This will help you know when the container is becoming empty. STORE THIS MEDICINE at room temperature, away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Do not puncture, break, or burn container even if it appears empty. IF YOU MISS A DOSE OF THIS MEDICINE, use it as soon as possible, then go back to your regular dosing schedule.THIS MEDICINE WILL NOT STOP AN ASTHMA ATTACK once one has started. IF YOU ARE ALSO USING A BRONCHODILATOR INHALER, be sure to always carry the bronchodilator inhaler with you to use during asthma attacks. AFTER YOU BEGIN USING THIS MEDICINE, a few weeks may pass before the full benefit is obtained. Continue to use it as directed during this time. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE without checking with your doctor. DO NOT STOP USING THIS MEDICINE without first checking with your doctor. IMPORTANT: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for specific advice regarding stress situations. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting, or severe dizziness. BEFORE YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL OR DENTAL TREATMENTS, EMERGENCY CARE, OR SURGERY, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using this medicine. Avoid exposure to chickenpox and measles. IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY USING THIS MEDICINE or are having side effects like mouth sores or bad taste, ask your doctor or pharmacist about using a spacing device. KEEP ALL DOCTOR AND LABORATORY APPOINTMENTS while you are using this medicine. BEFORE YOU BEGIN TAKING ANY NEW MEDICINE, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist. THIS MEDICINE MAY AFFECT GROWTH RATE in children. Your child's growth should be checked regularly while using this medicine. FOR WOMEN: IF YOU PLAN ON BECOMING PREGNANT, discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medicine during pregnancy. IT IS UNKNOWN IF THIS MEDICINE IS EXCRETED in breast milk. IF YOU ARE OR WILL BE BREAST-FEEDING while you are using this medicine, check with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the risks to your baby. SIDE EFFECTS that may go away during treatment include headache, dry mouth, hoarseness, or irritated throat. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience white curd-like patches in mouth, or rash. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. Drug interactions can result in unwanted side effects or prevent a medicine from doing its job. Use our drug interaction checker to find out if your medicines interact with each other. If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. If your symptoms do not improve after regular use of this medicine or if your asthma becomes worse, contact your doctor. If you switched from oral corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the last 12 months, carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your possible need of supplemental steroids during periods of stress or a severe asthma attack. DO NOT SHARE THIS MEDICINE with others for whom it was not prescribed. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS MEDICINE out of the reach of children. IF USING THIS MEDICINE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, obtain refills before your supply runs out.
: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Deaths have occurred during such stresses, due to low steroid levels. Consult your doctor or pharmacist now for specific advice regarding stress situations; you may need to carry a supply of corticosteroid tablets as a precaution. Routine blood tests may be performed (e.g., morning cortisol levels). Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting or severe dizziness. Carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your need for oral corticosteroids during times of stress as noted. INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all prescription and over-the-counter medicine that you are taking. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions such as: glaucoma, cataracts, and any illnesses or infections. Inform your doctor of any recent exposure to contagious diseases such as chickenpox or measles. Also, tell your doctor about any allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding. Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. THIS MEDICINE MAY COME with an instruction leaflet. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist any questions that you may have before using this medicine. BEFORE USING THIS MEDICINE, be sure that the canister is properly inserted into the inhaler unit. Your doctor may have told you to position the mouthpiece between your lips or to hold the inhaler 1 or 2 inches (2 or 3 centimeters) away from your open mouth. EXHALE SLOWLY. AS YOU START TO TAKE A SLOW, DEEP BREATH, PRESS THE CANISTER AND MOUTHPIECE TOGETHER at exactly the same time to administer a dose of this medicine. Continue inhaling slowly and deeply and hold your breath for as long as comfortable, then exhale slowly through pursed lips or through your nose. If more than 1 inhalation is to be used, wait a few minutes and repeat the above process. If your doctor has instructed you to use a special spacing device, read the instruction leaflet. Ask your pharmacist if you have any questions. RINSE YOUR MOUTH OR GARGLE with water after using this medicine to prevent mouth sores or bad taste. KEEP THE SPRAY AWAY from your eyes. KEEP TRACK OF THE NUMBER OF SPRAYS YOU USE and subtract this number from the number of doses in the container. This will help you know when the container is becoming empty. STORE THIS MEDICINE at room temperature, away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Do not puncture, break, or burn container even if it appears empty. IF YOU MISS A DOSE OF THIS MEDICINE, use it as soon as possible, then go back to your regular dosing schedule.THIS MEDICINE WILL NOT STOP AN ASTHMA ATTACK once one has started. IF YOU ARE ALSO USING A BRONCHODILATOR INHALER, be sure to always carry the bronchodilator inhaler with you to use during asthma attacks. AFTER YOU BEGIN USING THIS MEDICINE, a few weeks may pass before the full benefit is obtained. Continue to use it as directed during this time. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE without checking with your doctor. DO NOT STOP USING THIS MEDICINE without first checking with your doctor. IMPORTANT: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for specific advice regarding stress situations. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting, or severe dizziness. BEFORE YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL OR DENTAL TREATMENTS, EMERGENCY CARE, OR SURGERY, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using this medicine. Avoid exposure to chickenpox and measles. IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY USING THIS MEDICINE or are having side effects like mouth sores or bad taste, ask your doctor or pharmacist about using a spacing device. KEEP ALL DOCTOR AND LABORATORY APPOINTMENTS while you are using this medicine. BEFORE YOU BEGIN TAKING ANY NEW MEDICINE, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist. THIS MEDICINE MAY AFFECT GROWTH RATE in children. Your child's growth should be checked regularly while using this medicine. FOR WOMEN: IF YOU PLAN ON BECOMING PREGNANT, discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medicine during pregnancy. IT IS UNKNOWN IF THIS MEDICINE IS EXCRETED in breast milk. IF YOU ARE OR WILL BE BREAST-FEEDING while you are using this medicine, check with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the risks to your baby. SIDE EFFECTS that may go away during treatment include headache, dry mouth, hoarseness, or irritated throat. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience white curd-like patches in mouth, or rash. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. Drug interactions can result in unwanted side effects or prevent a medicine from doing its job. Use our drug interaction checker to find out if your medicines interact with each other. If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. If your symptoms do not improve after regular use of this medicine or if your asthma becomes worse, contact your doctor. If you switched from oral corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the last 12 months, carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your possible need of supplemental steroids during periods of stress or a severe asthma attack. DO NOT SHARE THIS MEDICINE with others for whom it was not prescribed. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS MEDICINE out of the reach of children. IF USING THIS MEDICINE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, obtain refills before your supply runs out.
: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Deaths have occurred during such stresses, due to low steroid levels. Consult your doctor or pharmacist now for specific advice regarding stress situations; you may need to carry a supply of corticosteroid tablets as a precaution. Routine blood tests may be performed (e.g., morning cortisol levels). Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting or severe dizziness. Carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your need for oral corticosteroids during times of stress as noted. INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all prescription and over-the-counter medicine that you are taking. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions such as: glaucoma, cataracts, and any illnesses or infections. Inform your doctor of any recent exposure to contagious diseases such as chickenpox or measles. Also, tell your doctor about any allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding. Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. THIS MEDICINE MAY COME with an instruction leaflet. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist any questions that you may have before using this medicine. BEFORE USING THIS MEDICINE, be sure that the canister is properly inserted into the inhaler unit. Your doctor may have told you to position the mouthpiece between your lips or to hold the inhaler 1 or 2 inches (2 or 3 centimeters) away from your open mouth. EXHALE SLOWLY. AS YOU START TO TAKE A SLOW, DEEP BREATH, PRESS THE CANISTER AND MOUTHPIECE TOGETHER at exactly the same time to administer a dose of this medicine. Continue inhaling slowly and deeply and hold your breath for as long as comfortable, then exhale slowly through pursed lips or through your nose. If more than 1 inhalation is to be used, wait a few minutes and repeat the above process. If your doctor has instructed you to use a special spacing device, read the instruction leaflet. Ask your pharmacist if you have any questions. RINSE YOUR MOUTH OR GARGLE with water after using this medicine to prevent mouth sores or bad taste. KEEP THE SPRAY AWAY from your eyes. KEEP TRACK OF THE NUMBER OF SPRAYS YOU USE and subtract this number from the number of doses in the container. This will help you know when the container is becoming empty. STORE THIS MEDICINE at room temperature, away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Do not puncture, break, or burn container even if it appears empty. IF YOU MISS A DOSE OF THIS MEDICINE, use it as soon as possible, then go back to your regular dosing schedule.THIS MEDICINE WILL NOT STOP AN ASTHMA ATTACK once one has started. IF YOU ARE ALSO USING A BRONCHODILATOR INHALER, be sure to always carry the bronchodilator inhaler with you to use during asthma attacks. AFTER YOU BEGIN USING THIS MEDICINE, a few weeks may pass before the full benefit is obtained. Continue to use it as directed during this time. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE without checking with your doctor. DO NOT STOP USING THIS MEDICINE without first checking with your doctor. IMPORTANT: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for specific advice regarding stress situations. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting, or severe dizziness. BEFORE YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL OR DENTAL TREATMENTS, EMERGENCY CARE, OR SURGERY, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using this medicine. Avoid exposure to chickenpox and measles. IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY USING THIS MEDICINE or are having side effects like mouth sores or bad taste, ask your doctor or pharmacist about using a spacing device. KEEP ALL DOCTOR AND LABORATORY APPOINTMENTS while you are using this medicine. BEFORE YOU BEGIN TAKING ANY NEW MEDICINE, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist. THIS MEDICINE MAY AFFECT GROWTH RATE in children. Your child's growth should be checked regularly while using this medicine. FOR WOMEN: IF YOU PLAN ON BECOMING PREGNANT, discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medicine during pregnancy. IT IS UNKNOWN IF THIS MEDICINE IS EXCRETED in breast milk. IF YOU ARE OR WILL BE BREAST-FEEDING while you are using this medicine, check with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the risks to your baby. SIDE EFFECTS that may go away during treatment include headache, dry mouth, hoarseness, or irritated throat. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience white curd-like patches in mouth, or rash. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. Drug interactions can result in unwanted side effects or prevent a medicine from doing its job. Use our drug interaction checker to find out if your medicines interact with each other. If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. If your symptoms do not improve after regular use of this medicine or if your asthma becomes worse, contact your doctor. If you switched from oral corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the last 12 months, carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your possible need of supplemental steroids during periods of stress or a severe asthma attack. DO NOT SHARE THIS MEDICINE with others for whom it was not prescribed. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS MEDICINE out of the reach of children. IF USING THIS MEDICINE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, obtain refills before your supply runs out.
: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Deaths have occurred during such stresses, due to low steroid levels. Consult your doctor or pharmacist now for specific advice regarding stress situations; you may need to carry a supply of corticosteroid tablets as a precaution. Routine blood tests may be performed (e.g., morning cortisol levels). Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting or severe dizziness. Carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your need for oral corticosteroids during times of stress as noted. INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all prescription and over-the-counter medicine that you are taking. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions such as: glaucoma, cataracts, and any illnesses or infections. Inform your doctor of any recent exposure to contagious diseases such as chickenpox or measles. Also, tell your doctor about any allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding. Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. THIS MEDICINE MAY COME with an instruction leaflet. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist any questions that you may have before using this medicine. BEFORE USING THIS MEDICINE, be sure that the canister is properly inserted into the inhaler unit. Your doctor may have told you to position the mouthpiece between your lips or to hold the inhaler 1 or 2 inches (2 or 3 centimeters) away from your open mouth. EXHALE SLOWLY. AS YOU START TO TAKE A SLOW, DEEP BREATH, PRESS THE CANISTER AND MOUTHPIECE TOGETHER at exactly the same time to administer a dose of this medicine. Continue inhaling slowly and deeply and hold your breath for as long as comfortable, then exhale slowly through pursed lips or through your nose. If more than 1 inhalation is to be used, wait a few minutes and repeat the above process. If your doctor has instructed you to use a special spacing device, read the instruction leaflet. Ask your pharmacist if you have any questions. RINSE YOUR MOUTH OR GARGLE with water after using this medicine to prevent mouth sores or bad taste. KEEP THE SPRAY AWAY from your eyes. KEEP TRACK OF THE NUMBER OF SPRAYS YOU USE and subtract this number from the number of doses in the container. This will help you know when the container is becoming empty. STORE THIS MEDICINE at room temperature, away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Do not puncture, break, or burn container even if it appears empty. IF YOU MISS A DOSE OF THIS MEDICINE, use it as soon as possible, then go back to your regular dosing schedule.THIS MEDICINE WILL NOT STOP AN ASTHMA ATTACK once one has started. IF YOU ARE ALSO USING A BRONCHODILATOR INHALER, be sure to always carry the bronchodilator inhaler with you to use during asthma attacks. AFTER YOU BEGIN USING THIS MEDICINE, a few weeks may pass before the full benefit is obtained. Continue to use it as directed during this time. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE without checking with your doctor. DO NOT STOP USING THIS MEDICINE without first checking with your doctor. IMPORTANT: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for specific advice regarding stress situations. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting, or severe dizziness. BEFORE YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL OR DENTAL TREATMENTS, EMERGENCY CARE, OR SURGERY, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using this medicine. Avoid exposure to chickenpox and measles. IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY USING THIS MEDICINE or are having side effects like mouth sores or bad taste, ask your doctor or pharmacist about using a spacing device. KEEP ALL DOCTOR AND LABORATORY APPOINTMENTS while you are using this medicine. BEFORE YOU BEGIN TAKING ANY NEW MEDICINE, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist. THIS MEDICINE MAY AFFECT GROWTH RATE in children. Your child's growth should be checked regularly while using this medicine. FOR WOMEN: IF YOU PLAN ON BECOMING PREGNANT, discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medicine during pregnancy. IT IS UNKNOWN IF THIS MEDICINE IS EXCRETED in breast milk. IF YOU ARE OR WILL BE BREAST-FEEDING while you are using this medicine, check with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the risks to your baby. SIDE EFFECTS that may go away during treatment include headache, dry mouth, hoarseness, or irritated throat. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience white curd-like patches in mouth, or rash. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. Drug interactions can result in unwanted side effects or prevent a medicine from doing its job. Use our drug interaction checker to find out if your medicines interact with each other. If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. If your symptoms do not improve after regular use of this medicine or if your asthma becomes worse, contact your doctor. If you switched from oral corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the last 12 months, carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your possible need of supplemental steroids during periods of stress or a severe asthma attack. DO NOT SHARE THIS MEDICINE with others for whom it was not prescribed. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS MEDICINE out of the reach of children. IF USING THIS MEDICINE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, obtain refills before your supply runs out.
: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Deaths have occurred during such stresses, due to low steroid levels. Consult your doctor or pharmacist now for specific advice regarding stress situations; you may need to carry a supply of corticosteroid tablets as a precaution. Routine blood tests may be performed (e.g., morning cortisol levels). Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting or severe dizziness. Carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your need for oral corticosteroids during times of stress as noted. INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all prescription and over-the-counter medicine that you are taking. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions such as: glaucoma, cataracts, and any illnesses or infections. Inform your doctor of any recent exposure to contagious diseases such as chickenpox or measles. Also, tell your doctor about any allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding. Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. THIS MEDICINE MAY COME with an instruction leaflet. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist any questions that you may have before using this medicine. BEFORE USING THIS MEDICINE, be sure that the canister is properly inserted into the inhaler unit. Your doctor may have told you to position the mouthpiece between your lips or to hold the inhaler 1 or 2 inches (2 or 3 centimeters) away from your open mouth. EXHALE SLOWLY. AS YOU START TO TAKE A SLOW, DEEP BREATH, PRESS THE CANISTER AND MOUTHPIECE TOGETHER at exactly the same time to administer a dose of this medicine. Continue inhaling slowly and deeply and hold your breath for as long as comfortable, then exhale slowly through pursed lips or through your nose. If more than 1 inhalation is to be used, wait a few minutes and repeat the above process. If your doctor has instructed you to use a special spacing device, read the instruction leaflet. Ask your pharmacist if you have any questions. RINSE YOUR MOUTH OR GARGLE with water after using this medicine to prevent mouth sores or bad taste. KEEP THE SPRAY AWAY from your eyes. KEEP TRACK OF THE NUMBER OF SPRAYS YOU USE and subtract this number from the number of doses in the container. This will help you know when the container is becoming empty. STORE THIS MEDICINE at room temperature, away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Do not puncture, break, or burn container even if it appears empty. IF YOU MISS A DOSE OF THIS MEDICINE, use it as soon as possible, then go back to your regular dosing schedule.THIS MEDICINE WILL NOT STOP AN ASTHMA ATTACK once one has started. IF YOU ARE ALSO USING A BRONCHODILATOR INHALER, be sure to always carry the bronchodilator inhaler with you to use during asthma attacks. AFTER YOU BEGIN USING THIS MEDICINE, a few weeks may pass before the full benefit is obtained. Continue to use it as directed during this time. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE without checking with your doctor. DO NOT STOP USING THIS MEDICINE without first checking with your doctor. IMPORTANT: If you have switched from an oral corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the past 12 months, your body may not produce enough natural steroids. You may need to start taking additional corticosteroids, especially if your body is stressed due to major infections such as stomach infections (gastroenteritis), surgery, or injury. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for specific advice regarding stress situations. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following signs of low steroid levels: unusual weakness, sudden weight loss, vomiting, fainting, or severe dizziness. BEFORE YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL OR DENTAL TREATMENTS, EMERGENCY CARE, OR SURGERY, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using this medicine. Avoid exposure to chickenpox and measles. IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY USING THIS MEDICINE or are having side effects like mouth sores or bad taste, ask your doctor or pharmacist about using a spacing device. KEEP ALL DOCTOR AND LABORATORY APPOINTMENTS while you are using this medicine. BEFORE YOU BEGIN TAKING ANY NEW MEDICINE, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist. THIS MEDICINE MAY AFFECT GROWTH RATE in children. Your child's growth should be checked regularly while using this medicine. FOR WOMEN: IF YOU PLAN ON BECOMING PREGNANT, discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medicine during pregnancy. IT IS UNKNOWN IF THIS MEDICINE IS EXCRETED in breast milk. IF YOU ARE OR WILL BE BREAST-FEEDING while you are using this medicine, check with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the risks to your baby. SIDE EFFECTS that may go away during treatment include headache, dry mouth, hoarseness, or irritated throat. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience white curd-like patches in mouth, or rash. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. Drug interactions can result in unwanted side effects or prevent a medicine from doing its job. Use our drug interaction checker to find out if your medicines interact with each other. If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. If your symptoms do not improve after regular use of this medicine or if your asthma becomes worse, contact your doctor. If you switched from oral corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone tablets) to this inhaler within the last 12 months, carry a warning card or medical ID bracelet that identifies your possible need of supplemental steroids during periods of stress or a severe asthma attack. DO NOT SHARE THIS MEDICINE with others for whom it was not prescribed. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS MEDICINE out of the reach of children. IF USING THIS MEDICINE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, obtain refills before your supply runs out.

【原产地英文商品名】Qvar 80MCGx100actuations 7.3gmCanister Aerosol Inhaler
【中文参考商品译名】Qvar 80微克x100次吸,7.3毫克气雾吸入器
【生产厂家中文参考译名】Teva Specialty Pharmaceuticals / IVAX
【生产厂家英文名】Teva特殊药物公司 / 美国艾瓦克斯公司





· 吡非尼酮片Pirespa(Pirf...
· 索雷尔注射剂Xolair(Oma...
· 氨来占诺片剂(Amlexano...
· 塞曲司特片/颗粒(seratr...
· 喘乐宁(沙丁胺醇吸入剂...
· 沙丁胺醇气雾剂|Ventodi...
· 塞曲司特|seratrodast(...
· 甲磺司特胶囊(Suplatas...



· 吡非尼酮片Pirespa(Pirf...
· 索雷尔注射剂Xolair(Oma...
· 氨来占诺片剂(Amlexano...
· 塞曲司特片/颗粒(seratr...
· 喘乐宁(沙丁胺醇吸入剂...
· 沙丁胺醇气雾剂|Ventodi...
· 塞曲司特|seratrodast(...
· 甲磺司特胶囊(Suplatas...

