英文药名:BENECID Tablets 250mg(Probenecid)
药物分类名称 痛风治疗剂 批准日期:2007年12月 商標名 BENECID Tablets 250mg 一般名: Probenecid (プロベネシド) 化学名: 4-(Dipropylaminosulfonyl) benzoic acid 分子式: C13H19NO4S 分子量: 285.36 構造式:
 性状: 日本的Probenecid药典Probenecid是一种白色晶体或结晶粉末,没有气味,开始时味道略带苦味,之后是令人不快的苦味。 微溶于乙醇(99.5),几乎不溶于水。 它溶于氢氧化钠试剂或氨试剂溶液中。 熔点: 198~200℃ 药用药理学 1.尿酸排泄 已经认识到该药物抑制肾小管中尿酸的重吸收,促进其在尿液中的排泄,并降低血清尿酸水平。 2.维持青霉素,对氨基水杨酸的血药浓度 该药物抑制肾小管中青霉素,对氨基水杨酸的排泄,并且已经认识到这些高血液浓度是持续。 适应症 痛风 维持青霉素,对氨基水杨酸的血药浓度 用法与用量 1.痛风 作为丙磺舒,通常口服0.5至2g(2至8片)成人口服给药,每天1至2g(4至8片)口服给药,分次剂量为维持剂量的2至4倍。另外,应根据您的年龄和症状增加或减少。 2.维持青霉素,对氨基水杨酸的血药浓度 作为丙磺舒,通常每天1至2g(4至8片)成人口服给药,分4次给药。另外,应根据您的年龄和症状增加或减少。 包装 (PTP)500粒 (瓶装)100粒
 制造供应商 科研制药有限公司 注:以上中文处方资料不够完整,使用者以原处方资料为准。 完整说明书附件:http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/3942001F1040_1_07/ BENECID Tablets(Probenecid) Therapeutic category name Gout remedy Brand Name Beneshiddo Tablets 250mg composition Active ingredient Containing the Japanese Pharmacopoeia probenecid 250mg in one tablet. Additive Lactose hydrate, low-substituted hydroxypropyl cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol (partially saponified), talc, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, macrogol 6000 Contraindication Patients with kidney stone disease or advanced renal failure [Which may exacerbate these symptoms by increasing the urinary uric acid excretion. It should be noted that the present agents are invalid in patients with chronic renal failure (especially glomerular filtration rate 30mL/min or less)] Patients with blood disorders [There is a possibility that the blood disorders may be deteriorated] Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to components of this drug Of less than 2-year-old infant [Not safety is established] Efficacy or effect Gout As probenecid, usually, adult day 0.5~2g the (2-8 tablets) divided oral administration, divided oral administration one day 1~2g the (4-8 tablets) two to four times as subsequent maintenance dose. It should be noted that, to increase or decrease depending on the patient's age and symptoms. Penicillin, in the blood of a para-amino salicylic acid concentration maintenance As probenecid, usually, to divide oral administration per day for adults 1~2g the (4-8 tablets) four times. It should be noted that, to increase or decrease depending on the patient's age and symptoms. Careful administration Patients with a history of peptic ulcer [Peptic ulcer there is a risk of recurrence] Clinically significant adverse reactions Hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia Hemolytic anemia, because it may aplastic anemia (frequency unknown ※) may occur. Patients should be carefully observed, such as performing a regular inspection, and if any abnormalities are observed, discontinue administration, the appropriate action It is carried out. Anaphylactoid reaction Anaphylactoid reactions (incidence unknown ※) appears, and if any abnormalities are observed, administration should be discontinued and appropriate treatment. Hepatic necrosis Because it may hepatic necrosis (frequency unknown ※) may occur. Patients should be carefully observed, such as performing a regular inspection, and if any abnormalities are observed, administration should be discontinued and appropriate treatment. Nephrotic syndrome Since the nephrotic syndrome (incidence unknown ※) may occur. If any abnormalities are observed, administration should be discontinued and appropriate treatment. Pharmacology Uric acid excretion action The agent facilitates the urinary excretion by inhibiting reabsorption of uric acid in renal tubules, reducing the serum uric acid level has been observed. Penicillin, blood levels of para-aminosalicylic acid maintained。 This drug is penicillin, inhibit the excretion in renal tubular para-aminosalicylic acid have been found to sustain these high blood levels. Physicochemical knowledge of active ingredient Generic name: Probenecid (probenecid) Chemical name: 4- (Dipropylaminosulfonyl) benzoic acid Molecular formula: C13H19NO4S Molecular weight: 285.36 198~200 ℃