抗癫痫药Potiga——依佐加滨 6月10日,美国FDA批准Potiga(USAN即美国采用名ezogabine,依佐加滨;INN即国际通用名retigabine,瑞替加滨)片作为附加药物治疗成人癫痫发作。今年3月29日本品在欧盟获准,商品名Trobalt。 Potiga获准用于局部癫痫发作,这是一种最常见类型癫痫。癫痫属于脑部疾病,癫痫患者大脑中的神经细胞出现异常或活动过度。部分性发作癫痫仅影响大脑有限或局部区域,但会扩散到大脑的其它部分。癫痫发作可引起广泛症状,包括重复的肢体运动(痉挛)、行为异常、意识丧失和抽搐。 使用现有的治疗手段约有三分之一癫痫患者病情无法获得满意控制,因此能为患者提供多种治疗选择就显得十分重要。也就是说本品对癫痫症状未能获得控制的患者带来了希望。
中文名称:瑞替加滨 依佐加滨 中文别名:2-氨基-4-(4-氟苄基氨基)-1-乙氧羰基氨基苯
英文别名:2-AMINO-4-(4-FLUORBENZYLAMINO)-1-ETHOXYCARBONYLAMINOBENZENE; D2312; N-(2-Amino-4-(4-fluorobenzylamino)phenyl)carbamic Acid Ethyl Ester; D 23129; Retigabin; Ethyl [2-amino-4-[[(4-fluorophenyl)methyl]amino]phenyl]carbamate; RetigabineDiscontinued See: R189051; ethyl {2-amino-4-[(4-fluorobenzyl)amino]phenyl}carbamate Retigabine(D-23129)为合成的氨基吡啶类似物,具强效抗惊厥活性。 药理作用 在传统的MES(最大电休克惊厥) 试验中,给小鼠和大鼠腹腔注射retigabine后采用超大电流刺激, 本品表现出有效的抗惊厥作用, 其 ED50分别为9.3和5.1 mg·kg-1,且经口给予本品也可产生同样疗效,表明本品具良好的系统生物利用度。一系列的小鼠试验显示,本品还可有效拮抗化学诱导的癫痫发作,如可剂量依赖性地抑制皮下注射戊四氮和印防己病毒所致阵挛性惊厥, ED50分别为13.5和18.6 mg·kg-1;缓解侧脑室注射N 2甲基2 D-天冬氨酸(NMDA, 3μg/5μL或012 μg/5μL)所致强直性前肢伸展或阵挛性癫痫;但未见其对皮下注射荷包牡丹碱和士的宁达30 mg·kg-1诱导的癫痫发作产生拮抗作用。 常用的人类复杂性部分发作型癫痫预防模型——杏仁核电点燃局灶性癫痫大鼠模型试验显示,经口和腹腔注射给药后,本品能极为有效地产生剂量依赖性抗惊厥作用,即在低剂量[0.01(ip)和 0.1(po)mg·kg-1]下可显著增加后放电阈值,且在高剂量[2.5~5(ip)和10~15(po)mg·kg-1]下还会影响模型大鼠的其他癫痫发作参数,如发作的严重度和持续时程以及后放电时程;在015 mg·kg-1(ip) 剂量下可显著抑制杏仁核点燃性癫痫发作, 但 0.1和1 mg·kg-1(ip)剂量下无效。最初有关本品抗惊厥作用机制的研究显示,本品可阻断钠和钙电流,增强神经元细胞中GABA所诱导的电流。另有研究显示,本品可较其他对照化合物更有效地逆转4-氨基吡啶诱导海马脑片区过度兴奋和癫痫样放电的作用,并致海马脑片中新合成的GABA量增加。最新研究表明,本品为一种神经元钾通道开放剂和GABA增强剂,可降低神经元兴奋性。由此可见,本品的抗惊厥作用具有多重机制。而目前大多数抗癫痫药物均是作用于钠和钙通道或不同的GABA受体。
药动学与毒性 在大鼠和犬中进行的药动学试验显示,由于缺乏广泛的首过效应, retigabine单剂量经口给药,即可达到较高的血药浓度和较低的血浆药物清除率,且在犬体内终末半衰期较长;大鼠间的药动学个体差异小;在犬体内,本品的血浆蛋白结合率较低,足以避免其与具高蛋白结合率药物发生相互作用。 在大鼠和犬实验中,未观察到本品具有任何急性和亚慢性毒性作用,也未见有遗传毒性作用。临床研究 在一项大规模的Ⅱ期临床试验中,受试患者被分成4组,分别接受retigabine 600、900和 1 200 mg·d-1及安慰剂的治疗。结果, 4组受试患者每月癫痫发作率中值分别减少23%、29%、35%及 13% ,可见本品两高剂量组的疗效明显高于安慰组。在73名部分发作型癫痫患者中进行的一项随机临床试验比较了本品3种给药方案的安全性:所有受试者最初均接受剂量为300 mg·d-1的本品治疗,随后治疗剂量逐渐递增至目标剂量1 200 mg·d-1 ,其中剂量快速递增组、中速递增组和慢速递增组分别于第 13、25和42天后达到目标剂量。结果,各组中因不良反应而退出治疗的受试者分别为43.5%、31.8% 和13.0%。 在另一项双盲、随机临床试验中, 399名顽固性部分发作型癫痫患者分别接受安慰剂和本品(200、 300或400 mg, tid)治疗,且均同时合用其他抗癫痫药物,结果总共有220名受试者完成试验,并参加了接下来的延长期开标记试验。在开标记试验中,受试者同时接受本品(300 mg, tid;随后剂量减少或增至最大剂量1 200 mg·d-1)和其他抗癫痫药物的联合治疗。到开标记试验结束时,与治疗前相比,受试者每月总的部分发作频次下降率中值为48.3%;在第3和6个月,主要因中枢神经系统不良反应而退出试验的受试者分别为8%和18%。 葛兰素史克/Valeant制药公司最近已在欧美递交了retigabine用于辅助治疗部分发作型癫痫的上市申请,该上市申请是基于两项关键性Ⅲ期临床试验。其中一项名为RESTORE 1 的试验涉及 306名顽固性部分发作型癫痫患者,受试者在使用一种其他抗癫痫药物的同时, 分别接受本品 (1 200 mg, tid)或安慰剂治疗;而另一项RESTORE 2试验中, 1 000多名受试患者在接受正常的抗癫痫药物治疗的同时,也分别服用本品600、900 mg或安慰剂。结果,两项试验均达到了其共同的主要终点考察指标预期,即本品受试患者28天总的部分与作频次减少28%~40%(安慰剂组为16%)以及疗效反应率(28天发作频次减少50%以上的受试者比例)达39%~47%(安慰剂组为19%);常见不良反应包括头晕、疲劳、精神恍惚、眩晕、震颤、协调性异常、复视、注意障碍、虚弱和视力模糊。 此外,目前本品用于治疗疱疹后神经痛的Ⅱ期临床试验也在进行中。
FDA批准首个钾通道开放剂Potiga治疗成人癫痫 美国时间6月10日,美食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准Potiga(ezogabine)片剂作为一种附加药物用来治疗成人癫痫相关发作。 Potiga是首个用于治疗癫痫的神经元钾通道开放剂。虽然其作用机制并不完全确立,但该药可作为一种抗痉挛药,通过稳定神经元钾离子通道的“开放”状态降低兴奋性。 Potiga被批准用于治疗最常见的部分性癫痫发作。癫痫是一种大脑神经细胞异常或过度活跃的脑功能障碍。部分性发作只影响大脑有限的或局部区域,但会扩散到大脑的其他部分。癫痫发作可引起很多症状,包括重复肢体运动(痉挛)、行为异常、全身性惊厥并丧失意识。 FDA药物评价和研究中心神经学产品部主任Russell Katz博士表示,大约三分之一的癫痫患者没有从他们目前正在使用的治疗实现满意的癫痫发作控制。为癫痫患者提供多种可用的治疗选择非常重要。 由临床试验中服用Potiga的患者报告的最常见的不良反应包括:头晕、疲劳、意识错乱、眩晕感(眩晕)、震颤,协调问题、复视、注意力问题、记忆缺陷、力量不足。 Potiga会导致尿潴留或者膀胱完全排空困难。尿潴留一般发生在治疗的前6个月,尽管它也可能在以后发生。由于尿潴留风险,应仔细监测泌尿系症状,如开始排尿无力、尿弱流或排尿疼痛。尿潴留是癫痫治疗药物一个独特的副作用。 Potiga可能导致神经精神症状,包括意识错乱、幻觉和精神病症状。当停止服用Potiga时,这些症状通常会在七天内消失。 就像其他抗癫痫药物,Potiga可能会导致极少数人产生自杀念头或行动。如果患者有自杀或死亡的想法、新发或恶化的焦虑或抑郁、或其他不寻常的行为或情绪改变,应该联系他们的卫生保健专业人员。 Potiga被批准的同时要求附有用药指南,告知患者与该药物有关的最重要的信息。该指南将在患者每次填充他们的处方时分发给他们。 Potiga由Valeant制药研发。
欧盟批准癫痫治疗药Trobalt (retigabine)上市 葛兰素史克声称它与Valeant制药公司合作开发的癫痫药物Trobalt已获得欧盟的上市许可。 Trobalt主要治疗成人癫痫的部分发作。此前,在人用医药产品委员会建议将Trobalt应用于已经使用其他疗法的病人后,此药才获得欧盟的批准。委员会向欧洲药品管理局提出了建议。 Trobalt又称瑞替加滨,而在美国它被称为ezogabine。美国食品和药物管理局曾在十二月时拒绝批准该药物,称它需要额外的非临床资料。
Valeant的新药Trobalt获欧盟当局正面评价 GlaxoSmithKline与Valeant PharmaceuticaLS International宣布,欧盟医药管理局(EMA)的人用药品委员会(CHMP)对於Trobalt (retigabine)的行销申请给予正面评价,作为治疗局部发作型癫痫的佐剂。
欧盟批准癫痫新药 英国GlaxoSmithKline和Valeant制药公司于 3月29日宣布,它们联合开发的Trobalt已经获得欧盟上市授权。 Trobalt用于成人癫痫部分发作。欧盟人用药品委员会推荐其用于正在使用其它抗癫痫药的患者。 Trobalt通用名为retigabine(瑞替加滨,INN,国际非专利药品名称)或ezogabine (依佐加滨,USAN,美国通用名)。去年12月美国FDA拒绝批准Trobalt,要求申报者提供补充资料。 本品主要的作用是作为钾离子通道开放剂,也就是说,通过激活大脑中电压门控钾通道。这种作用机制在抗癫痫药物中独树一帜,并有望用于其他神经疾病,包括偏头痛和神经性疼痛。一项评估其治疗带状疱疹后神经痛安全性和疗效II期临床试验正在进行中。

【原产地英文商品名】POTIGA 50mg/tab 84tabs/box 【原产地英文药品名】RETIGABINE 【原产地英文化合物名称】2-AMINO-4-(4-FLUORBENZYLAMINO)-1-ETHOXYCARBONYLAMINOBENZENE 【中文参考商品译名】 注:以下产品不同规格和不同价格,购买时请以电话咨询为准! ·POTIGA 50毫克/片 84片/盒 ·POTIGA 400毫克/片 84片/盒 ·POTIGA 300毫克/片 84片/盒 ·POTIGA 200毫克/片 84片/盒 ·POTIGA 100毫克/片 84片/盒 【中文参考药品译名】瑞替加滨 依佐加滨 【中文参考化合物名称】2-氨基-4-(4-氟苄基氨基)-1-乙氧羰基氨基苯 【生产厂家中文参考译名】葛兰素史克/Valeant 【生产厂家英文名】GSK/Valeant
GSK and Valeant receive European authorisation for Trobalt (retigabine) Issued: Tuesday 29 March 2011, London UK & Mississauga, Ontario
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. (NYSE & TSX: VRX) announced today that the European Commission has granted marketing authorisation for Trobalt™(retigabine) as an adjunctive (add-on) treatment of partial onset seizures (a form of epilepsy where a seizure begins in a specific area in one side of the brain), with or without secondary generalisation in adults aged 18 years and above with epilepsy.1
“The European authorisation of retigabine is very welcome as it will provide neurologists within Europe with a new therapeutic option for the management of appropriate patients with uncontrolled partial onset seizures,” said Dr Tony Hoos, Senior Vice President, European Medical Affairs, GSK.
This European licence was supported by the results of the pivotal phase III studies RESTORE 1 and 2, and Study 205, a phase IIb study. The results of these three studies showed that more patients with partial onset seizures saw a reduction of 50% or more in seizure frequency compared to placebo, when a 600mg, 900mg or 1200mg dose of retigabine was added to their current anti-epileptic drug (AED) therapy.1
In controlled clinical studies with retigabine, urinary retention occurred at a rate of 0.9 percent in patients receiving the drug compared to 0.5 percent on placebo. Across the phase II/III safety population there were four (0.3%) serious adverse events of urinary retention, three of which were known to have resulted in withdrawal. The EU prescribing information therefore recommends that retigabine is used with caution in patients at risk of urinary retention.1
Retigabine also caused a prolongation of the QT interval (electrical activity of the heart) when used at the highest dose in healthy volunteers in a thorough QT study. As a precaution, the EU prescribing information recommends that an ECG is recorded before the initiation of retigabine in patients who are taking any medication that may interfere with QT intervals or who may have congestive heart failure, ventricular hypertrophy, hypokalaemia or hypomagnesaemia and in patients initiating treatment who are 65 years of age and above.1
In the pivotal trials, the most frequently reported adverse events with the use of retigabine in combination with other AEDs (occurring in at least 5 percent of subjects and at least twice the placebo rate) were dizziness (23 percent), fatigue (15 percent), confusion (9 percent), vertigo (8 percent), tremor (8 percent), abnormal coordination (7 percent), double vision (7 percent), disturbance in attention (6 percent), memory impairment (6 percent), and visual blurring (5 percent). In addition, somnolence occurred in 22 percent of patients on retigabine compared to 12 percent on placebo.2-4
Retigabine, referred to as ezogabine in the US and Canada, is being jointly developed by GSK and Valeant.
“We are very pleased to have reached such an important milestone in the development of retigabine,” said Susan Hall, PhD, Head of Research and Development at Valeant. “There is a significant need for new AEDs and retigabine could potentially play an important role in the management of partial onset seizures in appropriate patients.”
This European authorisation represents the first licence for retigabine. Preliminary authorisation was granted by the Swiss Agency for Therapeutics Products in December 2010. Applications for marketing authorisation have been submitted in six countries in addition to the EU. In December 2010, GSK and Valeant announced receipt of a Complete Response letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the New Drug Application for ezogabine, the US generic name for retigabine, and are working to submit a response to the FDA as soon as possible in 2011.
GlaxoSmithKline – one of the world’s leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies – is committed to improving the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer.
About Valeant Pharmaceuticals Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. (NYSE/TSX: VRX) is a multinational specialty pharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of pharmaceutical products primarily in the areas of neurology, dermatology and branded generics.
About Trobalt™(retigabine/ezogabine) Trobalt™ has been developed by Valeant and GSK as an adjunctive treatment for epilepsy patients aged 18 years and above with partial-onset seizures. Retigabine is the non-proprietary name adopted by the International Non-proprietary Name for Pharmaceuticals Substances Program. In the US and Canada, ezogabine is the non-proprietary name adopted by the United States Adopted Name Council. GlaxoSmithKline and Valeant entered into an exclusive worldwide collaboration agreement for Trobalt™ in 2008.
About partial onset seizures in epilepsy Epilepsy is a neurological condition that produces brief disturbances in the normal electrical signals of the brain5 Partial seizures, which begin in a specific area in one side of the brain, are the most common type of seizure experienced by adults with epilepsy.6 |