英文药名: Uromax(Oxybutynin Tablets)
中文药名: 奥昔布宁片
生产厂家: Purdue Pharma
本品具有较强的平滑肌解痉作用和抗胆碱能作用,也有镇痛作用。可选择性作用于膀胱逼尿肌,降低膀胱内压,增加容量,减少不自主性的膀胱收缩,而缓解尿急、尿频和尿失禁等。 药代动力学
据资料介绍,本品口服后吸收迅速完全,起效时间为30~60分钟,作用高峰在3~6小时,解痉作用可持续6~10小时。本品主要分布于脑、肺、肾和肝脏,并在肝脏代谢后,主要经尿排泄。 适应症
本品为解痉药,用于无抑制性和返流性神经源性膀胱功能障碍患者与排尿有关的症状缓解,如尿急、尿频、尿失禁、夜尿和遗尿等。 用法用量
成人口服常用量为一次5mg,一日2~3次;最大剂量为一次5mg,一日4次。或遵医嘱。5岁以上儿童口服常用量,一次5mg,一日2次;最大剂量,一次5mg,一日3次。或遵医嘱。5岁以下儿童的临床数据不足,不推荐使用。 不良反应
少数患者可出现口干、少汗、视力模糊、心悸、嗜睡、头晕、恶心、呕吐、便秘、阳痿、抑制泌乳等抗胆碱能药物所产生的类似症状,个别患者可见过敏反应或药物特异反应,如荨麻疹和其它皮肤症状。 禁忌症
青光眼患者禁用,部分或完全胃肠道梗阻、麻痹性肠梗阻、老年或衰弱病人的肠张力缺乏、重症肌无力患者禁用,阻塞性尿道疾病患者及处于出血性心血管状态不稳定的患者禁用。 注意事项
(1)老年和所有植物神经病患者慎用。 (2)肝、肾疾病患者慎用。 (3)伴有食管裂孔疝的消化性食管炎患者慎用。 (4)妊娠妇女慎用,除非医生认为有必要使用。 (5)回肠和结肠造口术患者慎用。 (6)司机、机器操作工、高空作业人员及从事危险工作的人员在使用本品时,应告知可能产生视力模糊或瞌睡等症状。 (7)伴有感染的患者,应合并使用相应的抗菌药物。 (8)溃疡性结肠炎患者,大剂量使用可能抑制肠蠕动而产生麻痹性肠梗阻。 (9)甲状腺机能亢进、冠心病、充血性心力衰竭、心律失常、高血压及前列腺肥大等患者使用本品后,可加重症状。
10mg*100 片 15mg*100 片
Uromax (Controlled Release Oxybutynin Tablets)
Manufactured by: Purdue Pharma
This product requires a valid prescription
What are the most common problems for which Uromax Tablets are used for?
Uromax (controlled release oxybutynin chloride) is used to treat people that have symptoms of an overactive bladder.
What are the symptoms that can be prevented by using Uromax Tablets?
The symptoms of an overactive bladder can include incontinence, urinary frequency, urgency, or a combination of these symptoms. A common symptom of an overactive bladder is when you have to urinate eight or more times in a 24-hour period or if you have to get up two or more times each night to urinate. It is also possible to get sudden urges to urinate immediately or you may experience an urgent need to urinate followed by leakage or wetting incidents.
How do Uromax tablets work to treat an overactive bladder?
Uromax (Controlled Release Oxybutynin)increases bladder capacity and decreases urgency, frequency, and pain caused by spasm.
What strengths are the Uromax tablets available in?
Uromax (Controlled Release Oxybutynin) are available in two different strengths in Canada: Uromax 10mg tablets and Uromax 15mg tablets. Your doctor will advise you on the proper strength that meets your needs to treat your overactive bladder.
What are the possible side effects associated with taking Uromax tablets?
The most common side effects of taking oxybutynin (including Uromax) tablets include:
-Feeling lightheaded, sleepy, having blurred vision, or a change in thinking clearly. -Headache. -Nausea or vomiting. -Constipation (stool softener or laxative may help). -Dry mouth. -Skin irritation.
Note: Just like other drugs, the above mentioned side effects of Uromax may or may not be present in every one who taking Uromax (Controlled Release Oxybutynin). You may experience other side effects that were not mentioned above.
What are the names of other drugs similar to Uromax (Controlled Release Oxybutynin)?
Other similar drugs to Uromax in Canada and the USA include the following:
-Ditropan -Ditropan XL -Oxytrol -Oxybutynin (generic)
Under what storage conditions should Uromax tablets be kept?
Store Uromax (Controlled Release Oxybutynin) at room temperature and protect the Uromax (Controlled Release Oxybutynin) tablets from moisture. Do not store Uromax (Controlled Release Oxybutynin) in a bathroom or kitchen. |