英文药名:INTELENCE(Etravirine Tablets)
治疗类别名称 抗病毒化疗药物 Intelence(etravirine)用于已对非核苷类抗逆转录酶抑制剂(NNRTI)+抗逆转录酶病毒药物(ARV)联合疗法耐药的成人AIDS患者的治疗。 商標名 INTELENCE Tablets 一般名 エトラビリン(Etravirine) 化学名 4-[6-amino-5-bromo-2-(4-cyanoanilino)pyrimidin-4-yloxy]-3,5-dimethylbenzonitrile 分子式 C20H15BrN6O 分子量 435.28 化学構造式

性状 白色至淡黄色棕色粉末 可溶性 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺更可溶,难溶在丙酮,甲醇,乙醇(99.5),并在乙醚中微溶,并且几乎不溶于水。 熔点 约259℃(分解) 分配系数 的LogP> 5(1辛醇/ pH7的缓冲) 条件批准 1.在使用这种药物,如充分描述,它是持续而收集的药物给患者进一步的疗效和安全性的数据,以获得知情同意,请医生的事情。 2.有关正在进行的临床试验信息,或在海外的计划,被结束后尽快提交的可能测试结果和分析结果。 3.直到复检周期结束时,进行的整个给药例国内上市后调查作为一般规则,对实际使用这种药物的信息(患者背景,有效性和安全性(其它试剂包括在合并时的疗效和安全性)和药物相互作用数据等)定期与报表收集一起,它是在复审请求调查的结果时提交的申请表的附件。 药效药理 1. 作用机序 依曲韦林是人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1)的NNRTI。依曲韦林直接结合有逆转录酶(RT),抑制RNA依赖和DNA依赖通过停用DNA聚合酶的催化部位的DNA聚合酶活性。依曲韦林结合RT在至少两个不同的构象。依曲韦林容易扭转,可能需要多个构象的,也有可能显著重新定位和重新定位的结合口袋,因为结构紧凑。依曲韦林不抑制人DNA聚合酶α,β和γ。 2. 抗病毒作用 依曲韦林是,T细胞系,对人外周血单核细胞,人体单核细胞/急性感染野生型HIV-1的实验室菌株和临床分离的巨噬细胞,其EC 50值表明活性0.9 〜是5.5nM(0.4〜2.4ng /毫升)。依曲韦林显示HIV-1(亚型A,B,C,D,E,F,G)反对体外和O组初步分离,EC50值抗病毒活性的广泛M组隔离是0.7〜21.7nM。这些EC50值分别充分地低于15〜>100μM是细胞毒性的浓度。抗HIV-1的依曲韦林EC50值在人血清的存在增加了5.8倍。 依曲韦林是PI(安泼那韦,阿扎那韦,地瑞那韦,茚地那韦,洛匹那韦,奈非那韦,利托那韦,替拉那韦和沙奎那韦),N(t)的RTI(扎西他滨,去羟肌苷,Sanirubujin,阿巴卡韦和替诺福韦),NNRTI(依法韦仑,地拉韦啶和耐呋络平)和融合抑制剂和添加剂的效果(恩夫韦),显示出与NRTI(齐多夫定,拉米夫定和恩曲他滨)的协同效应。依曲韦林没有表现出对立的抗逆转录病毒药物的讨论。 3. 耐药性 依曲韦林,输出(最高K103N和发生的Y181C突变频率)的65种的HIV-1株的导入单个NNRTI抗性相关的氨基酸突变的逆转录酶,一种对56株抗病毒活性它指出。最显著观察降低突变Y181I [EC 50值的比值的倍数变化,这是表型抗性(FC)= 13的索引]和Y181V(FC = 17)。针对具有多个由N(t)的24个不同的HIV-1毒株依曲韦林的RTI和PI抗病毒作用/或抗性相关的突变均比得上对野生型HIV-1株的活性。 耐依曲韦林菌株中,除了野生型HIV-1的不同来源和亚型,从NNRTI抗性的HIV-1株分离。在依曲韦林灵敏度的降低,通常,以逆转录酶中需要多个突变的出现,这L100I,E138K,E138G,V179I,是Y181C和M230I在高频找到。 在DUET-1 / DUET-2测试,以及见于基因突变的患者谁已成为联合治疗病毒学治疗效果不足,包括这种药物V179F,V179I,Y181C,是Y181I,这些其他它常与NNRTI抗性相关基因突变的多重一起出现。在服用此药的患者的测试最佳新兴突变来执行针对HIV-1感染的患者,L100I,E138G,V179F,V179I,Y181C,是H221Y。从病人谁是病毒学效果不够,其他NNRTI耐药相关突变,出现由依曲韦林管理菌株的不到10%,K101E,K103N,V106I / M,V108I,Y188L,V189I,G190S / C并且是R356K。由依曲韦林主管部门表示NNRTI突变参与减少易感依曲韦林,依曲韦林FC值参考40倍,从基线增加到6倍。 4. 交叉耐性 间的NNRTI抗性相关的氨基酸突变65种中的HIV-1毒株中引入的,表明在三种菌株依曲韦林和依法韦仑之间的交叉耐药性,所述变体在其中易感性依曲韦林和依法韦仑在股票的其余部分减少,分别这是不同的。 地拉呋啶,相对于6171菌株是依非韦伦和奈韦拉平抗性临床分离株的83%,依曲韦林的EC50值比10nM的低。 DUET-1/在DUET-2测试的敏感性降低(FC> 3)被认为是用于依曲韦林在已经在基线被分离的细胞系的35%,以及所述菌株的61%,地拉韦啶,以71%和79%,依非韦伦,降低易感性奈韦拉平均可见。针对从患者分离的细胞系在联合治疗成为治疗功效不足,包括依曲韦林,地拉韦啶,即依法韦仑或奈韦拉平之间的交叉抗性发生预期。 适应病症 HIV-1感染症 用法用量 成人每日口服两次,每次200毫克。在给药时可以与其它抗HIV药物组合总是使用。 包装规格 片: 100毫克*120粒(瓶装,干燥剂) 制造厂商 杨森制药有限公司
 新型艾滋病治疗药物INTELENCE(etravirine)是强生公司下属的Tibotec公司开发的新一代非核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(NNRTI),具有抗HIV感染作用。目前已经进入Ⅲ期临床试验阶段。临床研究表明,在首次使用NNRTI类药物治疗的病人中,Etravirine显示出很强的抗病毒活性;对以前使用过抗病毒药的病人,本品也有疗效迅速而持久的特点。此外,HIV-1感染的病人口服etravirine后有很好的药物代谢分布,且耐受性良好 INTELENCE Tablets(Etravirine) INTELENCE Tablets 100mg(インテレンス錠100mg) Brand name : INTELENCE Tablets 100mg Active ingredient: Etravirine Dosage form: white to slightly-yellowish white tablet, major axis 19 mm, minor axis 9.5 mm, thickness 6.6 mm Print on wrapping: TMC125 Effects of this medicine This medicine is a reverse transcriptase inhibitor that inhibits the action of DNA polymerase on human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) to slow disease progression. It is usually used for treatment of HIV-1 infection in combination with other anti-HIV agents. Before using this medicine, be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist •If you have previously experienced any allergic reactions (itch, rash, etc.) to any medicines. •If you are pregnant or breastfeeding. •If you are taking any other medicinal products. (Some medicines may interact to enhance or diminish medicinal effects. Beware of over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements as well as other prescription medicines.) Dosing schedule (How to take this medicine) •Your dosing schedule prescribed by your doctor is <<to be written by a healthcare professional>> •In general, for adults, take 2 tablets (200 mg of the active ingredient) at a time, twice daily after meals, definitely with concomitant other anti-HIV agents. Strictly follow the instructions. •Do not miss any single dose because you lose its effect if you miss a dose. If you miss a dose, take the missed dose as soon as possible. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue your regular dosing schedule. You should never take two doses at one time. •If you accidentally take more than your prescribed dose, consult with your doctor or pharmacist. •Do not stop taking this medicine unless your doctor instructs you to do so. Precautions while taking this medicine •Avoid taking this medicine with food or beverage containing hypericum perforatum(Saint. John's wort). Because hypericum perforatum may decrease the blood concentration of this medicine and reduce the effect of it. Possible adverse reactions to this medicine The most commonly reported adverse reactions include rash, diarrhea, and nausea. If any of these symptoms occur, consult with your doctor or pharmacist. The symptoms described below are rarely seen as initial symptoms of the adverse reactions indicated in brackets. If any of these symptoms occur, stop taking this medicine and see your doctor immediately. •high fever (38 degrees or higher), red eyes, erosive mouth/lips, red rash [toxic epidermal necrolysis, mucocutaneous-ocular syndrome, polymorphic erythema, hypersensitivity reaction with the rash of the whole body symptom (including drug hypersensitivity syndrome)] •loss of appetite, dullness, nausea [hepatitis] •decreased urination output, swelling, headache [renal failure, acute renal failure] •muscle pain of limbs, stiffness, numbness [rhabdomyolysis] The above symptoms do not describe all the adverse reactions to this medicine. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any symptoms of concern other than those listed above. Storage conditions and other information •Keep out of the reach of children. Store away from direct sunlight, heat and moisture. •Discard the remainder. Do not store them. If you dispose of unused medicines, seek advice of your pharmacist or medical institutionabout proper disposal of drugs. JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICAL K.K.Internal Revised: 7/2014 The information on this sheet is based on approvals granted by the Japanese regulatory authority. Approval details may vary by country. Medicines have adverse reactions (risks) as well as efficacies (benefits). It is important to minimize adverse reactions and maximize efficacy. To obtain a better therapeutic response, patients should understand their medication and cooperate with the treatment. http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/6250033F1020_1_11/