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2016-06-23 07:34:41  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:0  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 部分中文利培酮口服液处方信息(仅供参考)通用名称:利培酮 英文名称:Risperidone 规格利培酮口服液:1mg/ml。利培酮片:0.25mg;0.5mg;1mg;2mg;3mg;4mg。利培酮口腔崩解片(生产厂家: Janssen-Ortho) ...

利培酮口腔崩解片(生产厂家: Janssen-Ortho):0.5mg;1mg;2mg。
利培酮对5-HT2和D2受体均有较高的亲和力。以前的研究显示利培酮主要用于精神分裂症治疗,但根据它的药理作用和安全性,其治疗范围有可能进一步扩大。最近经多项相关临床试验发现,应用利培酮治疗情感性障碍、少年儿童抽动秽语综合征(Tourette 综合征)、精神发育迟滞的行为紊乱和迟发性运动障碍(TD)有较好疗效。
主要代谢物为9- 羟基利培酮,同样具有药理活性。本品及活性代谢物在体内的代谢周期长,t1/2β分别为2.8和24.6小时,因此可以长期发挥作用。
4.副作用小,耐受性好。 利培酮的锥体外系副作用比传统的抗精神病药物氟哌啶醇等要小得多,锥体外系副反应和粒细胞缺乏症少见,耐药性比氟哌啶醇等药物好。其他研究显示,在体重增加、体位性高血压等不良反应均较其他抗精神病药物低。长期使用时,迟发性运动障碍也比经典的神经阻断剂明显降低。
技术优势: 独家的口腔崩解片剂型,服用置于舌上,遇唾液几借助舌与上颚的摩擦可迅速溶解或崩解,不需用水也无需咀嚼,而且溶解吸收迅速服后就无法吐出。因此更适合于幼儿、老年人、卧床不能改变体位者及服药不配合的精神病患者。 
本品的用法为一天两次或一天一次。常用剂量:首剂1mg (一片),一天两次,如果能够耐受的话,第二天和第三天以每次1mg ,一天两次的频率增加。第三天达到目标剂量:每次3mg ,一天两次。
调整剂量的时间不应少于一周,每次增减 1-2mg 。

Generic Name: Risperidone
Product Name: Risperdal Oral Solution
Risperdal is a drug that belongs to a class known as ‘atypical antipsychotics’. Antipsychotic drugs are medications used to control disordered thinking by correcting the chemical imbalances that occur in disorders such as:
•Treatment of schizophrenia and related psychoses
•Acute Bipolar Type 1 mania (short-term)
•Behavioural disturbances in dementia
•Conduct and other disruptive behaviour disorders in adults and children >5 years old, with subaverage intellectual functioning or mental retardation in whom destructive behaviours are prominent
•Behavioural disorders associated with autism (children and adolescents)
It is a newer class of drug than the original (older antipsychotic agents), and has a lower risk of certain side effects. Many doctors see Risperdal as being safer and as such more suitable for elderly people.
Risperidal acts on numerous different chemical signals within the brain. Within the brain are millions and millions of neurons (the cells that make up the brain), as well as tiny nerve fibres that connect them all. The way these cells communicate with each other is through the use of chemicals that are released by one nerve cell called neurotransmitters (or chemical messengers), and recognised by sites on another nerve cell called receptors.
While no one is fully sure what brain chemistry alterations result in schizophrenia and other psychiatric conditions, drugs such as Risperdal work to change the chemical balance around these receptors, and thus lessen the symptoms. In schizophrenia, one chemical that is thought to play a major role is called dopamine. Risperdal acts to lessen the amount of dopamine that can link into the receptors lessening dopamine’s effect and reducing symptoms.
Other than dopamine though, Risperdal also has effects on chemicals such as serotonin, histamine and adrenergic receptors. This combined effect makes it particularly useful for combating the psychiatric conditions described above. Your doctor will adjuct the dose of Respiral carefully to get control of unwanted symptoms without making you too sedated.
Dose advice
Risperidal oral solution comes as a clear, colourless liquid in a dose of 1mg/mL. Doses should be taken in a non-alcoholic drink (except for tea) The following doses are recommended:
Most dosing of Risperdal starts at 1mg taken twice a day, with an increase to 2mg on the second day slowing building up the dose to whatever is necessary. This dose is usually between 4 and 6mg per day either as one dose or two. In patients with severe liver problems, doses usually start at 0.5mg twice daily, possibly increasing to 1-2mg twice daily. If switching from other antipsychotics then gradual discontinuation therapy, where one drug is slowly stopped, is recommended while Risperdal is initiated. 
Bipolar mania
Dosages usually start at 2mg once daily, with a possible increase of 1mg/day with a usual final range between 2-6mg/day.
Doses usually start at 0.25mg twice daily, with a possible increase to 0.5-1mg twice daily in a divided dose made not more than once every second day. Once the target daily dose has been reached, the dose may be given as once daily dose.
Conduct disorder in patients > 50 kg 
Initially start at 0.5mg once daily with a possible increase of 0.5mg per day made not more frequently than once every second day, to an optimum dose of 1mg once daily.
Conduct disorder in patients < 50 kg 
Initially start at 0.25mg once daily with a possible increase of 0.25mg per day made not more frequently than once every second day, to an optimum dose of 0.5mg once daily.
Doses of Risperdal can be given once or twice daily and should be administered according to body weight. The dose will also change with time, as it will be gradually introduced over a period of a few days. The information below is a guide, but the information provided by your doctor will be more tailored and suited to individual patient needs.
•< 20kg:
•Days 1-3: 0.25mg
•Days 4-14+: 0.5mg
•Increments: +0.25mg at greater than or equal to 2 week intervals
•Dose Range: 0.5mg-1.5mg
•> 20kg:
•Days 1-3: 0.5mg
•Days 4-14+: 1.0mg
•Increments: +0.5mg at greater than or equal to 2 week intervals
•Dose Range: 1.0mg-2.5mg
•Days 1-3: 0.01 mg/kg/day
•Days 4-14+: 0.02mg/kg/day
•Increments: +0.01mg at greater than or equal to 2 week intervals
•Dose Range: 0.02mg/kg/day-0.06mg/kg/day
Common side effects
Due to the nature of Risperdal, it has sometime been very difficult to work out what are the side-effects of the drug, and what symptoms of the disease it is trying to treat.
Generally, adverse reactions are very much outweighed by the advantages of the medication, and only about 7% of patients will stop the medication because of them. However, some of the more common adverse effects associated with Risperdal include:
•Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)
•Weight gain (around 2.6kg after 1 year of treatment)
•Raised prolactin levels
Uncommon side effects
The following is a list of other adverse effects that, while possible, are actually very rarely seen:
•Impaired concentration
•Pain on swallowing
•Nausea and vomiting
•Abdominal pain
•Blurred Vision
•Erectile dysfunction
•Ejaculatory dysfunction
•Urinary incontinence
There are some serious adverse reactions that, while rare, are important to consider before taking any antipsychotic such as Risperdal.
Tardive dyskinesia (TD)
Tardive dyskinesia is a syndrome in which there are potentially irreversible involuntary movements that may develop in patients who are treated with antipsychotic agents. It is impossible to predict which patients are likely to develop TD although it appears most prevalent in the elderly. It has been suggested that Risperdal has a lower chance of causing tardive dyskinesia than other, older antipsychotic medications. The symptoms often lessen or resolve completely once the medication is stopped.
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS)
NMS is a very rare but potentially fatal syndrome that has been associated with antipsychotic drugs, including Risperdal. The clinical manifestations of NMS are hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, altered mental status and evidence of autonomic instability (such as altered blood pressure, heart rhythm irregularities and diaphoresis –extreme sweating).
This very rare condition is more common when there has been previous damage to the brain (eg stroke or brain haemorrhage) and if combinations of multiple antipsychotic drugs are used together. Management is the discontinuation of all antipsychotic drugs and other drugs that are not essential to current management. Symptoms are intensively treated; however, there are no specific treatments available for NMS.


利培酮口腔崩解片|RISPERDAL M-TABS(Risperidone)
Cleanal ORAL SOLUTION 8%(福多司坦口服液)
THROMBIN Oral Fine Granules(Thrombin)
Ciloslet Oral Jelly(西洛他唑口腔果冻)
PAPILOCK ophthalmic solution 0.1%(环孢素滴眼液)
HESPANDER fluid solution(Hydroxyethylated Starch)
ALEVAIRE Inhalation Solution 0.125%(泰洛沙吸入用溶解液)
Dobutamine solution infusion(多巴酚丁胺输注射剂)
RINDERON Ophthalmic Solution 0.01%(倍他米松磷酸钠滴眼液)
Paxil Oral Suspension(盐酸帕罗西汀口服溶液)



· 利培酮口服液|RISPERDAL...
· 利培酮口腔崩解片|RISPE...
· BARNETIL Tablets(盐酸...
· BARNETIL Fine Granule ...
· ARISTADA injectable su...
· VRAYLAR(cariprazine)卡...
· ABILIFY injection(阿立...
· ABILIFY syringe(阿立哌...
· 依匹哌唑片|REXULTI(BRE...
· Abilify Maintena(阿立...



· 利培酮口服液|RISPERDAL...
· 利培酮口腔崩解片|RISPE...
· BARNETIL Tablets(盐酸...
· BARNETIL Fine Granule ...
· ARISTADA injectable su...
· VRAYLAR(cariprazine)卡...
· ABILIFY injection(阿立...
· ABILIFY syringe(阿立哌...
· 依匹哌唑片|REXULTI(BRE...
· Abilify Maintena(阿立...



· BARNETIL Tablets(盐酸...
· BARNETIL Fine Granule ...
· 利培酮口腔崩解片|RISPE...
· 利培酮口服液|RISPERDAL...