美国FDA批准复方新药Bevespi Aerosphere用于治疗慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD) 近日,美国FDA批准Bevespi Aerosphere(glycopyrrolate/formoterol fumarate,格隆溴铵/富马酸福莫特罗)吸入性气雾剂,用于慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者气流阻塞的长期维持治疗,包括慢性支气管炎和肺气肿。 Bevespi Aerosphere是一种每日2次的固定剂量双效支气管扩张剂,由长效毒蕈碱拮抗剂(LAMA)格隆溴铵和一种长效β2激动剂(LABA)富马酸福莫特罗组成。在临床试验中,与2种单组分和安慰剂相比,Bevespi Aerosphere使COPD患者肺功能取得统计学意义的显着改善。 Bevespi Aerosphere是唯一一种通过加压计量吸入器(PMDI)给药的长效双效支气管扩张剂 批准日期:2016年4月28日 公司:AstraZeneca BEVESPI AEROSPHERE™(格隆溴铵和富马酸福莫特罗[glycopyrrolate and formoterol fumarate])吸入气雾剂,用于口服吸入使用 初始美国批准:2016年 警告: 哮喘相关死亡请参阅完整的处方信息以获取完整的盒装警告。 长效β2-肾上腺素能激动剂(LABA),例如富马酸福莫特罗(BEVESPI AEROSPHERE中的活性成分之一)增加了哮喘相关死亡的风险。使用另一种LABA(沙美特罗)的安慰剂对照试验显示在接受沙美特罗的受试者中哮喘相关死亡的增加。使用沙美特罗的这一发现被认为是所有LABA的类效应,包括富马酸福莫特罗。 BEVESPI AEROSPHERE在哮喘患者中的安全性和有效性尚未确定。 BEVESPI AEROSPHERE不适用于治疗哮喘。 作用机制 BEVESPI气体 BEVESPI AEROSPHERE含有格隆溴铵和富马酸福莫特罗。以下针对各个部件描述的作用机制适用于BEVESPI AEROSPHERE。这些药物代表对临床和生理指数具有不同作用的两种不同类型的药物(长效毒蕈碱拮抗剂和长效选择性β2肾上腺素受体激动剂)。 格隆溴铵 格隆溴铵是长效抗毒蕈碱药,通常称为抗胆碱能药。它具有与毒蕈碱受体M1至M5的亚型相似的亲和力。在气道中,它通过抑制平滑肌上的M3受体导致支气管扩张显示出药理作用。人和动物来源的受体和分离的器官制剂显示了拮抗作用的竞争性和可逆性。在临床前体外以及体内研究中,预防甲基胆碱和乙酰胆碱诱导的支气管收缩效应是剂量依赖性的,持续超过12小时。这些发现的临床相关性是未知的。吸入格隆溴铵后的支气管扩张主要是位点特异性效应。 福莫特罗富马酸盐 福莫特罗富马酸盐是一种长效选择性β2-肾上腺素能激动剂(β2激动剂),具有快速起效的作用。吸入的福莫特罗富马酸盐作为支气管扩张剂局部作用于肺部。体外研究表明福莫特罗在β2受体比在β1-受体具有超过200倍的激动剂活性。福莫特罗比沙丁胺醇(5倍)对β2-肾上腺素受体的体外结合选择性更高,而沙美特罗比福莫特罗具有更高(3倍)的β2选择性比。 尽管β2受体是支气管平滑肌中主要的肾上腺素能受体,β1受体是心脏中的主要受体,但在人心脏中也有β2受体,其包含总β-肾上腺素能受体的10%至50%。这些受体的精确功能尚未建立,但它们提高了甚至高选择性β2-激动剂可能具有心脏作用的可能性。 β2肾上腺素受体激动剂药物(包括富马酸福莫特罗)的药理学作用至少部分归因于刺激细胞内腺苷酸环化酶,该酶催化三磷酸腺苷(ATP)转化为环状-3',5'-腺苷一磷酸(环AMP)。增加的环AMP水平引起支气管平滑肌松弛和抑制从细胞,特别是来自肥大细胞的即时过敏反应的介质的释放。 体外试验显示福莫特罗富马酸盐是从人肺释放肥大细胞介质例如组胺和白三烯的抑制剂。福莫特罗富马酸盐还抑制麻醉的豚鼠中组胺诱导的血浆白蛋白外渗,并抑制具有气道高反应性的狗中的过敏原诱导的嗜酸性粒细胞流入。这些体外和动物发现与人类的相关性是未知的。 适应症和用法 BEVESPI AEROSPHERE是格隆溴铵,抗胆碱能药和福莫特罗延胡索酸盐的组合,长效β2-肾上腺素能激动剂(LABA)用于慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者的气道阻塞的长期维持治疗。 使用限制:不适用于缓解急性支气管痉挛或治疗哮喘。 剂量和给药 仅用于口服吸入。 COPD的维持治疗:每天两次吸入BEVESPI AEROSPHERE。 剂量形式和强度 吸入气雾剂:含有格隆溴铵(9mcg)和富马酸福莫特罗(4.8mcg)的组合的加压计量吸入器作为吸入气雾剂。 两次吸入等于一剂。 禁忌症 所有LABAs禁用于哮喘患者,不使用长期哮喘控制药物。 BEVESPI AEROSPHERE不适用于治疗哮喘。 对格隆溴铵,富马酸福莫特罗或该产品的任何组分的超敏反应。 警告和注意事项 不要开始急性恶化的COPD或治疗急性症状。 不要与含有LABA的其他药物联合使用,因为有过量的危险。 如果出现矛盾的支气管痉挛,请停止BEVESPI AEROSPHERE并进行替代治疗。 在心血管疾病患者中谨慎使用。 在惊厥性疾病,甲状腺功能亢进,糖尿病和酮症酸中毒患者中谨慎使用。 警惕低钾血症和高血糖。 可能出现窄角性青光眼的恶化。在患有窄角性青光眼的患者中小心使用,并指导患者如果出现症状,立即与医生联系。 可能出现尿液潴留加重。在前列腺增生或膀胱颈阻塞患者中谨慎使用,如果出现症状,应立即指导患者立即与医生联系。 不良反应 最常见的不良反应(发生率≥2%,比安慰剂更常见)包括:尿道感染和咳嗽。 药物相互作用 其他肾上腺素药物可能增强效果:谨慎使用 黄嘌呤衍生物,类固醇,利尿剂或非钾备孕利尿剂可以增强低钾血症或ECG改变。使用时要小心。 利尿剂:谨慎使用。与非钾备注利尿剂相关的心电图变化和/或低钾血症可能与伴随的β2-激动剂恶化。 单胺氧化酶抑制剂和三环抗抑郁药:非常小心使用。可能加强富马酸福莫特罗对心血管系统的影响。 β-受体阻滞剂:谨慎使用,并且仅在有医疗必要时使用。 抗胆碱能药:可以与伴随使用的抗胆碱能药物相互作用。避免BEVESPI AEROSPHERE与其他含抗胆碱能药物一起服用。 在特定人群中使用 如果治疗的潜在益处超过风险,应考虑在重度肾损伤患者中使用。 供应/存储和处理 BEVESPI气雾剂吸入气雾剂作为加压铝罐提供,附带剂量指示器,白色塑料致动器和烟嘴以及橙色防尘帽。每120吸入罐净净重10.7克。每个罐被包装在具有干燥剂袋的箔袋中并且被放置在纸箱中。每个纸箱包含一个罐和一个药物治疗指南(NDC 0310-4600-12)。 BEVESPI AEROSPHERE过滤器只能与BEVESPI AEROSPHERE执行器一起使用,BEVESPI AEROSPHERE执行器不能与任何其他吸入药物产品一起使用。 在使用来自罐的标签吸入数目之后,当剂量指示器显示窗口显示零时,即使药筒可能不会感觉完全变空,在每次吸入中的正确的药物量不能被保证。当剂量指示器显示窗口显示从箔袋中取出零或3个月后(以先到者为准),应丢弃BEVESPI AEROSPHERE。切勿将罐浸入水中以确定罐中剩余的量(“浮动试验”)。 储存在控制室温20°至25°C(68°至77°F);偏移允许15°至30°C(59°至86°F)[参见USP]。 为了获得最佳效果,罐应在使用前在室温下。使用前摇匀。请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。
 BEVESPI AEROSPHERE™ approved by the US FDA for patients with COPD US Food and Drug Administration has approved BEVESPI AEROSPHERE (glycopyrrolate and formoterol fumarate) inhalation aerosol indicated for the long-term, maintenance treatment of airflow obstruction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema. BEVESPI AEROSPHERE is not indicated to treat asthma or for the relief of acute bronchospasm. Sean Bohen, Executive Vice-President, Global Medicines Development and Chief Medical Officer, said: “With the approval of BEVESPI AEROSPHERE we are pleased to provide patients with the first LAMA/LABA in a pressurized metered-dose inhaler, delivered using our unique formulation technology. LAMA/LABAs are emerging as a preferred treatment option for many COPD patients. This class aims to provide maximum bronchodilation, enabling patients to breathe better and may help them be more active.” BEVESPI AEROSPHERE (glycopyrrolate/formoterol fumarate 9 mcg/4.8 mcg) is a twice-daily, fixed-dose dual bronchodilator combining glycopyrrolate, a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA), and formoterol fumarate, a long-acting beta-2 agonist (LABA). The FDA approval is based on the PINNACLE trial program, which demonstrated that BEVESPI AEROSPHERE achieved statistically significant improvement in morning pre-dose forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) at 24 weeks (p<0.001) versus its mono-components and placebo. LABAs, such as formoterol fumarate, one of the active ingredients in BEVESPI AEROSPHERE, increase the risk of asthma-related death. The most common adverse reactions with BEVESPI AEROSPHERE were urinary tract infection and cough. BEVESPI AEROSPHERE is the first product approved using AstraZeneca’s Co-Suspension Technology. This technology enables consistent delivery of one or more different medicines from a single pMDI. The technology is being applied to a range of AstraZeneca respiratory inhaled combination therapies currently in clinical development, such as the fixed-dose triple combination of LAMA/LABA/Inhaled corticosteroid (PT010). INDICATION BEVESPI AEROSPHERE is a combination of glycopyrrolate, an anticholinergic, and formoterol fumarate, a long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist (LABA), indicated for the long-term, maintenance treatment of airflow obstruction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema. BEVESPI AEROSPHERE is not indicated for the relief of acute bronchospasm or for the treatment of asthma. Important Safety Information about BEVESPI AEROSPHERE, including Boxed WARNING WARNING: Long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonists (LABAs), such as formoterol fumarate, one of the active ingredients in BEVESPI AEROSPHERE, increase the risk of asthma-related death. A placebo-controlled trial with another LABA (salmeterol) showed an increase in asthma-related deaths in subjects receiving salmeterol. This finding with salmeterol is considered a class effect of all LABAs, including formoterol fumarate. The safety and efficacy of BEVESPI AEROSPHERE in patients with asthma have not been established. BEVESPI AEROSPHERE is not indicated for the treatment of asthma. All LABAs are contraindicated in patients with asthma without use of a long-term asthma control medication. BEVESPI is contraindicated in patients with a hypersensitivity to glycopyrrolate, formoterol fumarate, or to any component of the product. BEVESPI should not be initiated in patients with acutely deteriorating COPD, which may be a life-threatening condition. BEVESPI should not be used for the relief of acute symptoms, i.e., as rescue therapy for acute episodes of bronchospasm. Acute symptoms should be treated with an inhaled short-acting beta2-agonist. BEVESPI should not be used more often or at higher doses than recommended, or with other LABAs, as an overdose may result. If paradoxical bronchospasm occurs, discontinue BEVESPI immediately and institute alternative therapy. If immediate hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema, urticaria, or skin rash, occur, discontinue BEVESPI at once and consider alternative treatment. BEVESPI can produce a clinically significant cardiovascular effect in some patients, as measured by increases in pulse rate, blood pressure, or symptoms. If such effects occur, BEVESPI may need to be discontinued. Use with caution in patients with convulsive disorders, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, ketoacidosis, and in patients who are unusually responsive to sympathomimetic amines. Be alert to hypokalemia and hyperglycemia. Worsening of narrow-angle glaucoma or urinary retention may occur. Use with caution in patients with narrow-angle glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, or bladder-neck obstruction and instruct patients to contact a physician immediately if symptoms occur. The most common adverse reactions with BEVESPI (≥2% and more common than placebo) were: cough, 4.0% (2.7%). https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=ae02436e-9528-490e-a844-0c0f6f2843f9