

· 首个抗晚期卵巢癌新药Lynpar...
· MabCampath(Alemtuzumab(Ge...
· 伏立诺他胶囊Zolinza(vorino...
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· Jevtana(cabazitaxel)注射剂
· 2011年12月至2012年7月获得F...
· MANNITOL 25% 50ML/VIAL(甘露...
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· Doxycycline ,Doxitard, Gibidox, Liomycin 盐酸多... 全国
1 Australia Chem mart Doxycycline2 DBL Doxycycline3 DORYX4 Doxsig5 Doxy-1006 Doxy-507 DOXYCYCLINE8 Doxyhexal9 Doxylin 10010 Doxylin 5011 Frakas12 Mayne Pharma Doxycycline13 Terry White Chemists Doxycycline14 VIBRAMYCIN15 VIBRA-TABS 16 Austria doxybene 100 mg kaps.17 doxybene 100...
· 替加环素注射剂(泰阁) 全国
英文药名: Tygacil (Tigecycline Injection) 中文药名: 替加环素注射剂, 泰阁 注册证号 H20110111原注册证号 产品名称(中文) 注射用替加环素产品名称(英文) Tigecycline for Injection商品名(中文) 泰阁商品名(英文) Tygacil剂型(中文) 注射剂规格(中文) 50mg注册证号备注 包装规格(中文) 1支/盒,10...
· Zovirax 800mg Tablets (35 pack) 天津市
What Zovirax is used for Zovirax is used for the treatment of shingles, which is also known as herpes zoster. Shingles is caused by the same virus which causes chicken pox. It usually involves nerve pain and a blistery rash, limited to one area of the body. How does Zovirax work? Aci...
· Zovirax 400mg Tablets (Aciclovir 400 mg) 辽宁省
What Zovirax 400 is used for Zovirax 400 is used for the treatment of shingles (herpes zoster). How does Zovirax 400 work? Aciclovir (the active ingredient in Zovirax 400) belongs to a group of medicines called "anti-virals". Zovirax 400 works by stopping the production of the herpes ...
· Zovirax 800mg Tablets (35 pack) 重庆市
What Zovirax is used for Zovirax is used for the treatment of shingles, which is also known as herpes zoster. Shingles is caused by the same virus which causes chicken pox. It usually involves nerve pain and a blistery rash, limited to one area of the body. How does Zovirax work? Aciclovi...
· Zovirax 200mg Tablets (Aciclovir 200 mg) 全国
What ZOVIRAX is used for ZOVIRAX is used for the treatment and management of genital herpes. How does ZOVIRAX work? Aciclovir (the active ingredient in ZOVIRAX) belongs to a group of medicines called "anti-virals". ZOVIRAX works by stopping the production of the herpes virus. This reduces ...
· Zovirax Ophthalmic Ointment (Acyclovir) 全国
What Zovirax ophthalmic ointment is used for Zovirax ophthalmic ointment is used for the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections of the eye. Aciclovir (the active ingredient in Zovirax ophthalmic ointment) belongs to a group of medicines called "anti-virals". Zovirax ophthalmic ointme...
· SOMAZINA® 500 mg comprimidos recubiertos胞... 内蒙古自治区
COMPOSICIÓNCada COMPRIMIDO RECUBIERTO de SOMAZINA® 500 mg contiene:CDP colina sódica 522,5 mg (equivalente a CDP-colina base o citicolina 500 mgEXCIPIENTES c.s.p.Cada COMPRIMIDO RECUBIERTO de SOMAZINA® 1 gr contiene:...
· Zophren 全国
Zophren - General Information: A competitive serotonin type 3 receptor antagonist. It is effective in the treatment of nausea and vomiting caused by cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs, including cisplatin, and has reported anxiolytic and neuroleptic properties. [PubChem]Related offers from our Drug S...
CATEGORIA FARMACOTERAPEUTICAAntibiotico ad ampio spettro, agisce inibendo la sintesi proteica deigermi Gram + e Gram - sensibili, con effetto batteriostatico.INDICAZIONIFebbre tifoidea.CONTROINDICAZIONI/EFF.SECONDARNon deve essere mai impiegato nelle infezioni di modesta entita.POSOLOGIALe dosi ...
· Antimicrobial Agents Used Clinically. 北京市
Penicillin is one of the earliest discovered and widely used antibiotic agents, derived from the Penicillium mould. In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming observed that colonies of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus could be destroyed by the mould Penicilli...
药品名]甲氧明[英文名]Methoxamine [别名]甲氧胺,美速胺,美速克新命,凡索苷,VASOXINE,VASOXYL [性状]常用其盐酸盐,为白色结晶或结晶性粉末;无臭或几乎无臭,味苦。在水中易溶,在乙醇中溶解,在氯仿或乙醚中几乎不溶。5%水溶液的pH为4.5—6.0。 [作用与用途]具有收缩周围血管的作用,作用较去甲肾上腺...
· SMANCS 4mg for Hepatic Intra-arterial Injectio... 全国
商品名(製造・販売会社) スマンクス(アステラス製薬) 日本で開発された抗がん剤で、冠動脈塞栓療法などの局所化学療法のために使用されます。DNAを切断することによりDNAの合成を抑制し、がん細胞の増殖を阻止します。がん細胞にとどまりやすい性質を持つので、効果的に抗がん作用を発揮します。...
· アムルビシン(抗がん性抗生物質) 全国
商品名(製造・販売会社) カルセド(大日本住友製薬→日本化薬へ販売移管) アントラサイクリン系の抗がん剤としては、世界で初めて完全合成で製造された薬です。DNAの螺旋構造の間に入り込み、トポイソメラーゼⅡのはたらきを抑制してDNAを切断し、がん細胞の増殖を抑えます。 適応となるが...
· 2011年美国在研抗癌新药目录 广东省
Phase IIJerusalem, Israel CDX-1307 Celldex Therapeutics first-line bladder cancer Phase IINeedham, MA (781) 433-0771chemophase™ Halozyme Therapeutics superficial bladder cancer Phase I/II completedhyaluronidase San Diego, CA (858) 794-8889EN3348 Endo Pharmaceuticals (Fast Track) Phase II...
· 2008年全球批准上市的部份新药 广东省
2008年全球批准上市的新分子实体(New Molecular Entity,NME)22个(见表1)和新生物药品(New Biologic)5个(见表2),共27个。其中,影响血液及造血系统药物5个,中枢神经系统药物5个,抗感染药3个,消化系统药物3个,抗癌药2个,心血管系统药物2个,遗传病治疗药2个,造影剂2个,泌尿系统药物1个,外科用药1个和眼...
· 全球治疗性单克隆抗体上市情况列表 全国
全球治疗性单克隆抗体上市情况列表 序号 商品名 英文名 中文名 研发公司 ...
· 日本原研药品(新药研发对照药品) 广东省
日本原厂少部份药品(新药研发对照药品) 中文名 商品名 英文名 ...
· 美国药物管理局(FDA)的最新发布 全国
抗癌药 (Anticancer drugs)目前全球各国已批准上市的抗癌药物大约有130 ~150种。用这些药物配制成的各种抗癌药物制剂大约有1300~1500种。这些抗癌新药将是人类未来20年~ 50年内与癌症抗争的新型武器,也代表了目前人类抗癌药物研究的最高水准。   癌症的治疗中,药物治疗是一个很重要的环节,有效的抗癌药物的使...
· 日本原研药品可供目录 全国
药品名 メーカー 規格 10%EL-3号輸液 味の素製薬 500ml ESポリタミン配合顆粒 日本製薬 504g ...
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