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2010-03-25 03:20:02  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:208  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 内容导读:利鲁唑片Riluzole Tablets 唯一得到美国FDA批准的治疗肌萎缩侧索硬化症的药物。20世纪90年代进入市场。早期使用利鲁唑可显著延缓患者存活期。 利鲁唑片是一种中枢神经系统药品,唯一得到美 ...

利鲁唑片Riluzole Tablets  主要成份为利鲁唑,其化学名称为:2-氯基-6-三氟甲氧基苯并噻唑。  
【适应症】 用于肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者的治疗,可延长存活期和/或推迟气管切开的时间。  
【批准文号】 国药准字H20045977 


Rilutek Information

Both pharmacists and physicians around the world are familiar with Rilutek, a medicine that is also called Riluzole in many parts of the globe. A treatment with this particular medicine is known to affect the patient’s nerves and muscles in his or her body / organism. However, we have no exact information regarding the direct way in which a treatment with this medicine is able to help patients.

Rilutek Indications

Rilutek is generally taken in by sufferers of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and of Lou Gehrig's medical condition. However, it has been establishedthatatreatment with this drug could also prove extremely / highly useful in the treatment of several other medical conditions that were not mentioned in this guide. For more information regarding this matter, we advise you to ask a pharmacist.

Rilutek Warnings

A patient is not allowed to use this medicine (Rilutek) without a health care provider’s direct approval if she is pregnant or if she is breastfeeding (nursing) an infant. While using this medication on a regular basis a patient should employ extra caution when operating complex machinery, driving, or while performing hazardous tasks that require mental alertness, as this medicine’s ingredients are able to trigger drowsiness and / or dizziness. It is widely known that elder the patient is, the more prone he or she is to developing this medicine’s (Rilutek’s) side effects.

In some rare cases (very few patients) people who have received Rilutek have developed severe blood medical conditions. This is why before your physician can prescribe you this medicine for regular use you must make sure that he or she is familiar with your family and personal medical history. If you have any of the disorders that will be listed below it is vital that you let your doctor know:

  • are currently suffering from liver disease;
  • are currently suffering from kidney disease.

In case you have any of the medical disorders that you have read here you will probably not be allowed to start using this medicine. In case a treatment with this drug is utterly important, you will receive lower doses of it. Any further questions that you might have should be addressed to your doctor.

Rilutek Intake Guidelines

Each patient should be given by a medical provider a set of clear instructions concerning their future intake of this medication (Rilutek). Under no circumstances is a patient allowed to disobey from any of the directions that he or she has been prescribed by his or her doctor. Further questions regarding dosage,administration methods and so on should be answered by an authorized health care specialist. Your pharmacist is able to give you detailed information regarding the medicine’s ingredients. The product’s label is also a reliable source of information, even if you might not find all the answers to your questions in it.

When you use a dose of Rilutek you must accompany it with a full glass of liquid (we usually recommend either juice or water). Most patients who have to use this medicine generally take two doses of it each day; it is important to try to use your doses two hours after or one hour before a main meal.

All physicians recommend a patient to use his or her prescribed doses of Rilutek on a strict basis. During your therapy with Rilutek, your physician might ask you to undergo several crucial medical exams (mostly clinical blood tests) in order to keep the drug’s side effects under strict control.

Rilutek Dosage

Both your dosage form of this medicine and the correct amount of drug that you will have to use should be prescribed by your physician. If you encounter difficulties in establishing a proper dosing schedule during your treatment with Rilutek, you ought to seek the help of your physician.

Rilutek Overdose

If a patient finds himself suspecting that he might have overdosed with this medical product he must receive medical care. The patient’s doctor must be alerted. For more information and advice, refer to your local poison control centre. The best treatment for such a medical condition will be found at the nearest emergency room (usually the nearest large hospital). We sadly inform you that we are unable of providing you with information regarding the potential symptoms that you could experience in case you have overdosed with Rilutek.

Rilutek Missed Dose

Patients who, for various reasons, miss taking a dose of Rilutek ought to make sure that they take it as soon as they get the opportunity to. However, if they discover that it is already time for them to use another prescribed dose of this medication, they must forget about the missed dose and go on with / continue their regular treatment schedule. It is vital for each patient to avoid using double doses of Rilutek without a direct approval from their own personal physician.

Rilutek Side Effects

A prolonged intake of Rilutek could trigger severe side effects like:

  • symptoms of an allergic reaction to this medicine (closing of the throat; difficulty breathing; swelling of the tongue, lips, or face; sometimes even hives);
  • chills fever, or other symptoms / signs of a possible infection;
  • liver problems (yellow eyes or skin, nausea, abdominal discomfort or pain, severe fatigue).

Using Rilutek could also cause other more common symptoms such as:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, or decreased appetite.

Rilutek Drug Reactions

Rilutek harmfully interacts with:

  • theophylline
  • methyldopa (Aldomet);
  • allopurinol (Zyloprim, Lopurin);
  • sulfasalazine (Azulfidine);
  • amitriptyline (Endep, Elavil, others);
  • omeprazole (Prilosec);
  • caffeine-containing products;
  • fluoroquinolone antibiotics

Buy Rilutek

Buy Rilutek through our Online Pharmacy Escrow Service or at any Canada Pharmacy where it is sold. In some countries RILUTEK may also be known as: Riluzole, Rilasat, Rilasat


利鲁唑片Rilutek(Riluzole Tablets)
Rilutek(Riluzole Tablets)利鲁唑片剂
万全力太治疗肌萎缩硬化症 早治早有益



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