英文药名: NeoVisc(Sodium hyaluronate Injection Kit)
中文药名: 透明质酸钠注射液
【中文品名】透明质酸 【药效类别】抗关节炎药,眼科用药 【通用药名】HYALURONIC ACID 【别 名】HA, Healon, Hyalartil, ARTZ 【化学名称】 Hyaluronic acid 【CA登记号】[9004-61-9] 【分 子 式】CHNOPS· 【开发单位】LG Chemical, Kabi Pharmacia, 日本生物化学工业公司 【首次上市】1987年,日本 【用 途】本品作为一种关节内注射药用于治疗骨关节炎;还用于白内障手术和矫形外科手术。
可用于变形膝关节病和肩关节周围炎的辅助治疗。 用法用量
成人,一周一次,连续注射5次注入膝关节腔内或肩关节(肩关节腔、肩峰下滑液囊或肱二头肌长头腱腱鞘)内,按症状轻重适当增减给药次数。 任何疑问,请遵医嘱! 规格
NeoVisc Information:
(Sodium Hyaluronate) Osteoarthritusis medication NEOVISC (Sodium Hyaluronate) is used to treat knee pain a 1.0% solution of highly purified Sodium Hyaluronate. Patients with OA typically experience pain and loss of mobility because of changes to the internal environment of the affected joint. NEOVISC (Sodium Hyaluronate) works as a viscosupplement by improving the natural viscosity and elasticity of synovial fluid, thereby increasing lubrication, joint mobility and decreasing pain. NEOVISC (Sodium Hyaluronate) is administered by your physician through a series of intra-articular injections (injections into the synovial space of the joint). One injection per week for 3 weeks. Onset of symptomatic relief varies from patient to patient depending on severity of OA. Some experience improvement after the second injection of NEOVISC (Sodium Hyaluronate), while optimal results are usually seen 15 to 30 days after the last injection. It is believed that a course of viscosupplementation with Hyaluronate stimulates cells in joint tissues to produce their own healthy hyaluronate, extending the therapeutic benefit for an average of 6 to 8 months, at which time a repeat course of injections would be administered. Some patients with more severe disease may gain greater benefit from a series of 5 weekly injections. “Prescription required for orders placed from the USA”.
NeoVisc Side Effects: Hyaluronate is a natural component of synovial fluid and there have been no significant Hyaluronateside effects attributable to the highly purified Sodium Hyaluronate used in NeoVisc. However as with any injection should the injected joint remain painful for more than 12 hours or become swollen, contact your physician immediately.
NO PRESCRIPTION REQUIRED FOR NEOVISC How is NeoVisc Compared to Other Viscosupplements? We are not aware of any significant differences in treatment outcome with any of the hyaluronate products presently being used in Canada however, NeoVisc can cost up to 50% less than other hyaluronate products. NeoVisc has been developed by Canadians, manufactured by Canadians, and distributed in Canada. Useful Tips on and NeoVisc Information Improving Treatment Outcome: * No excessive or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours after your injection. * Follow your physician's instructions. * If you are overweight, lose weight. * If your physician has recommended exercises, do them faithfully. * At the first signs of your OA symptoms reappearing, call your physician to book another course of NeoVisc injections. * A positive attitude can have a positive effect on your treatment outcome. |