英文药名:Takepron OD Tablets(Lansoprazole)
治疗类别名称 质子泵抑制剂 商標名 Takepron OD Tablets 一般名 ランソプラゾール(Lansoprazole)〔JAN〕 化学名 (RS)-2-({[3-Methyl-4-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)-2-pyridyl]methyl}sulfinyl)benzimidazole 化学構造式
 分子式 C16H14F3N3O2S 分子量 369.36 融点 約166℃(分解) 性状 兰索拉唑是白色结晶性粉末,以棕白色带。N,N-二甲基甲酰胺,以更可溶,容易微溶于甲醇,乙醇(99.5),以微溶,在乙醚中极微溶,并且几乎不溶于水。 包装规格 OD錠15: 100錠(10錠×10)、140錠(14錠×10)、200錠(バラ)、500錠(10錠×50)、700錠(14錠×50)

OD錠30: 100錠(10錠×10)、200錠(バラ)、500錠(10錠×50)、700錠(14錠×50)
 製造販売元 武田薬品工業株式会社 完整处方附件:http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/2329023F1020_1_19/ "Takepron® Capsules 15" and "Takepron® OD Tablets 15" in Japan for Prevention of Recurrence of Gastric Ulcer or Duodenal Ulcer during Low-dose Aspirin Administration 23, 2010 -Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (“Takeda”) today announced that an additional indication of “Takepron® Capsules 15” and “Takepron® OD Tablets 15” for prevention of recurrence of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer during low-dose aspirin administration was approved on July 23 by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Takepron is a proton pump inhibitor discovered by Takeda and has been launched since 1992 in Japan. The number of patients taking low-dose aspirin for prevention of relapse of cerebral infarction or myocardial infarction is increasing with the aging of the population in Japan. Administration of low-dose aspirin for a long period sometimes causes gastric or duodenal ulcer, however, discontinuing of administration may make patients face a higher risk of forming blood clots and emboli. Therefore, it is considered that extended use of low-dose aspirin while preventing an onset of ulcers is important. In light of the circumstance that there have been no drugs which have an indication for prevention of ulcers during low-dose aspirin administration in Japan, Takeda submitted an application for an additional indication of “Takepron Capsules 15” and “Takepron OD Tablets 15” for prevention of recurrence of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer during low-dose aspirin administration. “With the approval of this additional indication, we expect that Takepron helps patients who have a history of ulcers and take low-dose aspirin to prevent recurrence of ulcers,” said Yasuhiko Yamanaka, a member of the Board, Senior Vice President, Pharmaceutical Marketing Division of Takeda. “We will continue to pursue every possibility of our products, including from a point of view of prevention of disease, to further enhance their values and contribute to the better health of patients.” (Reference)
Indications |
Prevention of recurrence of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer during low-dose aspirin administration |
Dosage and Administration |
• Prevention of recurrence of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer during low-dose aspirin administration Usually, for adults, a daily oral dose of 15mg of lansoprazole is administered once a day. | 附:兰索拉唑口服制剂中文资料 武田公司Takeda8月20日宣布日本厚生省批准兰索拉唑口服制剂lansoprazole,Takepron Capsules 15/Takepron OD Tablets 15用于预防非甾体抗炎药NSAIDs相关胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡复发。 Takepron为武田公司开发的质子泵抑制剂,适应证为胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡和反流性食管炎。NSAIDs主要处方用于疼痛和炎症的治疗,长期服用可能会引起胃或十二指肠溃疡,但停药可能使患者尤其是类风湿关节炎和骨关节炎患者的生活质量恶化。 对有溃疡史并需要长期服用低剂量阿司匹林或其他NSAIDs的患者而言,Takepron可以预防溃疡复发,是目前唯一一个获准此适应证的产品。 药理作用 为一新型质子泵抑制剂。本品由血液进入壁细胞内后,在酸性条件下被活化并与质子泵的氢钾ATP酶的巯基结合,抑制酶的活性从而抑制酸分泌。在体外,将组胺、氨甲酰胆碱、CAMP加入狗的离体壁细胞中时,酸生成显著亢进,给予本品后,可显著地抑制由这些因素导致的酸生成,抑制程度与本品浓度有明显的依赖关系;在同样的试验中,法莫替丁仅抑制由组胺刺激引起的酸生成。此外,兰索拉唑及其活性代谢产物具有与铋制剂相似的抗幽门螺杆菌的作用,对结扎大鼠幽门和前胃诱发的反流性食管炎,本品亦有明显的抑制作用。 适应症 用于胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡、吻合部溃疡、反流性食管炎、Zollinger-Ellison综合症(胃泌素瘤)等。 用量用法 [口服]成人每次30mg,1日1次。另外,在胃溃疡、吻合部溃疡、反流性食管炎的情况下,通常服药至8周,十二指肠溃疡则为6周。 注意事项 1.过敏症:有时出现皮疹、瘙痒等,在这种情况下要停止给药。 2.肝脏:有时可发生GPT、GOT、AL-P、LDH、r-GTP升高。如若发现异常时,要立即停药。 3.血液:有时出现贫血,白细胞总数减少,嗜酸粒细胞增多等。 4.消化系统:有时出现便秘、腹泻、口干、腹部胀满等。 5.神经系统:有头痛、困倦、失眠等。 6.老年人、孕妇慎用,哺乳期妇女及小儿禁用。 7.有药物过敏症病史及肝功能障碍的病人慎用。 药物相互作用 因同类药物奥美拉唑有延缓地西泮及苯妥英代谢和排泄的作用,故本品如和地西泮及苯妥英合用时应慎重。 |