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2009-08-20 21:02:00  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网  浏览次数:1577  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 达泊西汀(dapoxetine)治疗男性早泄新药达泊西汀Dapoxetine 获得在芬兰及挪威两国的上市许可,用于18~64岁男子早泄(PE)的按需治疗。本品成为首个获准用于早泄的口服处方药。本品采取的是欧盟非集中审 ...





英文名称:(S)-N,N-dimethyl-3-(naphthalen-1-yloxy)-1-phenylpropan-1-amine hydrochloride 



CAS号:[129938-20-1];[119356-77-3] (沧海:这两个号都是盐酸盐的号,用这两个号都能查到正确的结构,不知道哪个才是对的) 







特点:服用后由肠胃吸收,直接口服约20-30分钟起效; 作用时间持续数十天; 副作用小,检测不出,有轻微头痛、恶心等症状,但很快消失。



达泊 西 汀

  二期临床试验采用多中心、双盲、随机、对照和交叉试验研究评价达泊西汀60mg,10omg和安慰剂治疗PE的有效性和安全性。研究对166例(年龄18一65岁,IELT<Zmin,平均1.olmin,单一固定的异性伴侣>6个月)参试者,分为3组,在性活动前1一3h分别服用达泊西汀60,100mg和安慰剂,由性伴侣用秒表测定IELT。有130例完成试验,结果表明,所有剂量的达泊西汀与安慰剂相比,IELT明显增加(P<0.0001)。试验前平均IELT 为1.olmin,试验终点10omg,60mg和安慰剂组的IELT分别为3.20·,2.94和2.05min,且首剂有效,2个用药组与安慰剂组相比p<0.00 1。主要不良反应恶心的发生率分别为5.6%,16.1%和0.7%。在10例因不良反应退出试验中,有9例是loomg组,因而,在1期临床试验中采用达泊西汀的最大剂量是60mg。

  三期临床试验是为验证需、时服用达泊西汀对中重度PE患者的有效性和安全性。在全美121个试验点进行2个为期12周的多中心、随机、双盲、对照平衡试验,2614例中服用安慰剂(n二870)、达泊西汀3omg(n二874)和60mg(n二870),在性活动前1一3h服药,主要终点用秒表测定IELT。完成试验的人数安慰剂组627 例,30mg组为676例和60mg组为610例。结果表明,与安慰剂相比,所有剂量的达泊西汀均显著延长IELT(尸<0001),且首剂有效。试验前安慰剂,30mg和60!n9组的IELT 分别为(0.90土0,47),(0.92土0.50)和(0.91土0.48)min,12周后终点分别为(1.75士2.21),(2:78土3.48)和(3.32士3.68)min。因而,需时服用达泊西汀30 和60mg对中重度的PE患者是有效的,且具有良好的耐受性。主要不良反应为恶心和头痛。

  达泊 西 汀

  目前 还没有有关达泊西汀与其他药物的相互作用的报道。在达泊西汀与磷酸二醋酶抑制剂泰达那非和西地那非〔3,〕,以及乙醇〔’6〕的药动学的研究中,尽管西地那非(10Ing)使达泊西汀的AUC增加2%,但没有临床意义;而乙醇与达泊西汀间没有明显的药动学相互作用。






  “延长射精的时间之后,这些试验人群的性生活可以说由‘较好’升级到了‘非常好’。”美国强生公司说,“服用30mg剂量‘dapoxetine’治疗药物,有20.2%到38.%的实验者的性生活质量明显提高一倍;服用60 mg的剂量,实验者的数字则会上升到22.3%到46.5%;而如果服用的剂量达到极值,则会有高达47%的性伴侣都能享受到性满足。”与此相比,服用安慰剂而得到性满足的男性比例最高也不会超过25%。




Dapoxetine & Premature Ejaculation Overview
According to Medscape Medical News, Dapoxetine Hydrochloride (Dapoxetine) has been shown to be effective in all doses for treatment of premature ejaculation. Experts are hopeful that this promising treatment will do for PE what other hugelypopular drugs have done for erectile dysfunction.

There are many products that claim to help with PE, but this is the first that is simple, quick and has been proven in scientific studies.

Dapoxetine is an easy, on-demand solution for the 30-70% ofmenwhoexperience premature ejaculation and are looking for a way to last longer in bed.

Dapoxetine was developed specifically for enabling men to lengthen the time before ejaculation. An imbalance in the brain chemical Serotonin has long been believed to be a factor in rapid ejaculation. Because of this, SSRIs are often used "off label" to treat men who experience severe premature ejaculation.

Dapoxetine is considered a "novel SSRI", however, because unlike many similar medications that take over 2 weeks to become effective, it starts working within an hour.

The drug is is also quickly metabolized by the body. This eliminates the risk oflong term side-effects often associated with other SSRIs.

Dapoxetine HCL is the first orally administered drug developed specifically for the treatment of menwithprematureejaculation.

Thesafety and effectiveness of Dapoxetine for the treatment of men with PE were studied infive,doubleblind,placebocontrolled, Phase III clinical trials. These trials involved over 6,000 men from 30 countries worldwide, including countries in North America, South America, Europe and Asia, and in Israel and South Africa.

The results of these trials were overwhelmingly positive. It worked and it was shown to be safe. Men taking the 30mg dose increased time before ejaculation by 308%. For the 60mg dose, the increase was 369%.

Participants in the study took a single dose from 30 minutes to 4 hours before intercourse. Although rare, the most common side effect was nausea, and this was more likely to occur with higher doses.

Overall, the men who received Dapoxetine reported greater control over the timing fo their orgasms, and increased overall satisfaction with the sexual experience. No doubt, their partners felt the same way.

Regulatory Status of DapoxetineDapoxetine HCL has not yet been approved by the US FDA, but has been proven to be safe for premature ejaculation treatment in numerous studies worldwide. Many countries outside the US are moving ahead with regulatory submissions and approvals.

Europe, as usual , is leading the charge when it comes to approving new treatments, and our European friends will probably be treatment for premature ejaculation long before it is readily available in the USA. Janssen-Cilag companies in Europe have recently submitted a Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) for Dapoxetine, as a treatment for premature ejaculation (PE) in men 18-64 years of age (December 2007).

The European Marketing Authorization Application for Dapoxetine was submitted under what is referred to as the "decentralized procedure", whereby Sweden acts the Reference Member State and Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain will act as the Concerned Member States for the application. Regulatory submissions and approvals in other regions of the world are expected to follow.

Chemical Structure

PriligyDapoxetine is a drug specifically developed for the on-demand treatment of PE [Premature Ejaculation] and is the first oral medication (tablet) to be approved for this condition.

Dapoxetine has been extensively evaluated in five randomised, placebo-controlled Phase III clinical trials involving more than 6,000 men with PE and their partners. This is the largest and most comprehensive clinical trial programme to date for a drug therapy to treat PE.

Dapoxetine is a unique, short-acting, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) designed to be taken only when needed, that is 1–3 hours before sexual intercourse is anticipated, rather than every day.

“Dapoxetine is an important new medication fordoctorsandpatients,"commented Professor Dr Hartmut Porst, Private Institute for Urology and Andrology,Hamburg, Germany.

“The lack of a previously approved oral medication for PE has contributed to a substantial deficiency in the diagnosis and treatment of this common condition. For the first time, physicians will be able to provide men with a pharmaceutical product that has been specifically developed for PE and that is proven to be effective.”

Premature Ejaculation

PE is a distressing sexual dysfunction that can be present from the first sexual encounter or can develop later in life.

Depending on the

methodology and criteria used to evaluate the prevalence of PE in studies, the reported proportion of men affected with this condition at some point in their lives has ranged from 4–30%.

Experts in PE from the International Society of Sexual Medicine (ISSM) define the condition as consisting of three major components: a short time to ejaculation, lack of ejaculatory control and negative personal impact or distress related to ejaculation.

The condition is defined by the ISSM as “a male sexual dysfunction characterised by ejaculation which always or nearlyalways occurs prior to or within about one minute of vaginal penetration; and inability to delay ejaculation on all or nearly all vaginal penetrations; and negative personal consequences, such as distress, bother, frustration and/or the avoidance ofsexual intimacy”.

Unlike erectile dysfunction (ED), which tends to affect older men, PE has similar prevalence across all age groups. In fact, more men are believed to experience PE thanED.Acombinationofphysiologicalandpsychologicalfactorsarebelievedtoinfluence the mechanism of ejaculation 8, 9. Men with PE appear to go through the same process of ejaculation as other men, but it happens more quicklyandwithareduced feeling of control. Research suggests serotonin plays a central role in the timing of ejaculation.

Priligy&#8482; (dapoxetine) receives first regulatory approvals for the treatment of premature ejaculation (PE)At the Netherlands Pharmacy you can pay with Visa, Mastercard, Amex or Banktransfer to a german Bank Account. At the Romania Pharmacy you can pay with Visa and Mastercard. The Delivery time at theRomania Pharmacy takes maybe 1 or 2 Days longer then the Shipping from Netherland.

You will also find oline tracking facilities.


盐酸达泊西汀片(必利劲)| Priligy(Dapoxetine)



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· 达泊西汀片(dapoxetine...
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· AVEED(十一烷酸睾酮,tes...
· Imidafenacin(URITOS Ta...
· 早泄(PE)药物治疗新进展
· 达泊西汀片(dapoxetine...
· Stendra(avanafil,ZEPE...
· FDA批准Oxytrol贴剂治疗...
· 度他雄胺/坦索罗辛复方片...
· Myrbetriq获准用于治疗膀...
· FDA批准奥昔布宁凝胶剂用...
· Stendra(avanafil)片使用...

