英文药名: Lioresal(Baclofen Tablets) 中文药名: 巴氯芬片 生产厂家: Novartis 巴氯芬片药品名称 Lioresal 巴氯芬 规格 巴氯芬片 10mg,20mg; 注射剂 2mg/ml X 5ml 本药是一个高效的作用在脊髓部位的肌肉松弛剂,其作用机制和药理学特性均与其他肌肉松弛剂不同。巴氯芬抑制单突触和多突触反射传递,它可能是通过刺激GABAB受体,而抑制兴奋性氨基酸如谷氨酸和天门冬氨酸的释放。神经肌肉传递不受巴氯芬的影响。巴氯芬具有抗感受伤害作用,对伴有骨骼肌痉挛的神经系统疾患,本药的临床作用为缓解反射性肌肉挛缩,对痛性阵挛、自动症和阵挛有明显缓解作用。本药能改善病人的活动能力,使病人生活较易自理,更有利于主动和被动的物理治疗。 本药的活性物质巴氯芬在胃肠道中吸收迅速而完全,单剂量口服10 mg、20 mg和30 mg巴氯芬,0.5-1.5小时后,其血浆峰浓度分别平均约为180、340和650 ng/mL,相应血药浓度曲线下面积(AUCs)与剂量大小成比例增加,其值分别为1140、2350和3350 ng x小时/mL。巴氯芬的分布面积为0.7 L/kg,脑脊液中活性物质浓度约比血浆中的低8.5倍。巴氯芬的血浆清除半衰期平均为3-4小时,其血清蛋白结合率约为30%。大部分巴氯芬以原型排出,在72小时内,摄入量中约75%经肾脏排出,其中代谢物约占5%,摄入量的其余部分,包括占5%的代谢物从粪便排出,主要代谢产物为β-(p-氨苯)-γ-羟丁酸,无药理活性。 多发性硬化症的骨骼肌痉挛状态。感染性、退行性、外伤性、肿胀或原因不明的脊髓疾病引起的痉挛状态,例如:痉挛性脊髓麻痹、肌萎缩性侧索硬化症、脊髓空洞症、横贯型脊髓炎、外伤性截瘫或麻痹、脊髓压迫、脑源性肌阵挛,特别是小儿脑性瘫痪,以及脑血管意外、肿瘤或退行性脑病引起的肌痉挛。 应从小剂量开始,逐渐增加剂量,根据个体病情的不同,制定适当的每日剂量,既能使阵挛、屈肌和伸肌痉挛状态减轻,又能维持足够的肌张力,使病人能自主活动,并尽可能减少副反应。本药应在进餐时用少量液体送服,将每日用量分次服用,成人至少分3次,儿童分4次。 副作用主要见于治疗开始时,剂量增加过快、剂量过大或年老患者。这些副作用常为暂时性,减少剂量后可减弱或消失,其程度也较轻,一般不需停药。对有神经病史患者或伴有脑血管疾病(如中风)和年老患者,副作用可能较为严重。 已知对巴氯芬过敏者禁用。 痉挛状态合并精神障碍,精神分裂症或意识错乱状态的病人,因为病情可能恶化,应慎用,并对病人进行严密监护。对伴有癫痫的痉挛状态患者,除继续使用适量的抗惊厥药治疗外,可在适当的监护下使用本药。 在妊娠期间,尤其在最初三个月,只有在抢救生命时才能使用本药。应仔细权衡治疗对母亲和胎儿之间的利弊。巴氯芬可通过胎盘屏障,母亲服用治疗剂量的本药,活性物质可进入乳汁,但量甚少,对婴儿影响不大。 与其它作用于中枢神经系统药物或酒精合用时,可增加镇静作用。当与三环类抗抑郁药合用时,可加强本药的作用,引起明显的肌张力过低。本药和降压药合用可使血压下降作用加强。帕金森氏病(震颤麻痹)患者,同时接受本药和左旋多巴加比多巴治疗,有报告引起精神错乱、幻想和激动不安。 体征和症状 包装规格: • Molecular formula of lioresal is C10H12ClNO2 This medication cannot be prescribed universally, anyone that is allergic to baclofen or anyone who has had kidney disease, a history of blood clotting or anyone who epilepsy or a history of seizures may not be able to take this medication or the dosage may have to be adjusted by the physician. Children under the age of twelve should not be prescribed this medication and older adult may be more sensitive to the medication. Lioresal has received the pregnancy rating of C from the Food and Drug Administration and therefore the medication may or may not be harmful to an unborn child. It is undetermined whether the medication can be transferred through breast feeding. Any pregnant woman should inform the physician of the existing condition prior to the prescription of the medicine. This medication should be taken exactly as prescribed and should the dosage should never be exceeded by dosage or by length of consumption, unless approved by the physician. Lioresal can be taken with or without food and the label on the prescription should be followed as closely as possible If a dose is accidentally skipped and it is not close to the next scheduled dose, take the missed dose as soon as remembered. If the dose is close to the next prescribed dose, then skipped the missed dose and take only the next prescribed dose. Emergency medical help should be sought if there is a suspicion of an overdose. The symptoms of an overdose include, but are not limited to dilated or pinpoint pupils, faint or shallow breathing, muscle weakness, vomiting, drowsiness, fainting or coma. The severe side effects that may be experienced when taking this medication can be but are not limited to uneven heartbeat, seizures, confusion and hallucinations. If any of these symptoms occur seek emergency medical attention immediately. The less severe side effects that can occur are, but are not limited to drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, tired feeling, headache, nausea, constipation, more frequent urination and insomnia. The user should not take this medication when they have to operate any motor vehicle or heavy equipment. This medication should not be taken when involved in any activities that required alertness or muscle tone to ensure balance and physical safety. Any other bothersome or unusual side effect should be report to the prescribing physician. If the muscular symptoms do not show improvement within 2 weeks then this should be reported to the prescribing physician. Lioresal may react to other prescription drugs such as pain killers, narcotics, cold medicines, medications for seizures, antidepressants and any other medication that have the side effects that include drowsiness and dizziness. Vitamins, herbal supplements and over-the-counter medications may also react to Lioresal; a full medical and prescription drug disclosure will help the physician to eliminate the chances of adverse reactions to other medications from occurring. Do not drink alcohol when taking this medication. Professional medical advice is necessary when the cessation of this medicine is to occur. A slow weaning process may be needed to stop taking this drug, if Lioresal has been taken for a long period of time. If the medication is suddenly stopped, some of the withdrawal symptoms that may occur are hallucinations and seizures. Any additional information is available upon request from the physician and pharmacist. |